The Punisher could work as a tv series or movie if handled correctly.Everyone wants the Punisher to have his own series, but if he isn't accompanied by a traditional hero against whom to contrast, his violence does not stand out and the show becomes another run-of-the-mill revenge story. That's why he can't carry a movie solo.
Jesus christ. As much as I've enjoyed the second season, much more so than the first, I'm beginning to hate Karen and her constant crying and moping. I can't tell if it's the actress (she did do this some on True Blood) or the writing but I'm just ready for her to get killed off or something lol. It's literally every single episode. I still have two ep to go before I finish the season but I don't see it abating anytime soon
Can always go the other way around, as with Luke Cage. Give Punisher a season, and make someone else the moral compass that bugs the crap out of him. Maybe you only have enough Daredevil material for a half season, or you pay big for somebody bored on the main stage like Jeremy Renner. Or you want to pre-introduce another character. Moon Knight, Squirrel Girl, etc.
My wife and I totally enjoyed season 2 of DD more than the first though. She even forgave Jon Bernthal.
The Punisher could work as a tv series or movie if handled correctly.
It's true that he lacks the internal struggle that the majority of superhero films rely on for the character, as he is fairly black and white in his view point. His character is mostly based on a sense of principles, which are highly adaptable as it allows for interpretations through various genres while having a consistent characterisation . You could essentially throw him into a crime, thriller, action, revenge, noir or horror story and the potential is there. Obviously it would depend on a good story and a cast to support him, but that is true of any story.
I wouldn't say that a lack of a good Punisher film is evidence that he wouldn't work in a feature length film or series. The reality is that he isnt a hugely popular character compared to othees and doesn't draw in the talent to produce something great. I dont think has actually attempted to make a good Punisher film, instead, the branding has been attached to shit to get some easy ticket sales.
S1 was so much better... :|
Episode 13
That was pretty bad. I guess this is what happens when you take a scrub-tier villain from the first season no one really gives a shit about other than there being this one violent fight people kinda remember, and make him the big bad of the final arc. whogiveashit.gif etc.
I like Elektra's casting, performance, and most of her characterization. When she's with Matt it isn't half bad. But -everything- involving the Hand is boring as shit. It's mostly lifted from Miller's run without really bothering to update or adapt it well enough to fit the show it's actually in. Just stupid fights, cheesy lines, lots of showboating. Might have been exciting to audiences maybe 20 years ago lol.
The Punisher storyline fizzled too. Went nowhere, even his big costume reveal fell flat for me. The conclusion just isn't satisfying on any level. Should have just ended this season at ep10 because that's the last time it was actually good.
It's still not April 1, should tag your spoilers.
And yeah,story kinda fizzled out. Seems to be a thing with the Marvel Netflix shows.
Yeah, the fight in the finale was kind of whack. It was really missing a scene withEnd spoilers
No minigun in the final ep was the biggest wtf, all those ninjas just showed up and got a memo that they ran out of budget I guess
On top of Nobu doing fucking nothing, what a loser.
Yeah, the fight in the finale was kind of whack. It was really missing a scene withPunisher mowing down all those ninjas that came running down the street so those few 5 or 7 on the roof didn't look so out of place. I also feel like there were some disappearing bodies of ninjas they knocked down during the fight, but I'm not sure.
Also,the ninjas that were hammering on the door suddenly stop and give up while DD and Elektra are talking, lol. They make a big deal about them bursting inside in a few seconds, but then they stop trying to get the door open and nothing happens.
There were some weird editing choices at the end. I really enjoyed the season, I just wish it finished stronger.
Frank's big bad guy wasn't set up properly either it wasn't just DD. So we slog through several episodes mentioning the Blacksmith only to have Karen stumble upon him by accident and Frank conveniently (Ep 13 spoiler)It was too much buildup for it to be thiswaiting outside. How did he know it was his commanding officer? Are we supposed to assume he spotted his former marine at the docks?throw away character
This is featured in the latest Agents of SHIELD promo:
It's all connected.
So many things wrong with how the season ended.
- Did they ever really explain Elektra's connection to
The Hand? Other than the fact that she's the Black Sky whatever that is.
- Frank's big bad guy wasn't set up properly either it wasn't just DD. So we slog through several episodes mentioning the Blacksmith only to have Karen stumble upon him by accident and Frank conveniently (Ep 13 spoiler)
It was too much buildup for it to be thiswaiting outside. How did he know it was his commanding officer? Are we supposed to assume he spotted his former marine at the docks?throw away character
- Karen. Karen, Karen, Karen. As much as I like the actress I simply can't stand her constant crying and whining anymore. I know it's as much a writing choice as anything but Jesus lighten up already. I know a bit about the comics though so I have hope for that to be alleviated in the future lol.
- That last fight on the rooftop in ep13 though. How can they get so many fights right (not as many as I'd like still) and get the final one so wrong. Is it really a budget issue? I can't imagine it is but they simply have to step up their game if they want to continue these types of comic book shows. DD is basically an acrobatic ass kicker so you can't rely on fancy gadgets or special effects to make him seem more...amazing. He has to convincingly fuck shit up and some of the later fights had no heft to them. There was no real sense of weight behind any of the punches or kicks and to bring it up again....those flips though. Lulz
- I really am not sure about Cox as DD anymore either. He was so great on Boardwalk but he just falls so flat for me in this series sometimes. Is it really him? Or the directing? I can't say for sure but I hope it gets better in the coming seasons
There was plenty to enjoy about the season though, aside from my quibbles. Elektra was perfectly cast. I cared more for her arc almost than Matt's. Frank was perfect. Aside from the misfire resolving his storyline at the end he was also perfectly cast and had a story that for the most part stayed true to his character. It moved along much faster than the first season and I was happy to see (Ep 7 on I think). I thought he started to act like I always imagined he should. So ultimately, while it was a drag in places, I enjoyed this season much more than the first and would recommend it to anyone with a little free time to plop on the couch but it's never going to compete with the likes of Fargo, Mr.Robot, etcFisk show up again
IFC is about to show "Punisher:War Zone" and "The Punisher" , back to back at 3 Eastern. The subject matter interests me although I don't know if these movies are good or not.
They're both fairly terrible films. I can tolerate The Punisher more. War Zone is fairly ridiculous and you may like it for all of the wrong reasons.IFC is about to show "Punisher:War Zone" and "The Punisher" , back to back at 3 Eastern. The subject matter interests me although I don't know if these movies are good or not.
And lastly, the biggest upset was theroof fight at the end. Instead of having all the ninjas appear on the roof and having Frank show up to murder 80% of them, the episode shows about 50 ninjas that then turn into 7 Ninjas that then fight E/DD and then only a few get shot by Frank. So anti-climatic.
Don't really need to go into anything here but the one biggest win for Daredevil season 2 for me besides how great the Punisher was:
Geoffrey Cantor as Mitchell Ellison was just sublime. He owned that character from start to finish. I could watch a full show of him just running that newspaper.
I have every reason to believe that this was planned originally before it was cut out at the last minute. On the Netflix teaser, he wields a mini-gun. Right after he killed Black Smith and finds the hidden weapon cache, he focuses on the mini-gun at the very end.
Everyone wants the Punisher to have his own series, but if he isn't accompanied by a traditional hero against whom to contrast, his violence does not stand out and the show becomes another run-of-the-mill revenge story. That's why he can't carry a movie solo.
Don't really need to go into anything here but the one biggest win for Daredevil season 2 for me besides how great the Punisher was:
Geoffrey Cantor as Mitchell Ellison was just sublime. He owned that character from start to finish. I could watch a full show of him just running that newspaper.
This is featured in the latest Agents of SHIELD promo:
It's all connected.
Episode 13
That was pretty bad. I guess this is what happens when you take a scrub-tier villainmake him the big bad of the final arc. whogiveashit.gif etc.from the first season no one really gives a shit about other than there being this one violent fight people kinda remember, and
I like Elektra's casting, performance, and most of her characterization. When she's with Matt it isn't half bad. But -everything- involving the Hand is boring as shit. It's mostly lifted from Miller's run without really bothering to update or adapt it well enough to fit the show it's actually in. Just stupid fights, cheesy lines, lots of showboating. Might have been exciting to audiences maybe 20 years ago lol.
The Punisher storyline fizzled too. Went nowhere,The conclusion just isn't satisfying on any level. Should have just ended this season at ep10 because that's the last time it was actually good.even his big costume reveal fell flat for me.
This season feels like two great TV movies of Daredevil that got edited, expanded and bloated into an average 13 episode TV series. Should have just beenDaredevil vs Punisher, followed by The Punisher in Cell Block D.