Amazing segment. Why are the writers only good once a year? Even if it was shit crowd everything has been perfect.
Just imagine Byron standing there was hearing Vince's and Dunn's voices just screaming at him.
Lmao, I thought I was just being silly when I saw that, so I'm glad I'm not alone.
Nice non-intrusive commentary.
Byron by himself is not working
Correction it was two, Booker fell asleep was all.The commentary is like this by design guys, he just saw three of his colleague's die.
Correction it was two, Booker fell asleep was all.
kinda sad that John and Wai Ting are there in person, would have loved to hear their reactions to a commentary-less Raw
He's mumbling and sounds asleep
Alex Riley should come out and claim the Miz gimmick too. don't hear the commentary when you are there live, so it shouldn't be any different, whether Cole and the gang is there or not.
Oh no, I dont care to see this crappy segment again
I think she's amazing.Do you guys really find Stephanie McMahon entertaining? She's just obnoxious. And not in the good Seth Rollins way.