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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Neighbours from Hell
Nicholas Christakas was on with Sam Harris. He thinks we won't get back to normal until 2024.

He said he expects a major economic downturn we'll have to deal with. He thinks many small colleges will go out of business. But he calls the mid 20's "the roaring 20's."

He estimates the end of 2021 at the earliest for vaccine because of distributing it to hundreds of millions of people, hesitance of people taking it by not trusting it, the effectiveness of it, and all of the logistical aspects of it. He says in early 2022 we can gradually start to work our way back to normal but 2024 is when he expects things to be fully back like 2019 or as close as it can be to being back to normal with potential permanent changes we'll have.

Also said he thinks until then we'll be going through cycles of shutdowns and opening things up over and over.

Sam was taken aback and did not expect to hear 2024. That's just his personal estimate.

As for Trump, he said Trump was briefed in December about this virus and was warned with intelligence from China that it was coming and he didn't act on it. First time I've heard that reporting, not sure if that's been reported regularly or not, I kinda tuned out of the COVID stuff for a while.

I couldn't imagine. If he's right I don't even wanna think about it.
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my brother might have it. he thinks he was exposed on Saturday. i was hanging out with him on Sunday, so i've been self quarantining since then. which means smoking a ton of weed and playing Bloodborne. i feel very good so i don't think i've caught it.

he is going to get his test results tomorrow. we are praying that he is ok. he has a 1 year old daughter and his wife is an EMT. she is around it constantly, but he thinks he caught it from some friends. honestly, we are amazed nothing has happened yet, with her work.

at any rate, i'll post an update here tomorrow. my mom had a recent health scare that ended in double pneumonia. my step dad nearly had a heart attack. so we have had a tough month! fingers crossed...
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we are praying that he is ok
Sorry to potentially sound callous, but I have absolutely had it with all this hand wringing over catching a cold. I mean, is he actually sick? You just said "he thinks he was exposed". And why bring up the 1 year old? This doesn't kill 1 year olds, like at all. I'm surprised actually that they haven't started logging all SIDS deaths as COVID. You're surprised nothing's happened yet with his wife as an EMT around it all the time? Or ya know maybe, it's not nearly as fucking a big a deal as all the petty tyrants trying to control our lives claim? You ever think of that?


my brother might have it. he thinks he was exposed on Saturday. i was hanging out with him on Sunday, so i've been self quarantining since then. which means smoking a ton of weed and playing Bloodborne. i feel very good so i don't think i've caught it.

he is going to get his test results tomorrow. we are praying that he is ok. he has a 1 year old daughter and his wife is an EMT. she is around it constantly, but he thinks he caught it from some friends. honestly, we are amazed nothing has happened yet, with her work.

at any rate, i'll post an update here tomorrow. my mom had a recent health scare that ended in double pneumonia. my step dad nearly had a heart attack. so we have had a tough month! fingers crossed...

How old is your brother? Is he overweight, is he a shut in? Keep in mind that even if he is either of the above, his chances of survival are 99.995%. Please go by data and don’t let unsubstantiated fear take over.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Notice how their body language is exactly that of cops who are called out on their bullshit.

Pretending to act dismissive/busy, no real engagement cuz they have nothing to say, etc.

I could link 10 other vids of cops getting owned and they behave the EXACT same way.

What does that tell you?

That these are security guards paid $10 an hour that have absolutely nothing to do with any decision making with regards to the pandemic.
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Joe T.

Notice how their body language is exactly that of cops who are called out on their bullshit.

Pretending to act dismissive/busy, no real engagement cuz they have nothing to say, etc.

I could link 10 other vids of cops getting owned and they behave the EXACT same way.

What does that tell you?

Yeah, he's gotten a similar reaction from other places he visited. The UK is supposed to be conducting somewhere around 350,000 tests a day, he visited at least half a dozen of them and they were all empty so it makes me wonder just how deep this deception goes.

They're hiding the truth about having properly isolated, purified and replicated the virus ("no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available" -CDC, July 13). They're hiding the truth about the manner in which the tests are conducted and what the results actually mean. Are they hiding the true number of people being tested and fabricating those numbers, too? They're openly misattributing deaths to it so it's hard to be surprised by anything anymore.

Might swing by a newly opened outdoor site tomorrow or Friday out of sheer curiosity. Maybe I'll get lucky and spot staffers at the site pretending to be patients like Project Veritas did at Cherry Health in Michigan.


A critical bit of context behind the UK numbers.

82% of Covid cases reported yesterday were to age groups below 60 - where mortality rates drop off drastically.


Media will state "OMG 100,000 CASES A DAY" - but will not go into this kind of breakdown. Its all in the context.


lmaooooo COVID fuckin' sucks.

This is what everyone is so afraid of?

This is why "the world changed" and we need a retarded "new normal"?

Piss the fuck off.


Let's shut the world down over a 0.5% of dying. No, there's no agenda here!


The Stadia of pandemics.
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That case fatality rate is what Dr John was stating around May time.

But you cannot get in between ratings + fear.
We must prevent all death!! No price is to high to prevent the death of your Grandma. If you have to destroy the future of every single person on earth and drive millions into poverty and starvation to do it, that’s what you will do and you’ll do it with a smile under your mask.


Gold Member
Sweden made the same mistakes New York did with regards to protecting old people. They are big mistakes that unfortunately led to more people dying than should have. The differences between New York and Sweden though are:

1. Sweden's government acknowledged those mistakes, unlike Andrew Cuomo who just blamed everyone else while portraying himself as the savior of civilization.
2. Sweden didn't destroy the rest of its society as well.

Big difference IMO, but also note how the media treats Sweden compared to Andrew Cuomo, says it all.
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since it's a novel virus, no one knows if there's any long lasting effects of it. even if you get it and don't show symptoms, or recover from it, it could cause health issues down the road.
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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
As for Trump, he said Trump was briefed in December about this virus and was warned with intelligence from China that it was coming and he didn't act on it. First time I've heard that reporting, not sure if that's been reported regularly or not, I kinda tuned out of the COVID stuff for a while.

Of course he was briefed about it. That said, Trump was criticized for being racist for a mild China travel ban in Feb. The idea that Congress and blue states would have cooperated with Trump if he had gone full lockdown in December is fantastical. Fauci himself was still downplaying the threat in late January.



Some of the stats are interesting when you see them in context.

I guess because deaths from lung cancer, respiratory diseases and heart disease are seen as "self inflicted" we aren't super keen to outlaw junk food, tobacco and alcohol.

Crazy to think that in some parts of the world you can't attend a gym right now because covid is a killer but they've no issue with letting you drink, smoke or eat yourself to death.

It shows just how much social media and national news etc is able to apply pressure to governments and how selective they are.


Unconfirmed Member
since it's a novel virus, no one knows if there's any long lasting effects of it. even if you get it and don't show symptoms, or recover from it, it could cause health issues down the road.

Most viruses are novel. Every new strain of flu is novel. However, have two options. Panic and assume the virus will melt your internal organs, or make the assumptions of what it can do based on what other viruses of a similar class can do.


"With Covid-19 cases rising across Europe and the UK, Dr. Sonia (ICU Consultant) and catch-up for a discussion on the rising cases, whether Covid-19 has become less aggressive, and how we feel coming into the winter." (10/28/20)




Look at that steep curve, but not for the 2nd wave.

And its all old people.

Original response of panic and hysteria killed 10's of thousands of the elderly.

Every country has a steep wave 1 curve while wave 2 is more flat because they aren't killing old people like they did the first time.

Was it incompetence or a plan to scare everyone?


Sweden made the same mistakes New York did with regards to protecting old people. They are big mistakes that unfortunately led to more people dying than should have. The differences between New York and Sweden though are:

1. Sweden's government acknowledged those mistakes, unlike Andrew Cuomo who just blamed everyone else while portraying himself as the savior of civilization.
2. Sweden didn't destroy the rest of its society as well.

Big difference IMO, but also note how the media treats Sweden compared to Andrew Cuomo, says it all.


No one talks about this when they bring up Sweden and its death rate. Under the age of 60 you had less than 250 people die since this started about 8 months or so.
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If you're scared, feel free to stay home. In fact, I encourage you to stay away. It would be better for everybody. Then you won't have to bitch about what everybody else is doing anymore.

I mean, even though this is said sarcastically, can't this truly be the approach? For those that aren't scared, shouldn't they be allowed to go out and do their thing? All of my extended family lives across the country, so I never see them. That puts me in direct contact with literally nobody above 55 or so during my every day life. If I were in direct contact with older people, or lived with my mom or something, I would take it on as my own responsibility to shelter in place. I'm not sure why people are so quick to judge everyone else during this pandemic, when they can very easily take those precautions for themselves.

If I go out to get groceries, and I see a 76 year old man in line at the deli, is it my fault for being out and potentially exposing him, or is it his?


since it's a novel virus, no one knows if there's any long lasting effects of it. even if you get it and don't show symptoms, or recover from it, it could cause health issues down the road.

Sounds like a good way to fear monger.

You might have it and not know it!!!!!1

AsSUmE yOU haVe iT eVEn iF yOu dON't!!!1

You might be fine for 50 years but on your deathbed in your 80s it will be COVID that finally got you!

Just total fucking nonsense I cannot believe people entertain.
I mean, even though this is said sarcastically, can't this truly be the approach? For those that aren't scared, shouldn't they be allowed to go out and do their thing? All of my extended family lives across the country, so I never see them. That puts me in direct contact with literally nobody above 55 or so during my every day life. If I were in direct contact with older people, or lived with my mom or something, I would take it on as my own responsibility to shelter in place. I'm not sure why people are so quick to judge everyone else during this pandemic, when they can very easily take those precautions for themselves.

If I go out to get groceries, and I see a 76 year old man in line at the deli, is it my fault for being out and potentially exposing him, or is it his?
Oh I’m serious. It’s meant as a shot at the constant whining, but it is what we are supposed to be doing. This idea we all need to sit at home for a disease that quite literally is not dangerous to healthy people under 50 is asinine. Sweden’s approach was always the right approach. I’m still dumbfounded that we didn’t realize that 4 months ago.


Neo Member
I remain amazed to this day no country has told the fat, old, and infirm to take extra care and everyone else go about your business and be cautious around those in high-risk categories.

There also should have been a big push and PR campaign to get nations, especially the US, in shape to ease up on effects seen in the 50-70 groups.


well... shit... my brother has COVID. i was supposed to hang out with him for Halloween but obviously that isn't happening.

he is relatively young, mid thirties, and in good health, so i feel like he will make it through alright. i'm not paralyzed with fear but obviously concerned for my brother's safety. the baby will be fine. still, fucking scary.

he sent us a text that said "I've got the Chy-na virus" so at least he has his sense of humor.
Sorry to potentially sound callous, but I have absolutely had it with all this hand wringing over catching a cold. I mean, is he actually sick?
yes and frankly you do sound callous. my brother has COVID and some jackass on the internet is asking me if he is really sick.
You're surprised nothing's happened yet with his wife as an EMT around it all the time? Or ya know maybe, it's not nearly as fucking a big a deal as all the petty tyrants trying to control our lives claim? You ever think of that?
dude chill the motherfuck out. the EMT is around it constantly and knows people who have had it, this is why i'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. beside, i have thought of all of this. i've discussed it with him. feels like only a month ago we were saying how it's all bullshit, the lockdowns, the fearmongering. i still think so. doesn't mean this virus goes away. please don't use my personal tragedy to soapbox an issue which i probably agree with you on.
How old is your brother? Is he overweight, is he a shut in? Keep in mind that even if he is either of the above, his chances of survival are 99.995%. Please go by data and don’t let unsubstantiated fear take over.
36 and he is in good shape. he's not a shut-in, he thinks he got it from some friends at the gym. yeah i'm not worried about him that much. still, we just got this diagnosis, so there is obviously some level of caution.
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Joe T.

yes and frankly you do sound callous. my brother has COVID and some jackass on the internet is asking me if he is really sick.

Don't take it personally. Everyone needs to understand that perspectives vary wildly right now because of the incredibly irresponsible manner in which governments and the press have reported this pandemic, politics unfortunately playing a large role in that (not to say that's the case here). Sounds like your brother's got a good head on his shoulders if he's joking about it. There's nothing to worry about.

I was carrying tissues with me to use on elevator buttons and washing my hands/keys/door handle in March, sometimes even holding my breath to walk through condo entrances in March. I can look back at that and laugh now.

Remember, cold/flu season is just getting started in the northern hemisphere. If we all start wondering whether or not we or those around us have covid and where we might have caught it we'll lose our minds. Don't let that happen. Treat this fall/winter season the same as the last because, from a health perspective, it is. Excess deaths are happening because of mismanagement at various levels of government, not because of this virus.
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Lil’ Gobbie
lmaooooo COVID fuckin' sucks.

This is what everyone is so afraid of?

This is why "the world changed" and we need a retarded "new normal"?

Piss the fuck off.


Let's shut the world down over a 0.5% of dying. No, there's no agenda here!


The Stadia of pandemics.

you have to keep in mind that what makes this virus unique is how contagious (because of asymptomatic spreaders) this virus is. Essentially everyone is going to get a go at this thing. 1% of your population is a chunk...
you have to keep in mind that what makes this virus unique is how contagious (because of asymptomatic spreaders) this virus is. Essentially everyone is going to get a go at this thing. 1% of your population is a chunk...
It is a chunk, but it’s not 1% (actually less than that) of the broader population. It’s concentrated mostly in people over 70 and with other health risks.

While I am not advocating we just let everyone over 70 die, there is a HUGE difference between a 74 year old dying and a 34 year old dying. There just is. Even most 74 years olds would probably admit that. We cannot sacrifice the future of broad sections of our population this way for this disease. We have to try and protect the at risk people without destroying our way of life.


so i just got off then phone with my brother. he is doing fine, he says he has been sicker. feels like a tough cold, he said. he didn't go to a hospital, he went to CVS and got a test there. he talked to some doctors on the phone, they told him basically that he needs to self quarantine while the symptoms are bad. no treatment necessary. he isn't even planning on going in to the hospital, so long as the symptoms don't progress.

he is under orders to self quarantine for 7 days, which means if all goes well, he should be back to normal by next Thursday, and even good enough for visits. i have cancer and he has been very concerned for me, but apparently we should be good to meet up then, as long as the symptoms go down.

so yeah, from the sound of things, it's like a bad cold, which you just need to stay away from to not get it.
While I am not advocating we just let everyone over 70 die, there is a HUGE difference between a 74 year old dying and a 34 year old dying. There just is. Even most 74 years olds would probably admit that. We cannot sacrifice the future of broad sections of our population this way for this disease. We have to try and protect the at risk people without destroying our way of life.
i do think there is an undercurrent of trying to push the narrative that "Capitalism does not help people" and that ignoring the harmful effects of the lockdowns is how they are doing this. the real fact is that capitalism DOES help people, that all these systems and structures are desperately needed, that they do so much good in the world, help so many people. it is telling that socialists are the ones calling for lockdowns, they think capitalism is unnecessary, and want to use this to "prove" that, no matter how many lives it takes. not just at home but abroad. for just one example, imagine the 3rd world villages all over who depend on corporations, much like cities like Detroit in America (which was centered on car manufacturing). you pull the plug, all those people suffer. there is a hidden cost to all these lockdowns, and the globalist press is gleefully ignoring it, and promoting the fiction that capitalism is not really that helpful. it's bunk.
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Joe T.

fucking germany!!! Soft lockdown begins on 1st november and if we behave we may can celebrate christmas. :messenger_medmask:



The "darkest winter in modern history" is going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. They need that narrative to happen in order to sell vaccines. Exposing this fraud would create uprisings all around the world so you can bet they'll do their best to make sure the truth is suppressed.

Related story from Reuters regarding testing/cases:

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany’s government defended the accuracy of its coronavirus testing procedures on Wednesday, after a Bavarian laboratory delivered a run of false positives that it blamed on pressure of work and a shortage of reagents.

The MVZ Laboratory in Augsburg made wrong diagnoses in 58 of 60 tests it identified as positives over a one-week period - an anomaly that came to light after a hospital become suspicious of the results and retested the patients.

Deliveries failed to arrive from the lab’s normal reagent supplier, forcing it to use an alternative reagent that was not compatible with its testing system, the paper said.

A health ministry spokesman said there was no reason to doubt the “validity and accuracy” of the PCR molecular diagnostic tests used at the MVZ lab and elsewhere in Germany.


Last week, Germany carried out 1.24 million tests, up 12% on the previous week, with the rate of positive results rising to 5.7% from 3.7%, ALM said.

Germany’s cabinet is working on finding ways to expand test capacities, with veterinary laboratories one possible option, government sources told Reuters.

These tests are not the solution, they're the problem. That's going to wind up becoming my mantra.


I love it when good little doggie slaves accuse ME of "believing everything you read on the internet", "believing conspiracy theories", "being a flat earther", etc when the ENTIRE point I'm trying to make is DON'T believe everything you read on the fucking internet.

It's beyond comprehension how fucking stupid these people are.

Anyone who doesn't choke on the COVID COCK narrative is a flat earther???

I don't watch YouTube much, and I don't even follow any of the "conspiracy theories". I love how these morons throw "tinfoil hat" out there while they probably sleep and shit with their fucking masks on. Morons.

And what "conspiracy theory" is it people believe in? I'd love to know. What's it called, and what is it about? I'd love to know.

Is saying the media, government, and billion dollar corps cannot be trusted seriously a controversial opinion, one worthy of being a "CONSPIRACY"?

Fucking retards love to call me a conspiracy theorist without even knowing what it is I believe in.

Seems everything's just black and white for these fucking morons.

You either follow the narrative or you're a Trump supporter, flat earther, conspiracy theorist, and a "science denier" (WHAT THE FUCK IS A SCIENCE DENIER?!?!?!?).




some jackass on the internet is asking me if he is really sick.
Well, you hadn't actually said whether he was sick or not. You only said he tested positive at that point. Your history of posts here if I recall indicates you are someone who is able to see through a lot of the bullshit around this. That you're still so scared for your brother I guess is just human nature; we can only withstand so much relentless gaslighting and propaganda bombarding us 24/7. I doubt you'd be this worried if it was garden variety flu (which is about the same danger for your brother's demographic if not more, and definitely more dangerous to infants).
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