Deadly Joker
Crowd seems hype as fuck for this match.
Why wouldn't Big E want to emulate his idol?wow Big E is a John Cena level asshole
I like how carefully Roman jumps the barricade these days.
Guys they're going to milk the Cesaro/Swagger thing until they can have a match at Wrestlemania.
Except for AmbroseThis crowd and the shield coming out makes me feel like the WWE 1999 over. Also Shield is babyfaces now.
"It's a Llama mask, bro!"
That was honestly one of my favorite parts about Arrival. Such an awesome segment
what was the point of having c and big e fight for 2 mins and then have this match up next? that was such a fucking waste
If booking a good Raw is how you quiet a crowd, they should do this every week then.
Drink everytime there's a CM Punk chant.
I like his John Moxley attire
Sheamus vs christian announced on appThis show is stacked as fuck. But the only advertised thing left is Bryan vs. Batista and there's still 2 hours left.
No, like, it's a shirt they've never sold before. Brand new.
So you should intentionally make your product look worse?
I'm not saying if AP should be there the whole time, but to say he's not -- whether true or not -- is fucking asinine.