Leveling on Rogue feels slower than I remember, I was wondering if something was up and saw a thread in the forums complaining about xp too. But Ryolnir posted there and says nothing is bugged with xp so /shrug I guess I just haven't leveled in awhile outside of a event
I'm starting to feel Rogue more, still a bit squishy but that will be fixed with core affixes / arts / better gear.
I'm sure my spec is "wrong" but as someone who usually doesn't care about that, I extra don't care with Rogue lol.
I basically have a death from above build focused around cooldowns, I always have something to cast to the point where I don't really want a spirit spender / boss killer. I have 2 death from above spells maxed, Rogue's (which I love) and Elektra's. Elektra's cooldowns decreases every time I use a spell with a cooldown which almost all mine have. I use Storm's hail as a 1 pointer for the slow / Loki synergy, maxed Electro aoe (because it has a small cooldown and Mandarin one doesn't), maxed Thor aoe, also short cd, nice dmg and spirit return (in fact I'm using it mostly for the spirit return, something I might reconsider at 60). Then I have maxed Rogue signature because it's amazing, maxed Rogue Kree passive, and the plan is to have maxed Hyde physical slam move, which shoots out shockwaves if you have a stolen support power active, which I do all the time in osmium skin toggle. I'm also using 1 point in Rogue's 1min cd buff, 1 point in She Hulk's buff (second support) and 1 point in Doc Ock passive (aoe dmg/radius). I still haven't picked up 2 other passives, not sure if I'll go for spirit stuff like ironman or shocker, or health like Tombstone.
I won't have 8 spells maxed, that's for sure, as there are too many 1 point stuff to get, but I guess that's par for the course with Rogue.