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Marvel vs Capcom 2 - Any major differences between versions?


I was looking around some reviews at IGN and found that the PS2 version of MvsC2 got something like 8.4, while the Xbox version got 3.9.

Is there any reason for this major difference. Was something wrong with the Xbox version, or is it just the difference of opinion between the two reviewers? I read the review, and everything the Xbox version guy complained about, the other guy didn't mention. Was the xbox guy just really pissed off about the lack of online play or something?


No. There's no real difference between any of the versions except on the DC version sometimes the music would randomly dip out.


DC = Best port of the game
PS2 = Worst port, minor slowdown, ugly pixelation, a few glitches that weren't present in Arcade/DC, horrible muffled sound effects
XBOX = Haven;t tried it but I think the sound is fine, i'm assuming there's no slowdown or load times, not sure on glitches.


Knows the Score
The XBox version isn't that different from the DC version, and I think that's why IGN scored it so.
The only major difference I can think of offhand is that you need to make use of all of the characters to be able to unlock the rest, you can't just stick with your favourite team and rack up enough points to unlock Sentinel.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I have both the DC and PS2 versions. The PS2 version has slightly longer loading times (1-2 seconds more). I haven't experienced any slowdown with it at all and I've played it extensively. If there is slowdown I haven't seen it. I think its a pretty good port personally.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
IIRC the DC is still the version to play for all the arcade-exact combos, timings, etc. The PS2 port has bad sound quality, while the Xbox version does not. Both the Xbox and PS2 versions look a little sharper than the DC version. If you don't really care about 100% arcade "perfection," you'll be fine with the Xbox version. I wouldn't recommend the PS2 version because of the crappy sound quality.

Kumiko Nikaido

Yeah, as the others have said....the PS2 version is the worst of the bunch. Longer load times, pixelization problems, music and sound effects that are "off", and slowdown that affects your combo system...so avoid this version.

The Xbox version is closest to the DC version, but of course between the two, the DC rev. is the way to go. :)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
AniHawk said:
I wish Activision would let Capcom make MVC 3. There are so many characters that can be used!

I don't want more old-ass recycled Marvel sprites. :D I'm not the biggest fan of MvC2 (fun, biut fucked up, like SvC Chaos, but for whatever reason, only SvC gets teh hatez), but there needs to be another game using the Vs. series game play from Capcom. Personally, I'd like to see it used for a Dragonball Z fighting game, because the game play style would fit so well.


Lyte Edge said:
I don't want more old-ass recycled Marvel sprites. :D I'm not the biggest fan of MvC2 (fun, biut fucked up, like SvC Chaos, but for whatever reason, only SvC gets teh hatez), but there needs to be another game using the Vs. series game play from Capcom. Personally, I'd like to see it used for a Dragonball Z fighting game, because the game play style would fit so well.

Never thought of that. It would work really well.

One of the things I didn't like about MVC was that of all the Marvel characters about 99.9% of them were X-Men characters. Wolverine was there TWICE (can anyone explain to me why?), and there were other characters who could have been used from say... Spider-Man (like Black Suit Spidey [which could have just been an alternate unlockable costume], Black Cat, Shocker, Rhino, the Lizard, Green Goblin, Doc Ock, etc).

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
AniHawk said:
Never thought of that. It would work really well.

One of the things I didn't like about MVC was that of all the Marvel characters about 99.9% of them were X-Men characters. Wolverine was there TWICE (can anyone explain to me why?), and there were other characters who could have been used from say... Spider-Man (like Black Suit Spidey [which could have just been an alternate unlockable costume], Black Cat, Shocker, Rhino, the Lizard, Green Goblin, Doc Ock, etc).

There's the "Bone Claw" Wolverine and the "Metal Claw" Wolverine. Has to do with one of his moves I believe. But while it did have some new additions, let's face it...MvC2 was a complete recyclefest. They used almost every single character they had from the previous games and did little to update returning characters.

As for the X-Men characters...they are probably the most popular characters to use, and all the other recognizable faces were already there (Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, etc.). Not to say that it wouldn't have been nice to have seen the Punisher, Thor, The Human Torch, etc....


They just reused fighters from their older games:

X-Men: Children of the Atom
Marvel Super Heroes
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
Marvel vs. Capcom

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
But they also DID create new characters and bring in new faces for the game, like Ruby Heart, Amingo, Son Son, Cable, Marrow, Tron Bonne, and Jill.

So please tell me why after three years, the first truly new 2D fighter from Capcom has no new characters, and save for Ingrid, NO new sprites? :p


Lyte edge..you like SvC chaos too?

I literally thought I was the only one. :(

though the game does have it's flaws, it's a decent fighter.


Hey, don't ask me... I don't work there, I just play the games.

I'm still wondering why Capcom let their fighting game development grind to a halt in the first place:

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
neptunes said:
Lyte edge..you like SvC chaos too?

I literally thought I was the only one. :(

though the game does have it's flaws, it's a decent fighter.

Yeah...I even bought the home cart. :) (Sold it though!) I have the PS2 version and am waiting for the Xbox release; it should be fun to mess with on Live assuming people actually bother to PLAY it.

The game has a LOT of falws, but I still find it fun to play. And I still see as SNK's "MvC2," it's just that people seem to be okay with uber-broken MvC2 and dump all over SvC Chaos. I love the new PS2 KOF Maximum Impact, too, and see it getting some labels of being "broken" and whatnot, but I just play these games for fun, not in tournies. 90% of the other people on the internet don't play in tournaments either, yet still feel they have to treat every game as "tournament worthy" or not, and of course, 99% of all the new fighters that are released are "broken." Whatever; the old games are just as "bad," you guys spend your time bitching and whining...I'll be playing games.

Kumiko Nikaido

Lyte Edge said:
I have the PS2 version and am waiting for the Xbox release; it should be fun to mess with on Live assuming people actually bother to PLAY it.

The game has a LOT of falws, but I still find it fun to play. And I still see as SNK's "MvC2," it's just that people seem to be okay with uber-broken MvC2 and dump all over SvC Chaos.

Hey Lyte Edge, can you go into more detail into how SVC Chaos' fighting system is flawed? Is it true that it plays like KOF 96' (or was it some other KOF iteration?)? I've heard some characters are way overpowered, dishing out combos/counters that go above 80% or so. Can you compare the fighting nuances of SVC Chaos to say......Playmore's recent KOF titles?

I've seen SVC arcade units here and there, but haven't actually played it......so if the Xbox version is the based off the latest arcade upgraded variant, would it be enjoyable if played in a "standard" fighting style? I mean, I can play SFIII: 3rd Strike and do parries here and there, but I mainly play SFIII in my own "classic" sorta way. :D

I'm intrigued by this title mainly because it's SNK's take on both franchises.....since the Vs. series has been bloated to death by Capcom....heh.


sorry for the bump, I just wanted to reply.

The majority of the characters(unlockables/boss) are unbalanced,
Also the game had a very short (in-effective) beta test.
(Shink Akuma and Violent Ken and Megaman's ZERO are too powerful and cheesy :p)

There's also this Guard Cancel Front Step which allows you to counter ANY block attack(including crouches).

but I still play it :D

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Also, in the arcade version, both Geese and Zero have very nasty infinite combos, although these were removed from the PS2 version. Most people fault the game with its overpowered characters (like every other fighting game!), and the ground step cancel system IIRC; it has been a while since I saw any discussion on this title. If you're just going to play it casually, yeah, it's fun, and that's why I like it. It's great to be able to mess around with characters like Mars People and Zero, and I love seeing the Capcom characters done in SNK style. :)

I wouldn't say SvC Chaos plays like KOF '96, but it does have some elements from KOF in the play style. There's no rolling or dodging though....it's all ground step blocking and dashing (no running like in KOF).


AniHawk said:
Never thought of that. It would work really well.

One of the things I didn't like about MVC was that of all the Marvel characters about 99.9% of them were X-Men characters. Wolverine was there TWICE (can anyone explain to me why?), and there were other characters who could have been used from say... Spider-Man (like Black Suit Spidey [which could have just been an alternate unlockable costume], Black Cat, Shocker, Rhino, the Lizard, Green Goblin, Doc Ock, etc).

01 Cable
02 Colossus
03 Cyclops
04 Gambit
05 Iceman
06 Juggernaut
07 Magneto
08 Marrow
09 Psylocke
10 Rogue
11 Storm
12 Wolverine (bone)
13 Wolverine (metal)

Street Fighters
01 Akuma
02 Cammy
03 Charlie
04 Chun-Li
05 Dan
06 Dhalsim
07 Guile
08 Ken
09 Ryu
10 Sakura
11 Zangief

...not that bad (Sakura and Zangief essentially have 2 forms too, though they're not different selectable characters)... both Capcom and Marvel's top brands should be expected to get the majority of attention.... hell I can think of more characters I'd like from both series (Guy, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Ibuki, Shadowcat, Makoto, etc).... screw MVC3, I want XMen Vs SF 2. :)


Wolverine was there TWICE (can anyone explain to me why?)

iirc, bone wolverine had more range while metal had more strength. Not entirely sure on that though. That's what it seems like in MvsC2 however.


Kumiko Nikaido said:
Yeah, as the others have said....the PS2 version is the worst of the bunch. Longer load times, pixelization problems, music and sound effects that are "off", and slowdown that affects your combo system...so avoid this version.

The Xbox version is closest to the DC version, but of course between the two, the DC rev. is the way to go. :)

My words exactly. :)


Just don't be a fool and get the DC import like I did.
Or, do get it, but from me! I'll happily trade or sell it.

Kumiko Nikaido

neptunes said:
The majority of the characters(unlockables/boss) are unbalanced,
Also the game had a very short (in-effective) beta test.
(Shink Akuma and Violent Ken and Megaman's ZERO are too powerful and cheesy :p)

There's also this Guard Cancel Front Step which allows you to counter ANY block attack(including crouches).

but I still play it :D

Lyte Edge said:
Also, in the arcade version, both Geese and Zero have very nasty infinite combos, although these were removed from the PS2 version. Most people fault the game with its overpowered characters (like every other fighting game!), and the ground step cancel system IIRC; it has been a while since I saw any discussion on this title. If you're just going to play it casually, yeah, it's fun, and that's why I like it. It's great to be able to mess around with characters like Mars People and Zero, and I love seeing the Capcom characters done in SNK style.

I wouldn't say SvC Chaos plays like KOF '96, but it does have some elements from KOF in the play style. There's no rolling or dodging though....it's all ground step blocking and dashing (no running like in KOF).

Hmm.....SVC sounds like one busted game. I'll play it in a casual demeanor so as to enjoy it. :p

My words exactly. :)



RevenantKioku said:
Just don't be a fool and get the DC import like I did.
Or, do get it, but from me! I'll happily trade or sell it.

What's wrong with the DC import? It's the version I got, and it was worth the $10 extra to get it half a year sooner than the US.

Still... the game is total cheese. I still maintain that the less you know how to play, the more fun the game is.


Regarding Bone Claw vs Metal Claw..

I think Metal Claw Wolvie was COTA, and Bone Claw was MSH Wolvie, just different movesets.
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