Tons of people who are high risk don´t live alone, and lots of people don´t even know they are high risk. Measures need to be enforced for everybody whether you like it or not.
I don't disagree that measures need to be implemented and enforced but there has to be some kind of give and take surely?
There seems to be a big problem here with people that don't seem to understand that there are associated risks with enforcing lockdowns, mask wearing etc and those people seem to not want to hear it.
For them it's a simple equation. Someone might die from Covid and if we need to take away your job, restrict freedom and negatively impact mental health then that's just too bad.
It's easy for folks to say "hurr durr, just stay indoors, it's easy" but there are going to be other risks and problems.
A good question, I think, would be what level of quality of life is acceptable to save lives?
Obviously we are not quite at a level of crisis yet but people have literally had to give up their jobs and their livelihoods to "save lives" and I wonder how far this would be pushed before it becomes unacceptable.
If you neighbor loses his job and spirals into depression and anxiety and then commits suicide then how do we measure that against the lives he "saved" through that sacrifice?
Would it even need to go as far as suicide?
If we break a man financially through our enforcement of measures how do we quantify it?
Do we compensate or do we just leave him to it with a "man up, find another job mate".
It's easy for us to become flippant when asking others to sacrifice.
Ah, you've lost your job mate and you are on the brink of despair but at least you ain't dead! It's not helpful.
Even from a personal point of view how much would you be willing to let someone else sacrifice to save your life?
On the other hand of course why should vulnerable people face the risk of Covid without society chipping in to help them out?
That's not exactly fair and is quite callous if you think about it.
"You'll be dead soon anyway so why bother!"
Then again, the climate change people kind of do make that same point don't they?
Yes, we need to save lives now but shouldn't we also have an eye on making sure we don't destroy the future?