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Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga Appreciation thread


Cool Wallpaper

I truly hated this game when I first got it. :lol I couldn't get used to pressing A for red and B for green because A is green and B is red on the GC controller. I have quit and replayed the game up to Woohoo Hooniversity 4 times because I would just stop playing it and play someting else. The last time I did this was back in February. So, yesterday I picked up the game where I left off and I'm really enjoying it. The game is funny and it's full of old Mario Bros game references. Also, following in the footsteps of Mario RPG and Paper Mario, it incorporates a lot of platforming elements. I just went through an obstacle course in which you can go up and over the goal to reach another like how you find the warp pipe in 1-2 of SMB. The game looks great on the Gameboy Player too.

One of the funniest things in the game was when Mario and Luigi get to the airport and it's full of piranha plants and Luigi tries to pull one out but ends up looking like he's humping it.

I only picked the game back up beacuse I had nothing to play until Tuesday when Pikmin 2 comes out, but I'm glad I did. I'll probably beat the game by tomorrow.


I liked it up until the Koopa Kid that had the Bomb timer on him and you had to beat him in that many turns,booo...


Socreges said:
I'm about halfway through. I like it alright. Don't find it funny, though, with a couple exceptions.
Great game, I loved it. I thought it was funny too... not lol funny, but there is tons of moments that bring a smile to your face. Fawful was awesome, I hope he is in Paper Mario 2.

Deku Tree

I loved Mario & Luigi, but it looks terrible on my 32 inch TV with the GBA player.

My favorite Mini-Game was the
Rope Jump with the guards
. That brought back alot of SMB nostalgia.


Porthos said:
Great game, I loved it. I thought it was funny too... not lol funny, but there is tons of moments that bring a smile to your face. Fawful was awesome, I hope he is in Paper Mario 2.
I really don't care. Really.


AniHawk said:
You cared enough to respond.
*boggle* That doesn't even make any sense. I don't care what he thinks about the game, but I do care that he replied to my post, without addressing anything that I said, almost as if to offset the minor negativity.


Socreges said:
*boggle* That doesn't even make any sense. I don't care what he thinks about the game, but I do care that he replied to my post, without addressing anything that I said, almost as if to offset the minor negativity.

That's odd, because you'd almost think this was a thread of appreciation for Mario & Luigi of some sort. A "Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga Appreciation thread" or something similar.
Socreges said:
*boggle* That doesn't even make any sense. I don't care what he thinks about the game, but I do care that he replied to my post, without addressing anything that I said, almost as if to offset the minor negativity.

You didn't say anything.


Still Tagged Accordingly
I'm actually a bit disappointed with this game after finishing it. I'm not compelled to return to it. Fawful was a great character, the animation is excellent, there are some funny moments, but other than that it's really not so great. It's lacking in the gameplay department.


I found it quite fun and somewhat inventive, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I did Paper Mario. I haven’t finished it yet either… it didn’t really manage to pull me in for the whole ride.

But it’s really nice to see Luigi take part in the action.


Wario64 said:
He always manages to remind me of reirom. Fawful am furious

I'm playing through the game again, and my only real gripe is that I can't select the mini-games from the main menu or anything. I occassionally want to play that mini-game in the arcade, but I can't be bothered going back and forth just to play the game. :( The should've replaced the Mario Bros. option to a mini-games option on the main menu, and stuck MB inside there.


I haven't played the game yet, but it did spawn one of my favorite video game commercials ever.


I just beat the game a couple of days ago, and I find it absolutely brilliant. Love the humour too... the best part is the dialogue after you beat Fawful for the last time. That may just be, in fact, the best dialogue in a game ever :)


Amazing game -- definitely one of the top handful of titles last year. And I laughed and laughed and laughed.. just an amazing localization job in every respect.


I didn't really know what to expect from this title (not a fan of Mario being put in every Nintendo game), but because of it, I can't wait till Paper Mario 2 is released. Very enjoyable game.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Agreed, the translation and humor in the English version were impeccable. Very surprising for a JRPG.


M&L > PM > Anything > SMRPG, IMO.

That said: A bit too short for what it was, too easy, would've liked more overworld content, solid last boss (freaky difficulty jump) but crappy ending.

Smallish complaints out of the way: Superstar Saga rocked.

I thought it was quite funny, no where fucking NEAR the funniest game ever or any sort of nonsensical Nintendo fan claims. But yeah, I got quite a few chuckles. Although, none came from Fawful.

I'll give PM2 a go, but I wasn't a fan at all of the original, surprisingly how much I enjoyed M&L with that in mind, but I can justify most of it.

I'd buy a sequel.


dunno for sure, but it wouldn't surprise me. actually, I'll get the chance to ask him this week during an interview. I shall report back.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Mejilan said:
Fire Emblem too had an exemplary localization. Was Trinen involved there?
i'm playing that at the moment. the localisation for it is the best I've seen for a GB/C/A game.


Mario & Luigi is my favourite GBA game, just behind Fire Emblem !
I did laugh out loud a couple of times during the game (the constant abuse of Luigi for instance), and I thought the game mechanics were just fine.
One of the best Mario-related games I've played in a while, only Mario Golf Advance Tour really comes close, and that doesn't have a lot of Mario in it anyway :)
Boy you're grumpy Socreges.

"I'm about halfway through. I like it alright. Don't find it funny, though, with a couple exceptions."

"Great game, I loved it. I thought it was funny too... not lol funny, but there is tons of moments that bring a smile to your face. Fawful was awesome, I hope he is in Paper Mario 2."

He directly referenced what you said and replied with something relevant. How exactly was he supposed to reply that would "address" what you said? You made vague comments about it not being funny, he replied with more detail than you wrote with, including the specific example of Fawful.


Unconfirmed Member

I found it strange that it wasn't marketed at all in Europe - no campaign - nothing. So I asked Nintendo. The answer: "We felt that if we made too much of a fuss about [Saga], it might distract attention away from the Pokemon launches."

Which I thought was rather lame, really.


Final boss was WAY too difficult. The second part of that boss was like being pistol-whipped. I died SO many times there. Finally beat it, mind you, but it was simply a very frystrating jump.

That said, loved the game, and definitely sold me on PM2. I'm not a big RPG Gamer, but I love me some Mario.
That´s weird. What level were you guys when you arrived at the last boss? I was at around level 53 or so and I beat it in my first try. It did took a while but I didn´t die.


BatiGOOOOOOL said:
That´s weird. What level were you guys when you arrived at the last boss? I was at around level 53 or so and I beat it in my first try. It did took a while but I didn´t die.

Yeah, while the last boss did jump in difficulty, it wasn't THAT much harder. I was at level 40 at the end of the game, and died once on the last boss (took me a while to get used to avoiding all the different attacks).
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