Captain Zyrain
Italia still climbing.
Honestly it makes you wonder what is going in Italy. As far as I am aware they still haven't been able to identify who the outbreak started with.
Wearing only N95-style masks which are pointless
N95 masks are giving people a false sense of protection should be more than a little alarming.
Yet at this very moment almost no one in the health care establishment seems to be aware that coronavirus can infect people through their eyes.
N95 Masks USELESS, Coronavirus Enters Body Through EYEBALLS, Warns Infected Doctor in Wuhan, China
N95 masks are useless against coronavirus. These masks don’t create a full facial seal, and a doctor in China is now warning that he contracted coronavirus by failing to wear a full face mask. Importantly most health care professionals shown in the media are wearing only N95-style masks
That’s why i have goggles for my family here for a month now ... closed ones. Swimming and work ones, gotta be smart .
N95 Masks USELESS, Coronavirus Enters Body Through EYEBALLS, Warns Infected Doctor in Wuhan, China
N95 masks are useless against coronavirus. These masks don’t create a full facial seal, and a doctor in China is now warning that he contracted coronavirus by failing to wear a full face mask. Importantly most health care professionals shown in the media are wearing only N95-style masks
Mother of Fuck!
I am flying out of LAX in a week.
Buying ammo is what makes you a pussy
real men defend themselves with their bare hands, wearing gloves and masks, and goggles. (don't be fools viruses are scary)
Pastas, rice, noodles, bought in bulk, last forever, is a good thing, then just grab a box of canned tomatoes/beans/corn/mushrooms, and volia, you can last months as long as you have water and access to boiling temps.
Takes so little effort, everyone should really always have a small e-stash at home, makes life so much easier in bad situations. Might be bad weather, storms, droughts, or, I guess viruses. Doesn't cost much, nobody will suffer from you having it. Add a small multifuel burner and you can sustain yourself for a very long time.
Civil defence 101?
All of our grandparents had some base storage at home, not a bad idea.
If you are in Brazil and have a good news source confirming the second test results send to BNO
they seem stuck on the first report and not adding Brazil to the tracking page yet
I wish something like that existed here in Brazil
This is the most unexpected news from an Islamic country
Iran to cancel Friday prayers this week, health minister says
Europe's biggest coronavirus outbreak is in Italy, where more than 320 have been infected, while Iran has reported more than 90 cases and 15 deaths. Follow here for live
very interesting, I was expecting a horror show after Friday prayers.
They pray 5 times per day at Masjid anyway but Fridays are always packed
It is Korean Air unless a country blocks them this should be expected
I think you'll be fine the good news is the lines for check in will be shorter now
Italia still climbing.
Wait what? There's one or two cases in Nevada? Map is hard to see on my phone but looks that way.
Honestly it makes you wonder what is going in Italy. As far as I am aware they still haven't been able to identify who the outbreak started with.
But if they skip prayers, God will EXTRA smite them!
Frankly them still flying is astoundingly bad. Time to bring a ton of hand sanitizer and update my will.
That's actually a cool idea for a makeshift protection if there's no access to a full face mask or if they are in short supply. N95 respirator + swimming goggles.Someone is going to make a killing selling swimming goggles
maybe they are praying extra hard and being raptured to get the nice virginsi think the people getting sick in Iran aren’t praying hard enough
Yo I feel really bad fpr tiny Bahrain, hope Janet Jackson is okay
Mother of Fuck!
I am flying out of LAX in a week.
Brazil is still not showing.
Mother of Fuck!
I am flying out of LAX in a week.
you said : "China went into Lockdown. That's how they've kept the numbers down." People don't give a fuck about the lockdown, they still keep fleeing the cities.
Gaming related stuff
GM: 200 traveling through Atlanta airport showed possible coronavirus symptoms
ATLANTA - Two hundred travelers coming through Atlanta's airport showed potential symptoms connected to the new virus that is spreading around the globe and were designated for home quarantine.
Real rate is closer to 2% and it specifically dunks on old people. Even if millions die, it won't be millions that matter in terms of consumption and workforce. Sorry old people.
I know some people on here have been worried about this one
well here it is
what is the differemce in Italy from the rest of EU?
Germany is about to take off waiting for official posts