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Mario Kart 8 is the worst 3d mario kart


Josuke pls




I thought it was pretty good, I'm just not a fan of the boosting mechanic and would have preferred normal drifting. When you play online everyone is just hopping about constantly and it looks stupid imo.


It's kinda sad to see another typical thread "This game is the worst", stating it like it's an obvious truth. But that's only the OP's opinion.

When you look here and there, I'm sorry OP, but you won't see many people agreeing with your statement. It's not true. MK 8 isn't the worst MK. It is for you, not for a lot of people (damn, look at the critics, look at GAFfers !).

What if in the Community topic I start a thread named "PULP FICTION IS THE WORST MOVIE EVER MADE" ? I would be destroyed (even if I really don't like this movie at all, that my point of view and I see why people love this).


I love the way the new battle mode works. Driving around in arenas was boring as hell. In the new way you can create elaborate stalker plans and hideout traps. Love it just wish there were more tracks. Was hoping for some battle mode dlc. Love this game.
I like Mario Kart Wii the best, honestly. Mario Kart is better when it's balls to the wall ridiculousness (150cc, aggressive items, hard AI). MK8 is better if you want to take racing seriously, but that defeats the purpose of Mario Kart.
Probably the worst thread i ever saw in neogaf. MK8 is top tier Mario Kart, the second best ever. One of the best arcade racers of recent years served by the most generous DLC.

OP explained his position and made solid points. Just because you strongly disagree doesn't mean this is a bad thread...

Your comment is childish and embarrassing.


I love the way the new battle mode works. Driving around in arenas was boring as hell. In the new way you can create elaborate stalker plans and hideout traps. Love it just wish there were more tracks. Was hoping for some battle mode dlc. Love this game.

Wow, you might literally be the only one. You should make a "am I the only one" thread (don't) just to have it be the one time where you really are. :D

I actually love that you enjoy it.^^
I have no desire to ever toch double dash. Mario Kart Wii is fucking awful. Mario Kart 64 is meh too. Honestly DS is the best overall Mario Kart game. 8 is way fucking better than the average game in the series. The battle mode does suck though. And only 3 item boxes per lap is meh. But everything else is great


I agree on some points but completely disagree on others:

Most Of The Tracks Are Boring
This one I completely disagree with, and I can't see how anyone could hold that opinion exactly for the reasons that they have interesting quirks and level design which the OP mentions as lacking in MK8. Especially in relation to DD which tracks had an ideal racing line but almost no alternative routes that could be taken advantage of when you had a specific power-up or cart with appropriate stats. MKWii was better in that regard but MK8 completely overshadows both titles especially when anti-gravity is at play, because whereas normally you'd try to remain distance from other racers it becomes advantageous to run into opponents to get a boost. It's not just fixed track elements but also dynamic elements that can be used in your advantage; the new courses (and also remixed courses but often to a lesser degree) provide more tactical opportunities than any other Mario Kart before and (in my personal opinion) have the best aesthetics since Super Mario Kart.

The Gameplay Is Conservative As Fuck
I see the anti-gravity mechanic as a bold step for Mario Kart and definitely not merely a cosmetic addition (see above). It creates more tactical opportunities that don't just rely on level design, they're a different type of opportunity than for example the jump right before the finish of the volcano course that only appears in the 3rd lap because that one can be completely anticipated; with anti-gravity you get unexpected and unanticipated opportunities (unless you're in first place), the type that require split-second decision making in addition to skillful execution.

The Mario Kart 8 Caste System (AKA Items have been RUINED)
Power-ups have definitely been nerfed compared to previous titles, in general for more experienced players that's a blessing but I can see how that's a curse to other players and perhaps in a future Mario Kart game they could implement some sort of scaling-feature. MK8 online and versus mode do allow for configuring the distribution of items (e.g. Frantic mode might give a star to the player who's racing in second place) but in reality it mostly creates chaos.

Heavy Characters Are Overpowered
This is true and it's been the case in every single Mario Kart game, although in 200cc mode the tables are turned in my experience for many courses.

Tracks Are Wide As Shit
You're making this up; some tracks are wide and indeed they made Donut Plains 3 wider than the original version in SMK but also realize that the FOV makes tracks look wide when they're not necessarily wider than Mario Kart 64 courses. In fact, some of the courses like Ice Ice Outpost and Ribbon Road are some the narrowest since Bowser Castle 3 from Super Mario Kart. In fact I'd like to know what you thought of Double Dash's courses if you thought MK8's were too wide.

The Roster Is Wack
Can't really argue with this one, the roster hasn't particularly bothered me to be honest. I do really like the Koopalings though.

Battle Mode Still Sucks

You Can't Knock Players Off Track Anymore
You mislabeled this argument because you can still knock players off track, but indeed recovery-time has been greatly reduced. I can see why they made this decision; as some of the tracks without borders would have less experienced players drop off track by themselves repeatedly (I mean, it even happens to me in 150cc and 200cc when I'm using a heavy character in the new Rainbow Road space station course). What I'd like to see is a short recovery time for when someone falls off track because of oversteer/understeer, but when knocked off track recovery would take longer.

In Conclusion: The Game Fails On All Fronts
Too bad the game didn't click with you (and surely you're not the only one), but most of the reasons you put forward and especially the criticism about the tracks tell me that you're somehow frustrated with the game but can't quite put the finger on why that is exactly (most of the reasons are accompanied with flawed arguments and comparisons). Perhaps you should play Double Dash and Mario Kart Wii again, not only because they're more fun to you but also because it might reveal better argumentation for why MK8 didn't work for you.
I doubt half the people in this thread even read the OP though, he makes some good points.

I agree with this. The OP went through and carefully and elaborately started their opinion, and all they got was one-liner "You suck!" or "you're wrong!" or "OMG what I'm I reading" type posts.

First page of this thread is embarrassing as hell. The first reply to the OP came within a minute of the post. One post even had someone acknowledge they didn't want to read the OP. Yikes.

As for me, I really enjoy Mario Kart 8, and it's my favorite in the series, but I haven't played nearly enough to refute any of the points in the OP, which I think are decent points. Some of them are outright good points: battle mode DOES suck, and the roster is absolutely fucking terrible, if only because of all the shitty baby and metal characters.


C'mon GAF, I expect better discussion than this. A whole slew of "NOPE" and "you're wrong" posts are rather insulting (and pointless to the discussion), especially considering the detailed OP.

But I understand the strong negative reaction to this thread based on its title (even though honestly I've never been able to fathom why people get so upset when others' opinions contrast to their own). Perhaps if it had just been titled "Problems I have with MK8" more people would have actually read the OP and considered its points, which I found fascinating, although I honestly don't have enough experience with any MK to have an informed opinion on their "accuracy".


I haven't enjoyed MK since the DS version. Without the oh-so-good drifting from that one it just isn't fun.
Terrible replies in this thread. People being pretty bitter about a critical look at the game.

For the record, I agree with a lot of what was said. And to be fair, they have been problems in the series for a while. In no short order:

1) Tracks are far too wide. The tight track navigation of the original (and GBA) is gone.

2) Item behaviors aren't tuned correctly in my opinion. I wrote a big thing about this before, but I believe the items could use a lot of work. People just take it at face value without looking at them critically, but with some tuning the items could be incredibly competitive. Could write lots on this alone.

3) Battle mode in MK8 is mediocre at best, and that would be very generous. Those downplaying this factor are being a little bit thick about it. Battle mode was a big deal on original and 64, the two games that put it on the map.

It's ok to like the game but still acknowledge the flaws.
Terrible replies in this thread. People being pretty bitter about a critical look at the game.

For the record, I agree with a lot of what was said. And to be fair, they have been problems in the series for a while. In no short order:

1) Tracks are far too wide. The tight track navigation of the original (and GBA) is gone.

2) Item behaviors aren't tuned correctly in my opinion. I wrote a big thing about this before, but I believe the items could use a lot of work. People just take it at face value without looking at them critically, but with some tuning the items could be incredibly competitive. Could write lots on this alone.

3) Battle mode in MK8 is mediocre at best, and that would be very generous. Those downplaying this factor are being a little bit thick about it. Battle mode was a big deal on original and 64, the two games that put it on the map.

It's ok to like the game but still acknowledge the flaws.
The OP specified and limited to comparing it to the other 3D Mario Karts. No game is perfect and tons of people, if you cared to read this thread before you responded, have brought up legitimate criticisms on MK8. However, when you are specifically comparing it to the other 3D Mario Karts then the criticism or item behavior and Track width seem silly when they were far worse in previous titles. I found MK8's item balance to be more fair than many other Mario Karts. I also don't see how someone would call MK8's tracks boring but be in love with DD's tracks.
Good analysis, OP. I really enjoyed many an aspect of MK8, but saw its myriad of issues and disappointments. I agree with a lot of what you have to say. I still grinded the fuck out of the game and hit 10k points online, but I was particularly furious at he shit treatment of the battle mode once again and lack of great characters. Dixie, where art thou?

The DLC was almost 10/10 if some of the characters werent trash and Hyrule Circuit wasn't bland as fuck. They also killed Rainbow Road 64.
The OP specified and limited to comparing it to the other 3D Mario Karts. No game is perfect and tons of people, if you cared to read this thread before you responded, have brought up legitimate criticisms on MK8. However, when you are specifically comparing it to the other 3D Mario Karts then the criticism or item behavior and Track width seem silly when they were far worse in previous titles. I found MK8's item balance to be more fair than many other Mario Karts. I also don't see how someone would call MK8's tracks boring but be in love with DD's tracks.

I'm saying tracks have pretty much always been too wide in 3D Mario Kart games. That's why I said some problems in 8 have been there for a while. It was a mis-step to widen the tracks for the 3D entries. I read replies in this thread, I just think about half of them are "nope. u r wrong".

I don't know if I'd say Mario Kart 8 was the absolute worst of the 3D entries, but the point is that there are some fair criticisms in the OP that are getting railroaded because people are drive-by posting nopes
Tracks Are Wide As Shit
You're making this up; some tracks are wide and indeed they made Donut Plains 3 wider than the original version in SMK but also realize that the FOV makes tracks look wide when they're not necessarily wider than Mario Kart 64 courses. In fact, some of the courses like Ice Ice Outpost and Ribbon Road are some the narrowest since Bowser Castle 3 from Super Mario Kart. In fact I'd like to know what you thought of Double Dash's courses if you thought MK8's were too wide.
Oh my god with this revisionist history. Double dash's tracks had to hold bigger carts than every other game because the carts seated 2 people, and even then the tracks were not wide. I can't think of a single wide track in DD.
However, when you are specifically comparing it to the other 3D Mario Karts then the criticism or item behavior and Track width seem silly when they were far worse in previous titles.


Well, I couldn't disagree more.

Ye. 200cc Frantic Items is the best Mario kart.

"But that's not the way it's supposed to be played!!"
go play timed smash matches w/ items then

The track selection is the best in the series by far, and playing on the highest speed mitigates some of the complaints you listed: the almost double-150cc feels like what the game was intended to be played with

COMPLETELY agree about the characters tho, where's funky Kong and birdo
One of my favourite WiiU games, and the best in the series for me. I started out with the SNES original, lost interest after the N64 one and didn't really enjoy Wii or 3DS ones as much as I thought I would, but MK8 is a really good game. Admittedly I don't play online so can't really object to complaints about items not helping vs a race of human opponents, but local multiplayer is great.

Well thought-out OP though, ta for that.

Oh my god! Are you... ME?

I was going to write almost the same exact thing. Down to exactly what MK games I have played and which ones I enjoyed/didn't enjoy.
64 as number 1? LMAO!

Sorry but that game just doesn't stack up to the LEGENDARY, GODLY and TRANSCENDING MARIO KART 8!

Double Dash better than 8? Ugh

Absolutely. I love MK64. It's just no frills, karts and weapons. I think Mario Kart has got to a point were they have perfected it and they're struggling to give it new ideas. It needs a break like F-Zero's had, but they daren't do it because it's up there with Zelda and the Mario platformers as one of their staples.

Double Dash is a special one. Handling is completely different to all the other games. Takes a while to get used to no hopping but take the time to learn it and it's very rewarding to play.


Oh my god with this revisionist history. Double dash's tracks had to hold bigger carts than every other game because the carts seated 2 people, and even then the tracks were not wide. I can't think of a single wide track in DD.
I thought I'd been imagining things even though last year I participated in a national Double Dash championship. So I just Googled Double Dash and these are literally some of the first screenshots that show up in image search:

Not posting these to bash on Double Dash as it's my third favorite game in the series, but I asked you if you thought DD's tracks were wide and you responded with that revisionist history stuff.
I thought I'd been imagining things even though last year I participated in a national Double Dash championship. So I just Googled Double Dash and these are literally some of the first screenshots that show up in image search:

Not posting these to bash on Double Dash as it's my third favorite game in the series, but I asked you if you thought DD's tracks were wide and you responded with that revisionist history stuff.
Your first pic is disingenuous because although mushroom bridge is that wide, There are constantly moving cars,tow trucks, buses and giant caterpillar cars taking up lanes that you have to weave through. It needs to be wide so you can actually fit through all the moving obstacles. You might as well post a pic of toad turnpike next.
Your second pic is also disingenuous because the track is that wide for a brief segment, and there are shyguys all on the right side that you cannot touch, so that is essentially width that you musn't traverse, and on the right there is a lake that you can fall in to, which of course your picture doesn't show. The only way you can go is straight forward.
The third picture looks wide to the untrained eye, but again, double dash carts are bigger. Try to imagine four of those peaches drifting that corner at the same time. Even two of them would make it crowded.
Your fourth picture is completely ridiculous. One medium car is occupying most of the road, leading to a narrow bridge. That is wide to you? Did you even look at it?
Baby park is the worst track in any Mario game and I refuse to defend it. I will only note that in MK8 it is even wider.
Your last pic is yet another disingenuous image. It is of Luigi circuit, one of the wider tracks in double dash. Even then, you can see in your image that 2 cars are nearly filling it up and it can host four cars, side by side, at max. Furthermore, its width is needed because the track loops around into itself so that players going forward loop around into the double lane.
I feel your post is filled with deceptive imagery that would fool a lot of casual readers or people that did not play double dash, and its a shame you had to resort to that.
If you really think the images you provided, or this:


are as bad as things like these:




where you can line up 15 cars side by side and barely touch either end of the track, I must conclude you are either biased or delusional.


It's time this topic is closed. I think the Witcher 3 is also garbage because of the outdated gameplay and allot of scenes. But why should I, while I know most people loves it. It's just someone his opinion. Don't think we need those kind of discussion. We only would trow with fire to each other.


If you want to win an argument, then you are going to have to refute some points instead of posting a bunch of out of context and deceitful images and then resorting to objecting to tone when you get disproven.
I did, look at post #563 and look at how well you refuted my points in post #577 with context and images. I have no interest in continuing to discuss like that.
I'm sorry if I ruffled your feathers a bit bud. Looking back, I did use some fiery language towards you. But you have said nothing to make me think I am wrong and change my opinion.


Yep. It really grows on you. I don't think the haters really played it seriously. I didn't think much of it for years until my roommate and I played the All-Cup Tour on 150cc almost every night for like a year. You start to notice how much the game rewards skill and truly mastering the mini-turbos on straightaways and to traverse tricky sections and to avoid red shells. Nothing better than coming to the final straightaway in first place and avoiding your opponent's triple red shells with three perfect mini-turbos.

There are balance issues, like the fact that the Toad Kart is far and away better than every other kart in the game, or the fact that the light characters are the only ones worth using (due to having access to the Toad Kart, Bowser Shell, Triple Shells, Golden Mushroom, and to a lesser extent the DK banana), but as far as racing feel goes, it is the best. And Shine Thief/Bob-omb Blast are the best battle modes in the series post-Block Fort.

MK Wii runs at 30 fps in split screen mode, which automatically makes it the worst, in addition to having the widest tracks and the severe balance issues involving bikes.

Double Dash is a special one. Handling is completely different to all the other games. Takes a while to get used to no hopping but take the time to learn it and it's very rewarding to play.

It's sad that the GameCube era NIntendo understood how to balance the concept "easy to learn, difficult to master," before the Wii.

Another great example is Melee.

Wii really failed on so many fronts.
Worst Smash - Brawl
Worst Mario Kart - MK Wii
Worst Metroid - Metroid Other M
No F-Zero
Haven't played 8 but MKWii was so bad I don't even want to try 8.

Side note. No clue why DD gets hate. DD and MK64 imo are equally as good in their own respective way, and are the two best in the series.


Unconfirmed Member
Your first pic is disingenuous because although mushroom bridge is that wide, There are constantly moving cars,tow trucks, buses and giant caterpillar cars taking up lanes that you have to weave through. It needs to be wide so you can actually fit through all the moving obstacles. You might as well post a pic of toad turnpike next.
Your second pic is also disingenuous because the track is that wide for a brief segment, and there are shyguys all on the right side that you cannot touch, so that is essentially width that you musn't traverse, and on the right there is a lake that you can fall in to, which of course your picture doesn't show. The only way you can go is straight forward.
The third picture looks wide to the untrained eye, but again, double dash carts are bigger. Try to imagine four of those peaches drifting that corner at the same time. Even two of them would make it crowded.
Your fourth picture is completely ridiculous. One medium car is occupying most of the road, leading to a narrow bridge. That is wide to you? Did you even look at it?
Baby park is the worst track in any Mario game and I refuse to defend it. I will only note that in MK8 it is even wider.
Your last pic is yet another disingenuous image. It is of Luigi circuit, one of the wider tracks in double dash. Even then, you can see in your image that 2 cars are nearly filling it up and it can host four cars, side by side, at max. Furthermore, its width is needed because the track loops around into itself so that players going forward loop around into the double lane.
I feel your post is filled with deceptive imagery that would fool a lot of casual readers or people that did not play double dash, and its a shame you had to resort to that.
If you really think the images you provided, or this:


are as bad as things like these:




where you can line up 15 cars side by side and barely touch either end of the track, I must conclude you are either biased or delusional.[/QUOTE]

I feel like it's kind of ironic to call him out for posting sections of tracks that are only wide in sections/have traffic/whatever when the examples being posted for MK8 have those exact same excuses. Toad Harbor's wide section has traffic. Most of Electrodrome is split into two narrower tracks. Mario Circuit is the first/easiest track in the game, or does Luigi's Circuit have some sort of excuse going for it too?

I'll give you that MK8's tracks are wider than average, but it's disingenuous to act like it's a huge change, or that it's a big problem in a game like Mario Kart where track navigation arguably takes a back seat to the chaos brought to the table by items.

[quote="fart town usa, post: 211158459"]Haven't played 8 but MKWii was so bad I don't even want to try 8.[/QUOTE]

That's a reasonable but unfortunate reason to not want to try 8. Wii felt like it came from a team obligated to make a Mario Kart game because the console needed one. 8 feels like a game born from passion.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I just like Mario Kart DS the best. It's simpler and sweet.

Super Mario Kart is great too, a close second. But it just isn't as refined as MKDS.


I agree with OP, battle mode is the worst ever, tracks are very bland gameplay wise even if they are pretty and the items are so balanced that seems that everyone is racing together at all times, no crazy advantages and comebacks anymore.

Edit: I would legit prefer to go play some Diddy Kong Rancing any day every day.


I'm sorry if I ruffled your feathers a bit bud. Looking back, I did use some fiery language towards you. But you have said nothing to make me think I am wrong and change my opinion.

Honest question, what do you have against wide tracks, exactly?


OP, MK8 is my favorite MK game but I agree with most of your points.
Battle mode and wide tracks being the worst offender. Though I never had this much fun with a Mario Kart game before. The good thing is that they already have a receipt for a even better next game.

EDIT: Toad's Turnpike is the worst track for a wide margin. The definition of boring itself. The only track in the game that I can call bad without being a hyperbole.
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