I would enjoy it to be honest. I was picturing him as a wrestler. Too small, but still. He has a great presence.Aaron Paul is the new Arquette. Put the belt on him.
OMG I cut my volume off.
And am I crazy to draw parallels between Ziggler/Billy Gunn? Is his entire makeup some sort of unofficial torch passing?
Punk is so coming to help Bryan at the end. HHH's promo kinda laid out how they will shift it into Punk/HHH. Punk will say "Two years ago, you tried to screw me out of the title. I saw you do the same thing to Daniel Bryan and couldn't stand it. I left. Then I decided, I can't change anything on my couch at home. That's why I'm back to challenge you at WrestleMania, while Bryan gets rightfully put into the main event".
*resumes dreaming*
I got to put the tv on mute during Hollywood kiss ass segment.
Putting a guest host on commentary. This seems like a mistake...
Also, Need For Speed is the greatest game of all time? What happened to WWE 2K14?! XD
lol greatest video game of all time
Did JBL just call NFS the greatest videogame of all time? lol
Maybe so. This promo didn't make him look good at all. I actually sided with Triple H even though I didn't want to. A more talented guy on the mic was needed for something like this.
JBL has a GAF account.
Its only a mistake because hes better at it than the actual commentators.
JR calls those wwe garbage games that all the time
Hot Pursuit was pretty fuckin good though.
So Aaron Paul has been here all day having fun...but the Divas were waiting for him to arrive earlier in the show.
Okay, then.