Marvel: Rivals debuts with a strong player count on it's first day of open-beta


So finally got a key tonight. I have to say I actually enjoy the game. I really am shocked since it looked so rough when revealed but I'm enjoying it. Course I had to turn off cross platform to because I was getting shredded by PC players. Still It's pretty fun. I will say I wasn't expecting all the destruction they have in the game. It's not on a crackdown level but there is a good little bit of it.

BTW this means I'm officially eating crow because I was not impressed when revealed at all.
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I got a key and had a quick game.

The first thing that struck me was the presentation. It's pretty polished. Characters look good.

The game itself seemed chaotic but I think there's a certain amount of people that enjoy chaotic nonsense, nuketown, shipment etc.

It will absolutely find an audience with this presentation. I'll play it now and again for a brainless blast.


The verification system is broken for the twitch drops to get into the beta. I did the 60 minutes of watching and got the twitch drop only for the website to not work. Hopefully if they do another drop tomorrow you don't have to watch for another 60 minutes to unlock a key.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Played 15 matches on ps5 tonight since I couldn’t get steam key.

Had an absolute blast. Locked in magneto all 15 games. Sooooo sick.

This game is a keeper.


How do I get a key? I watch for an hour twitch stream but have not a received a drop notification and I also dont see it in the drop list in my twitch account? Is it over?
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