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Mark Recchi signs with the....

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WHAT?? Man, I was afraid I'd never even get to see another Penguins game. Now they sign Recchi? I hope they get that new arena... the Pens being consistent contenders brought me a ton of joy growing up. What I've had to watch from them the last few years has been downright depressing.


Email from my Pens-fan coworker 4 days ago:
OH yea, the penguins are going to sign the following people - Glen Murry, Alex Kovalev, Mark Recchi, Eric Lindros, Paul Kariya, etc. 200 million dollar payroll, NICE!

Shit he's never going to shut up about it now.
BigJonsson said:

Where are they getting the money?

Mario wants to sell the team. If he wants a good deal on it, better put some money in.

Though, If Recchi is gettin 3 million a year for 3 years, Kovalev is not gettin more money than Recchi, so he better sign up with the canadiens. :D:D:D:D


Wow, I was just sitting here working (kinda) and I realized something - had the disupted goal in game 6 been counted the Flames would be Cup champs. We would have won.

Sure, I realized the situation then. I just didn't really have time to think it through. I had OT and then game 7 to think about. But now it just hit me like a drop kick to the stomach, WE WOULD HAVE FUCKING WON. WHAT THE FUCK.

Shit, it was a great, great ride but no one knows when or even IF you'll ever get that shot again. As a fan you know that, even if you're team is good and improving there'll usually be at least 10 or so teams with as good or better a chance than you to go to the Finals the next year.

The goal shouldn't have counted, I'm not saying different. I *think* it probably went in but you can't see it going in so no goal. I'm just thinking, what if he'd raised it 10 inches? What if it had slid under the pad? Poof, no double OT.


*doubles over in delayed agony*


Banstick Emeritus
Welcome to Nathan Lafayette pinging one off the post in the 3rd period of Game 7, 1994.

*pats calder on the shoulder*


But I already have the badness... I have Macoun not quite scoring against Roy in the deciding game in 86. I have Gr****y nailing that slapper over Vernon's pygmy shoulder in whatever the hell year that was. I didn't need this dammit! :( :(

I won't even get into the Jets.


Haha, what have the Jets ever done? ;)

Anyway, Bertuzzi sold his house in West Van today. Rampant speculation begins. Is there a trade on the horizon??? No. Douches.


Haha. The funny part is that when I read the title of this thread I was saying "Penguins" in my head. Back to the glory days baby!

Apparently Mario wants to move the team to Winnipeg if Pittsburgh doesn't allow the building of a new stadium.


Did Mario sell his house? It's insane to think that they have extra money lying around to sign free agents...
bishoptl said:
Welcome to Nathan Lafayette pinging one off the post in the 3rd period of Game 7, 1994.

*pats calder on the shoulder*

*sniff* Why do you have to go and drag up old memories like that? I still remember that game like it was yesterday.


*vancouver street riot*
Wrong. 3 mil is huge to the pens, which seem to prefer a total team salary around 25 mil. I think Lemieux is forced by the NHLPA to take 5 mil a year.
Socreges said:
Anyway, Bertuzzi sold his house in West Van today. Rampant speculation begins. Is there a trade on the horizon??? No. Douches.
I dunno, we should make sure by getting Ted Chernecki to go up to Todd's new house and talk to his wife!!


My Penguins are dirt poor so I don't see how this deal is happening UNLESS the organization is keeping some kind of secret.


My user name is Kingpen, and it is short for King Penguin, meaning that I am one of the biggest Pittsburgh Penguin fans around. So I will set the record straight on the Recchi signing... Mario and Mark Recchi train every off season together and remain good friends. Recchi's wife is originally from Pittsburgh, and they still maintain a house there.... The puzzle pieces are beginning to fit huh... The pens scrapped so much money the past 2-3 years by dumping Francis, Kasperiatis, R. Lang, M. Straka and Alex Kovalev that they have been cutting their losses considerably. Sure they went through their bankruptcy period, but Mario's team has been effectively managing the bottom line, and they have cut their losses a lot. There was a slots bill that was passed in Pennslyvania this past week that is going to allow a casino to be built in downtown Pittsburgh. The really strong buzz is that the Penguins are going to apply for the licence, and are the very heavy favorites to get it because the city wants to grant it to someone who will give back considerably to the community, which the Pens trump everyone else in contention. The even already have a partner with a large scale gambling business background too. So if they get the casino, they are going to use the profits from it to solely fund their new desired arena. Bettman already has blessed the plan, as it is something similar that the Calgary Flames have done.
Mario can play for $1 if he truely desires, the Players association can pressure him, but he doesn't have to succumb to it...

The heavy rumors were that the Pens were going to sign Recchi, AND Kovalev. Kovalev plays in Mario's private golf tournament every year and is still good friends with him too. And he has never had the success anywhere else that he enjoyed in Pittsburgh. He isn't going back to Montreal, especially after they were booing him before the playoffs started. After signing these 2 guys, paying Marios salary, and Marc Andre Fleury's salary bonuses (that they skimpped him on last year) Their payroll will be around 31-32 mil That is a very good number for them to manage.
Don't be surprised if the Pens make the playoffs sometime soon again....


The Pens built a pretty solid young core this year. Although they had a overall terrible year, they did seem to grow by the end of the season. Milan Kraft, Konstantin Koltsov, Ryan Malone, Rico Fata, and Aleksey Morozov are all pretty good players, they're just young. Add a healthy Lemieux, Recchi and perhaps Kovolev and they shouldn't have much problem scoring next year. Defense has always been a problem for the Pirates and that doesn't figure to change, but the Pens do have some good young defensemen. The Pens will be good again eventually. It's just going to take a couple years to develop their talent. I can remember the Lightning being horrible with most of the players they have right now. Guys like Lecavlier, St. Louis and Richards all grew together and they became Stanley Cup champs. I was too young to remember the Pens' Stanley Cup years... I'd be thrilled if I could experience some of my own. There is NOTHING better than playoff hockey in my book.


Kingpen said:
My user name is Kingpen, and it is short for King Penguin, meaning that I am one of the biggest Pittsburgh Penguin fans around. So I will set the record straight on the Recchi signing... Mario and Mark Recchi train every off season together and remain good friends. Recchi's wife is originally from Pittsburgh, and they still maintain a house there.... The puzzle pieces are beginning to fit huh... The pens scrapped so much money the past 2-3 years by dumping Francis, Kasperiatis, R. Lang, M. Straka and Alex Kovalev that they have been cutting their losses considerably. Sure they went through their bankruptcy period, but Mario's team has been effectively managing the bottom line, and they have cut their losses a lot. There was a slots bill that was passed in Pennslyvania this past week that is going to allow a casino to be built in downtown Pittsburgh. The really strong buzz is that the Penguins are going to apply for the licence, and are the very heavy favorites to get it because the city wants to grant it to someone who will give back considerably to the community, which the Pens trump everyone else in contention. The even already have a partner with a large scale gambling business background too. So if they get the casino, they are going to use the profits from it to solely fund their new desired arena. Bettman already has blessed the plan, as it is something similar that the Calgary Flames have done.
Mario can play for $1 if he truely desires, the Players association can pressure him, but he doesn't have to succumb to it...

The heavy rumors were that the Pens were going to sign Recchi, AND Kovalev. Kovalev plays in Mario's private golf tournament every year and is still good friends with him too. And he has never had the success anywhere else that he enjoyed in Pittsburgh. He isn't going back to Montreal, especially after they were booing him before the playoffs started. After signing these 2 guys, paying Marios salary, and Marc Andre Fleury's salary bonuses (that they skimpped him on last year) Their payroll will be around 31-32 mil That is a very good number for them to manage.
Don't be surprised if the Pens make the playoffs sometime soon again....

I wish you were around when we had the NHL thread :(


I just don't see the Pens getting Kovalev back. Sure, it would be nice, but it seems pretty far-fetched. It's like saying that Jagr is going to come back and play for them again. Anyways, I'm really hoping that there is going to be hockey next season. I had a great time watching the Pens develop, especially at the end of the year, and am looking forward to seeing what the likes of Kraft, Morozov, Malone, Tarnstrom, and Jackman can do now that they've had a fair amount of play time together. Let's go Pens!


Heh. I started watching hockey back in 1990 and quickly became a Pens fan. My neighbour got me into hockey and he was a big Lemieux fan, so he's the one who really turned me onto the team. A great time to start being a Pens fan. Back to back Stanley Cups when I started watching and cheering them on.


Yeah, believe me, I read the NHL threads, but just kinda lurked in the shadows cause it was all Leafs, Habs, Canucks talk pretty much. Anyways, I am pretty sure that the Kovalev rumor has merit to it... Don't be surprised if this tread gains more submissions early next week, if Kovy signs with them as the Pittsburgh press are already dropping hints of. Kovalev is a different person then Jagr. Jagr turned into a bitch, by whinning about everything. He made the pens go through 3 different coaches before he started pulling his primadonna crap and wanted a trade. Don't get me wrong, I think overall his success in the NHL is tremendous, but lets just say his attitude at the end of his stint with the penguins has left a sour taste in my mouth. Kovalev, didn't want to be traded, never asked for it, and loved pittsburgh... He just knew the economics of the game were going to force him to seek market value at the time, and the pens couldn't match... They offered him a 5 year, 30 mil contract and he was advised he could get more, which he did, although for less years. But now that he has cashed in on getting high money, he has already publicly said that he will go where the situation is best for him, regardless about money. I haven't been this pumped to be a Pens fan in a long time, probably since 95-96. Sucks about a strike looming though... At least I will know that my ESPN 05 Pens team will be stacked though, just like it was during the early to mid 90's....

Alucard, me and you are the same, I became hooked on the Pens by watching them in the playoffs in 1990... Been a die hard ever since. I even get influenced to buy clothes if it has their colors in them...

If Fleury gets some defensive support this year, which by the looks of how our core grew last year, he will, then Look out for the Pens! Lemieux-Recchi-Kovalev(or Malone) Tarnstrom-Jackman = Best Powerplay in the league....

I'm also pumped that the Pens signed Ryan Vandenbuush today as well. They haven't had a goon that can win fights in a long, long time and this guy doesn't lose too often..
Fight for Freeform said:
Good thing I bought my Pens hat before all of this, so I can pride myself in not being a bandwagon jumper. :p
Trust me, there aren't going to be too many people jumping onto the Pittsburgh Penguins bandwagon because they signed Mark Recchi.
Great time to be a Pens fan. If we nab Kovy, next year is gonna be so fun. Fingers crossed there's no lockout.

Born and raised in Pittsburgh, going to college at Pitt = Pens fan for life
From the Pens messageboard:

Stan Savran is reporting that his sources indicate that Kovalev will be signing with the Pens some time next week. He says that the sources indicate that while the deal has not been signed it's "virtually a done deal."

The report is also that the Pens had considered having a press conference next week to announce both signings, but that word of Recchi's singing leaked out, and so they "hastily" put together today's press conference -- hence the reason Recchi wasn't even there!

Hell YEA!
Idle Will Kill said:
From the Pens messageboard:

Hell YEA!

Montreal papers and radio report other wise.

But you know, until you hear it from somewhere other than a hometown radio show(either montreal's or Pittsburg) you can't really say otherwise.

And Fans didn't boo Kovalev, they want him back BAD.

I doubt Pittsburgh can offer a better deal than Montreal's though. So if he's signing with the Pens, it would be for lower than 4.5 million a year.
The thing is, Kovalev loves Pittsburgh. He has nothing but good memories from here. Plus he's great friends with Lemieux. I could definitely see him taking a pay cut to play here.


Alucard said:
I just don't see the Pens getting Kovalev back. Sure, it would be nice, but it seems pretty far-fetched. It's like saying that Jagr is going to come back and play for them again.

Kovalev's production really dropped off once he left the Penguins. His asking price can't be as high as it was when he was still a Penguin. The Pens obviously must be able to afford to pay up if they're going after him this hard. I'm thrilled to hear that him signing with the Pens is a very real possibility.

I really want there to be hockey next year. I haven't watched much of the Pens the last couple seasons since things went so bad, but I started to get into it again towards the end ofo last season. I'm starting at Pitt next month, so I'd be able to get to a lot of games this season... if they have one.

Signing Kovalev would give the Pens a very real shot at the playoffs, assuming they can avoid the injuries that have plagued them recently. Specifically Lemieux. That and they need Fleury and/or Caron to really step it up.
Well hopefully it will be better than mine last year. I had to live in a study lounge with 3 other guys for a month.

Towers is the best dorm at Pitt IMO though. Sure the rooms are small, but the location is just outstanding. You are right in the middle of everything. Plus the "Ash Tray" (the area right outside the Towers) is a mecca for footbag. Fun times to be had.


Wow, cool. I'm starting at Carnegie Mellon this fall.

Idle, I know I've talked to you before. You're from Belle Vernon or something I think.

Anyway, great news. I'm still pretty shocked. Just yesterday I was thinking how much I miss the enthusiam this town used to have for hockey. It was its own sub-culture in Pittsburgh.
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