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Marvel Comics' Star-Lord (AKA Peter Quill) Is Bisexual


Article said:
Guardians of the Galaxy just spent over a hundred years redefining Peter Quill, including clarifying Star-Lord's bisexuality.

Marvel comics just confirmed Peter Quill, aka Star-Lord, is bisexual in Guardians of the Galaxy #9, with writer Al Ewing, artist Juann Cabal, colorist Federico Blee, and letterer Cory Petit's ambitious single-issue story "I Shall Make You a Star-Lord" redefining the character's origins and abilities just in time for mega-event King in Black....



He spends over 100 years with them, just the 3 of them. Decides to bang them after 12 years. If the only way to bang her is by banging the guy at the same time, might have to make that exception.


Kev Kev

Christ I thought that was going to say “is dead”

and who cares? Why is this making the news, fuck whoever you want, the world doesn’t need to know

edit: oh, it’s the character.... guess they are jumping in the woke wagon.
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My actual reaction to this is pretty much in line with my views in the "Black Batman" thread. It's fucking lazy. If anyone has been reading my posts in this or the other thread and you think I'm racist or homophobic, then you are a moron. I'm not against black people or gay characters in comics, I'm against Marvel/DC doing the bare minimum and expecting to be celebrated for it. Wow, how brave, you've taken an established character and made him bisexual. Iceman and Peter Quill deserve to have their characterization kept in tact just as much as people need worthwhile representation. Stop patting the comics industry on the ass for giving you table scraps. Want to be brave, Marvel? Write a compelling character that happens to be gay. If a writer uses race or sexuality as a first thought to describe their character, then the character is fucking boring and not worth my time.


What the actual fuck? Is being gay a religion to the left?

Good way of putting it. Seems so.

I had this supposedly straight guy try to tell me just last night he was like...an honorary gay or something to that effect. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Isn't it anti-woke to align yourself with something you're not? Don't they have to like "accept" you? And even then not one person speaks for "the community".

What a buncha bullshit.

I have no idea what's supposed to be so fucking trendy about where people like to stick their reproductive organs.

Nobody gives a fuck except for a vast minority of actual homophobes out there. The like 0.01%.
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What the actual fuck? Is being gay a religion to the left?
No, it's a thinly veiled shield that can be used to get you out of trouble and make you instantly win arguments.

Bisexuality is the biggest meme in 2020. I clicked on the link and saw Kitty Pryde is bisexual. I can believe that and I can also believe and support that they made a different version of Bobby Drake gay but this seems forced for mass "YASSSS BISEXUALITY IS VALID" Twitter people.


Gold Member
How long until they tell us Batman is MAP and has always been in a relationship with who ever is Robin?


If conservatives were as passionate as liberals, you would all boycott Marvel 100% now. But you'll keep buying and consuming.

The problem I have with this is that they market it. Compare The Last of Us to Dragon Quest XI. LoU markets it's politically correct character, virtue signaling themselves in the process. That's what annoys conservatives. While DQXI has a gay character that is just there. And no one is complaining.

Same thing with Star Wars. Lucas didn't choose Samuel L. Jackson for Mace Windu because he was black, he chose him because he was a great actor. But Fin was chosen because he was black in Ep VII. People don't have a problem with black characters or gays, the problem is when you choose them based on identity.


Unconfirmed Member
At first I thought this was about Chris Pratt being bi. I was thinking oh oh I don't think Arnold is going to be happy about this.


If conservatives were as passionate as liberals, you would all boycott Marvel 100% now. But you'll keep buying and consuming.

The problem I have with this is that they market it. Compare The Last of Us to Dragon Quest XI. LoU markets it's politically correct character, virtue signaling themselves in the process. That's what annoys conservatives. While DQXI has a gay character that is just there. And no one is complaining.

Same thing with Star Wars. Lucas didn't choose Samuel L. Jackson for Mace Windu because he was black, he chose him because he was a great actor. But Fin was chosen because he was black in Ep VII. People don't have a problem with black characters or gays, the problem is when you choose them based on identity.

Except Marvel haven't marketed Peter Quill as being bi, hell, look at the comic panels I posted earlier in the thread. You can interpret that scene in any number of ways.
I just read the issue myself and the panels I posted are literally all there is to this Screenrant article. The rest of the book shows him fighting and doing various missions over the 100+ years. Then something about the Olympian Gods escaping from his gun and trying to kill him so he needs to leave and return to his own reality. The woman asks him not to forget them.
There are no implied sex scenes so you can interpret Peter Quill "accepting them" however you want. It doesn't need to involve anything sexual.

I mean you get this earlier scene mentioning "togetherness", again you can interpret this how you want to.


Aradia kisses Peter but there is nothing intimate with Mors.

And Aradia is intimate with Peter again when he leaves.

Kev Kev

Except Marvel haven't marketed Peter Quill as being bi, hell, look at the comic panels I posted earlier in the thread. You can interpret that scene in any number of ways.
I just read the issue myself and the panels I posted are literally all there is to this Screenrant article. The rest of the book shows him fighting and doing various missions over the 100+ years. Then something about the Olympian Gods escaping from his gun and trying to kill him so he needs to leave and return to his own reality. The woman asks him not to forget them.
There are no implied sex scenes so you can interpret Peter Quill "accepting them" however you want. It doesn't need to involve anything sexual.

I mean you get this earlier scene mentioning "togetherness", again you can interpret this how you want to.


Aradia kisses Peter but there is nothing intimate with Mors.

And Aradia is intimate with Peter again when he leaves.


Haven't watched the MCU, so thought that was the name of the guy playing him and thought "ok? good for him."

Retcons like this is never a good thing. Create a character and stick with him. Stuff like this is just makes them confusing.
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Gold Member
Huh, sounds like they ripped off the plot from that one episode of Magicians where two characters get stuck in a pocket timeline for the rest of their lives. The straight character marries a local woman and has a kid, then eventually settles with the gay character as old lovers.

That was a pretty poignant ep for that show, if only because it highlighted how lonely the characters always were (and were destined to be).


Huh, sounds like they ripped off the plot from that one episode of Magicians where two characters get stuck in a pocket timeline for the rest of their lives. The straight character marries a local woman and has a kid, then eventually settles with the gay character as old lovers.

That was a pretty poignant ep for that show, if only because it highlighted how lonely the characters always were (and were destined to be).

It's not even the first time it was done in superhero comics. Action Comics 761 written by Joe Kelly had Superman and Wonder Woman trapped in Valhalla fighting a neverending Ragnarok style apocalyptic battle against demons for a 1000 years. On the eve of the final battle, Diana goes to Clark's tent and offers to sleep with him because he's been missing Lois terribly all this time. Superman's response?



I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Nothing wrong with that. Kinda already guessed it and I swear this was announced ages ago? Maybe that was another Marvel character?

Hoping DC follow suit. I know for a fact that Batman and Superman have a thing for each other. So much pent up sexual tension between those two. It's time for DC to give people what they want and show us a sun dipped Superman banging Batman, with Louis Lane and the Joker watching from the sides. The people demand it!
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