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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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People who side with the media and government really think that's a fucking good look lol?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'm here to reiterate.... I loathe the politicians.... And that is an understatement.... For holding up this relief stimulus bill.

I'm close to a fucking breakdown after struggling with money due to all this. Physically and mentally exhausted after about a month and a half of looking for work, unable to find even low bottom of barrel work. Severe anxiety I've just slacked off this past week.

Holidays are around the corner and me and many others are going to have nothing.

All because of pieces of shit in Washingtons.

Since I don't want to bring Politics bickering here, I won't point fingers but these fucking politicians know who they are.

I don't even know how others out of work are surviving.
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Unconfirmed Member
I'm here to reiterate.... I loathe the politicians.... And that is an understatement.... For holding up this relief stimulus bill.

I'm close to a fucking breakdown after struggling with money due to all this. Physically and mentally exhausted after about a month and a half of looking for work, unable to find even low bottom of barrel work. Severe anxiety I've just slacked off this past week.

Holidays are around the corner and me and many others are going to have nothing.

All because of pieces of shit in Washingtons.

Since I don't want to bring Politics bickering here, I won't point fingers but these fucking politicians know who they are.

I don't even know how others out of work are surviving.

This is the thing that enrages me. Ordinary people, people just honestly going about their day working hard, paying their taxes, being decent people, those people are being fucked over. All this lockdown - the people pushing for it are mostly those in comfy jobs who can work from home or who have plenty of money anyway. It's yet more class warfare, as if the elites haven't already shat on the common man enough in recent times. This is why we need to re-establish CLASS as the central narrative of the left, so they can get back to looking after the people who are really truly in need.


I'm here to reiterate.... I loathe the politicians.... And that is an understatement.... For holding up this relief stimulus bill.

I'm close to a fucking breakdown after struggling with money due to all this. Physically and mentally exhausted after about a month and a half of looking for work, unable to find even low bottom of barrel work. Severe anxiety I've just slacked off this past week.

Holidays are around the corner and me and many others are going to have nothing.

All because of pieces of shit in Washingtons.

Since I don't want to bring Politics bickering here, I won't point fingers but these fucking politicians know who they are.

I don't even know how others out of work are surviving.
A whole month and a half? I searched for a job 14 months this past year, COVID didn’t help the last 8 months , had about 40 job interviews 🀣 pull yourself together... it’s all long term. Maybe you can learn another job or start your own ... I also started my own .. while still searching, I got money out of that. Worked around the clock on that until late evenings and in weekends , learning new stuff , finding clients, just doing what I could .
Now I want to grow my business the coming years.

I just let the guys here talk shit about me , that I didn’t know what unemployment meant. But I bet I was in a more severe position than most posters here 🀑😎

had to cut all kinds of expenses, no buying clothes, cheap food, some services like Prime video cancelling , some insurance cancellations, and I have mouths to feed. Stopping all kinds of payments in talks with banks. No fun stuff , no games , almost sold my consoles, was close to cancelling Xbox Live , did most of my stuff on bike no money for gas. No densist. No barber , just trimmed my head. No luxury stuff. Just livingAnd we managed ..

But I guess it’s much easier to blame others (governments )

At my new boss I even earn much more with 4 days than with 5 by my former boss . Long live 3 days of weekend!

you can have anything if you believe you can!

Good luck! Or find some help. And try to be positive, negativity won’t help one bit

And yes I am pro lock down as a firm lock down would have rebounded the economy much faster ..

I also obey all the rules .
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
But I guess it’s much easier to blame others (governments )
Uh yeah dude. In this case it is completely justifiable to blame the fucking government who forced businesses to shut down.

Many smaller businesses are permanently closed as a result and people out of work because of the shut down.

You have over 35 bars here suing the state (even though nothing will happen as a result)
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Joe T.


The story claims they achieved this with mask/hygiene measures, but as usual the oh-so-respected CNN omitted an important detail: the test numbers.


These stories are so laughably bad that part of me interprets them as coded messages from news crews that are held hostage and begging for help. Stop the tests and everything returns to normal.


Uh yeah dude. In this case it is completely justifiable to blame the fucking government who forced businesses to shut down.

Many smaller businesses are permanently closed as a result and people out of work because of the shut down.

You have over 35 bars here suing the state (even though nothing will happen as a result)
Yup just keep on going !


Unconfirmed Member
A whole month and a half? I searched for a job 14 months this past year, COVID didn’t help the last 8 months , had about 40 job interviews 🀣 pull yourself together... it’s all long term. Maybe you can learn another job or start your own ... I also started my own .. while still searching, I got money out of that. Worked around the clock on that until late evenings and in weekends , learning new stuff , finding clients, just doing what I could .

Way to go with the emotional support there. If you could survive 14 months without a job you were in a privileged position. Fact is most people have rent to pay, bills, stuff that'll see them completely shut down and homeless if not sorted - most people don't have the savings to go 14 months with no income after the post-2008 economic fuckage. Many people don't have a family support network (I'm one of them). I've sofa-surfed, I know how degrading and shitty it can be.

Back in 2010 I came back to the UK escaping what looked to be a coming civil war in Thailand (people were firing grenade launchers at skytrains so it wasn't unreasonable to think that) and I applied for 100 jobs in a month, and got very few interviews. I even got turned down by fucking McDonalds and Subway. It's disheartening, but I was super-fortunate to have a friend's sofa to live on. Now 10 years later I own a house, and earn about double the national average, so I did ok and got lucky, but it could so easily have gone the other way. Have some fucking empathy for people struggling financially.
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A whole month and a half? I searched for a job 14 months this past year, COVID didn’t help the last 8 months , had about 40 job interviews 🀣 pull yourself together... it’s all long term. Maybe you can learn another job or start your own ... I also started my own .. while still searching, I got money out of that. Worked around the clock on that until late evenings and in weekends , learning new stuff , finding clients, just doing what I could .
Now I want to grow my business the coming years.

I just let the guys here talk shit about me , that I didn’t know what unemployment meant. But I bet I was in a more severe position than most posters here 🀑😎

had to cut all kinds of expenses, no buying clothes, cheap food, some services like Prime video cancelling , some insurance cancellations, and I have mouths to feed. Stopping all kinds of payments in talks with banks. No fun stuff , no games , almost sold my consoles, was close to cancelling Xbox Live , did most of my stuff on bike no money for gas. No densist. No barber , just trimmed my head. No luxury stuff. Just livingAnd we managed ..

But I guess it’s much easier to blame others (governments )

At my new boss I even earn much more with 4 days than with 5 by my former boss . Long live 3 days of weekend!

you can have anything if you believe you can!

Good luck! Or find some help. And try to be positive, negativity won’t help one bit

And yes I am pro lock down as a firm lock down would have rebounded the economy much faster ..

I also obey all the rules .

Fuck off, you fucking asshole.



The story claims they achieved this with mask/hygiene measures, but as usual the oh-so-respected CNN omitted an important detail: the test numbers.


These stories are so laughably bad that part of me interprets them as coded messages from news crews that are held hostage and begging for help. Stop the tests and everything returns to normal.

They also mention (but give no credit to) the nasty SARS outbreak there years ago, and there has been a study that showed cross immunity between those viruses.


Gold Member
Taiwan has a population of ~23 million, so 200k TOTAL tests would be equivalent here to about 2.8 million, or in other words, less tests than we are conducting every 3 days.

STOP THIS INSANE TESTING REGIME. Even if it does present some useful information, it is clearly being misused. Rather than being used as a way to track spread, with the data carefully analyzed and placed into context, numbers are just flung around to spread fear, justify insane tyranny, and invoke endless lockdown. It is the worst use of numbers and data I have ever seen.
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Why is it whenever I own some fucking pussy on Facebook they delete their comments?

Too scared to let people see that I ruined their shit?

I had this dumb fuck right where I wanted him and he ended up deleting the entire comment chain after he made his usual retarded covidiot pussy retorts that make no fucking sense at all.
These people are so fucking stupid they don't even know how to reply properly to you.

It's like their sheep brain fizzles out and they short circuit trying to argue/discuss things with someone who isn't a brain dead fuck like they are.

It's too late/early right now but I'm gonna share this ownage later and I can't wait.

I destroy covidiot pussies on the reg but I found this one extra rewarding cuz at the end of the day I asked that pussboy to give me a simple straight answer to a simple straight question and he refused, made nonsensical retard retorts back at me, and then deleted everything. That's what I call showing your ass.

COVID warriors are so stupid it blows my mind.

Yeah nothing shows how right you are like deleting an entire comment chain so other people can't see it lol.

And this isn't even close to the first time it happened.

COVID COWARDS are good at deleting their comments. PUSSIES.
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If you could survive 14 months without a job you were in a privileged position. Fact is most people have rent to pay, bills, stuff that'll see them completely shut down and homeless if not sorted - most people don't have the savings to go 14 months with no income after the post-2008 economic fuckage. Many people don't have a family support network (I'm one of them). I've sofa-surfed, I know how degrading and shitty it can be.
Ain't that the truth. My family's doing fine and the last time I got laid off (2015) I was only out of work for three weeks. We still have our income during COVID as well. I'm probably working from home for another several months at this rate. But I in no way could absorb a 14 month jobless stretch. Maybe if 2008 didn't happen it'd be feasible, but as it stands, no way. It's surreal to hear a poster that has been a sycophant for the Dem fear machine this entire time, turn around and tell someone who has been screwed over by this hysteria to basically bootstrap themselves.


Unconfirmed Member
Ain't that the truth. My family's doing fine and the last time I got laid off (2015) I was only out of work for three weeks. We still have our income during COVID as well. I'm probably working from home for another several months at this rate. But I in no way could absorb a 14 month jobless stretch. Maybe if 2008 didn't happen it'd be feasible, but as it stands, no way. It's surreal to hear a poster that has been a sycophant for the Dem fear machine this entire time, turn around and tell someone who has been screwed over by this hysteria to basically bootstrap themselves.

When you consider the biggest talking point among the left is how the economy isn't working for the poor (and frankly I'm inclined to agree - the money printer has overwhelmingly distributed money to those who already have it) it's amazing to see such a lack of empathy. The government has shut down the economy, so it's on the government to keep the people affected by that afloat. If they don't want to do that, don't shut down the economy. Benefits for the unemployed should be temporarily raised to reflect the situation.
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Don Jr says with a straight face that covid-19 deaths are "almost nothing" as nearly 1,000 Americans die in the same day he said it. Don't say Democrats are the only ones who gaslight


Unconfirmed Member
Don Jr says with a straight face that covid-19 deaths are "almost nothing" as nearly 1,000 Americans die in the same day he said it. Don't say Democrats are the only ones who gaslight

1000 deaths, in a population of 331 million, is nothing. For example, in 2018, 36560 people were killed in road accidents. That's 100 per day right there. There were 599,274 cancer deaths that same year. That's 1640ish per day. 655381 people died of heart disease. 140000 died of stroke. Overall there were about 2.8m deaths in the US in 2018 (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db355-h.pdf) - so yes, 1000 is fuck all.

Oh and a bonus. 61000 died from flu, with 810,000 hospitalised (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_influenza_statistics_by_flu_season) - even if COVID keeps killing at the same rate it would reach 365000 deaths, which means only 6 x flu. Where then is the line at which we shut down the economy (driving people to suicide - btw 48000 of those in 2018, I wonder how many in 2020 or will they just be added to the COVID figures)? Is it 2x flu or 3x flu? Some flus are quite aggressive and might hit that line. Do we shut down the economy so stress doesn't give people heart attacks or strokes? Do we shut down the fast food industry to save people from death by obesity? Where is the line?
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1000 deaths, in a population of 331 million, is nothing. For example, in 2018, 36560 people were killed in road accidents. That's 100 per day right there. There were 599,274 cancer deaths that same year. That's 1640ish per day. 655381 people died of heart disease. 140000 died of stroke. Overall there were about 2.8m deaths in the US in 2018 (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db355-h.pdf) - so yes, 1000 is fuck all.

Oh and a bonus. 61000 died from flu, with 810,000 hospitalised (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_influenza_statistics_by_flu_season) - even if COVID keeps killing at the same rate it would reach 365000 deaths, which means only 6 x flu. Where then is the line at which we shut down the economy (driving people to suicide - btw 48000 of those in 2018, I wonder how many in 2020 or will they just be added to the COVID figures)? Is it 2x flu or 3x flu? Some flus are quite aggressive and might hit that line. Do we shut down the economy so stress doesn't give people heart attacks or strokes? Do we shut down the fast food industry to save people from death by obesity? Where is the line?

the 1,000 figure was for that one day. 230k people have died. to say 1,000 people dying is "nothing" is not only insulting to the people who've died from it, it's gaslighting and/or just pure ignorance. and this is someone Trump would listen to. Biden said it best, you can shut down the virus without shutting down the economy.


Gold Member
the 1,000 figure was for that one day. 230k people have died. to say 1,000 people dying is "nothing" is not only insulting to the people who've died from it, it's gaslighting and/or just pure ignorance. and this is someone Trump would listen to. Biden said it best, you can shut down the virus without shutting down the economy.


-No, 230k people have not died of covid
-While we are whining about 85 year olds with COPD dying, cancers are going undiscovered, people are getting strokes in their homes, people are getting hooked on drugs and killing themselves because of isolation related depression, etc. The body count due to government actions is going to far exceed whatever fake COVID death number they put out there, let alone the real ones.
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the 1,000 figure was for that one day. 230k people have died. to say 1,000 people dying is "nothing" is not only insulting to the people who've died from it, it's gaslighting and/or just pure ignorance. and this is someone Trump would listen to. Biden said it best, you can shut down the virus without shutting down the economy.
Biden lied. You can't shut the virus down period. Even the islands which closed down all borders still have cases pop up the moment they allow travel to/from foreign countries.


Unconfirmed Member
the 1,000 figure was for that one day. 230k people have died. to say 1,000 people dying is "nothing" is not only insulting to the people who've died from it, it's gaslighting and/or just pure ignorance. and this is someone Trump would listen to. Biden said it best, you can shut down the virus without shutting down the economy.

Did you even read the stats or just jump straight in with the bullshit? 1000 deaths is nothing. We cannot eliminate death. Not even Joe can do that. The number of people dying of covid, even if we take your figure of 230000 people, or even the projection for 365000 if it's 1000/day for the whole year as I gave above, is nothing compared to the 2.8m people who died in 2018 (just picked it because it's a nice easy to get boring year). I notice also you avoided my question. Where is the line? How bad a flu would you shut the economy down (dooming the poor - see above) for? How do you think the shutdown is going to be paid for? Answers, not insults, please.


Does he have a comprehensive method in doing this? Or is he just out for votes?

I'd genuinely like to know. And I'm sure governments all over the world would like to know too.

it's on his website but this article does a good job of making it concise. Taiwan is also a great example of how to shut down the virus and not the economy (mainly, they take public health very seriously there), there aren't a lot of people saying masks are government control etc... which greatly helps reduce the spread

-No, 230k people have not died of covid
-While we are whining about 85 year olds with COPD dying, cancers are going undiscovered, people are getting strokes in their homes, people are getting hooked on drugs and killing themselves because of isolation related depression, etc. The body count due to government actions is going to far exceed whatever fake COVID death number they put out there, let alone the real ones.

230k people have died from Covid. If they had a pre existing condition, like obesity, diabetes, heart conditions, etc... and they got pneumonia from Covid and died, just because they might have died years down the road doesn't mean their pre existing conditions are the ones that killed them. Are suicide rates up because of the lockdowns, unemployment, fear of the unknown and so on? absolutely. Biden is not arguing to lock the country down. He wants to keep it open while controlling the virus so a second wave doesn't occur resuling in yet another lockdown.

Biden lied. You can't shut the virus down period. Even the islands which closed down all borders still have cases pop up the moment they allow travel to/from foreign countries.

you can't make it go away, but in relation to a lot of other countries the US has done a poor job under Trump, and this is a view held by the majority of Americans (59%) disapprove of the way he handled the virus. He admittedly downplayed it, which resulted in more deaths. Do not act like Trump's handling of the virus is doing him any favors in this election. He doesn't even want to talk about it.

Did you even read the stats or just jump straight in with the bullshit? 1000 deaths is nothing. We cannot eliminate death. Not even Joe can do that. The number of people dying of covid, even if we take your figure of 230000 people, or even the projection for 365000 if it's 1000/day for the whole year as I gave above, is nothing compared to the 2.8m people who died in 2018 (just picked it because it's a nice easy to get boring year). I notice also you avoided my question. Where is the line? How bad a flu would you shut the economy down (dooming the poor - see above) for? How do you think the shutdown is going to be paid for? Answers, not insults, please.

I read the stats. We'll agree to disagree that 1,000 deaths a day is "nothing", OK? Joe can't eliminate it, but he can reduce it. You're equating all deaths to deaths which could have been prevented if covid was taken seriously, i don't look at that as as fair comparison. You seem to think I'm under the impression we should be shutting down the country in order to contain the virus--I'm not advocating for that at all. I also don't think I insulted anyone?
you can't make it go away, but in relation to a lot of other countries the US has done a poor job under Trump, and this is a view held by the majority of Americans (59%) disapprove of the way he handled the virus. He admittedly downplayed it, which resulted in more deaths. Do not act like Trump's handling of the virus is doing him any favors in this election. He doesn't even want to talk about it.
Trump primary COVID response is to listen to his science advisors, and to let the Governors decide how their states handled it. The main reason COVID has been as bad as it has is because of the governors who forced COVID patients back in to Nursing homes, and because Democrats nationwide decided COVID wasn't serious as soon as the Floyd situation happened.

Trump closed down travel from China when Democrats were saying it was racist. He closed down travel from EU as this started to ramp up. He listened to his Science advisors and did everything they told him to do. The time Democrats claim should have been his prime time for acting he was defending himself from a complete farce of an impeachment.

If Obama had been the one downplaying this, you would call it "spreading hope".
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it's on his website but this article does a good job of making it concise. Taiwan is also a great example of how to shut down the virus and not the economy (mainly, they take public health very seriously there), there aren't a lot of people saying masks are government control etc... which greatly helps reduce the spread

Theres little there to what other countries have tried to do and failed to contain COVID. Also, using any far eastern country as any kind of example of containing the virus is unreliable given existing likelyhood of SARS1/MERS antibodies from previous infections driving down case numbers naturally. T-Cell/Antibodies are much more prevelent in the population there. You can't compare that to other countries that do not have residual resistance to what they have there.

It's the election season. Saying the opposite to what your rival candidate says is not a fix to a wider solution.
Trump closed down travel from China when Democrats were saying it was racist. He closed down travel from EU as this started to ramp up.

If only he had. He banned EU citizens from entry but any American or Brit in Europe was free to fly back as if the virus cares one bit what passport you have.

This is pure Trump, he does take a seemingly decisive action that goes against established dogmas but then lacks the basic brains to effectively implement it. And probably made it worse by triggering a mass flow back to the US from Europe without any testing or tracing in place, just asking people to quarantine themselves please.


Trump primary COVID response is to listen to his science advisors

he called fauci and idiot.

The main reason COVID has been as bad as it has is because of the governors who forced COVID patients back in to Nursing homes, and because Democrats nationwide decided COVID wasn't serious as soon as the Floyd situation happened.

putting them back into nursing homes was a mistake for sure. democrats did not decide covid wasn't serious when Floyd was murdered--they've always advocated for using CDC guidelines and taking it seriously--it's unfortunate a lot of the protestors weren't wearing masks and huddling together but there's a lot of things sociolgoists can pick at here in terms of what they felt during the lockdown and how they felt because of racial injustice.

Trump closed down travel from China when Democrats were saying it was racist. He closed down travel from EU as this started to ramp up. He listened to his Science advisors and did everything they told him to do. The time Democrats claim should have been his prime time for acting he was defending himself from a complete farce of an impeachment.

just two democrats called him racist and none of them were presidential candidates. also he didn't really close down travel, he just put restrictions on it.

Theres little there to what other countries have tried to do and failed to contain COVID. Also, using any far eastern country as any kind of example of containing the virus is unreliable given existing likelyhood of SARS1/MERS antibodies from previous infections driving down case numbers naturally. T-Cell/Antibodies are much more prevelent in the population there. You can't compare that to other countries that do not have residual resistance to what they have there.

It's the election season. Saying the opposite to what your rival candidate says is not a fix to a wider solution.

Does it work with antibodies? I know with the flu, for example, the vaccine is a prediction of the type of strain. I thought new strains (like the novel coronavirus) wouldn't care what antibodies you had from the previous strain. But regarding politics, of course Biden is going to say everything Trump has done wrong, and electing Biden isn't going to suddenly bring cases down to 0, but it's refreshing to see a leader who takes it seriously and would do his best to minimize deaths.
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Biden said it best, you can shut down the virus without shutting down the economy.
No you can't apparently. Unless you're Sweden. Certainly not these Democratic run cities/states or the rest of Europe. And apparently you can't shut down the virus even if you shut down the economy. Biden in no way said anything best. He can't say anything passably coherent these days let alone "best".
the 1,000 figure was for that one day. 230k people have died. to say 1,000 people dying is "nothing" is not only insulting to the people who've died from it, it's gaslighting and/or just pure ignorance. and this is someone Trump would listen to. Biden said it best, you can shut down the virus without shutting down the economy.
No you can’t. Biden is a senile jackass. He doesn’t say anything β€œbest”.


the 1,000 figure was for that one day. 230k people have died. to say 1,000 people dying is "nothing" is not only insulting to the people who've died from it, it's gaslighting and/or just pure ignorance. and this is someone Trump would listen to. Biden said it best, you can shut down the virus without shutting down the economy.

First of all, no you can't. What kind of magic bullet strategy does Biden have that will result in economic growth but also end the pandemic? He doesn't. He has said over and over again that he would o the same things Trump has been doing - let governors handle mask mandates, encourage social distancing, pursue a vaccine/treatments - while pretending that because Trump does these things, they are bad, but when he does them, they will somehow work. You have fallen for his moral posturing.

Secondly, while I do agree that saying the amount of people have died is "nothing" is not a very good way of putting it and is quite insensitive, it isn't really that divorced from reality. The fact is, COVID will end up this year having killed about the same number of people worldwide as tuberculosis in 2019 (1.4 million). Tell me, how afraid were you of dying of tuberculosis last year? And in fact, since the virus is only its most deadly toward elderly people unlike tuberculosis, it is all but guaranteed that significantly less people will die of the virus next year even if no vaccine/treatment arises. However, the lockdowns which are extremely detrimental to an otherwise healthy population by basically every metric, will have caused much more death and decreases in quality of living than was seemingly necessary considering the virus' lethality.

We should be wearing masks and preventing large gatherings, but really, nothing that wasn't especially dangerous should've shut down. It has halted people's lives and caused them immense stress (which is dangerously unhealthy) for months on end, and it didn't even stop the virus.
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Tell me, how afraid were you of dying of tuberculosis last year? And in fact, since the virus is only its most deadly toward elderly people unlike tuberculosis, it is all but guaranteed that significantly less people will die of the virus next year even if no vaccine/treatment arises.

I know this wasn't directed at me, but how afraid was I of dying of TB last year? Not at all, since two thirds of all TB cases were in 8 countries, most of them being very poor. There's also at least some known drug courses that can effectively combat TB.

I think it's correct to be concerned about potential long-term health effects of COVID-19 on the general population, since the virus is still new. Also, scientists have long suspected that rheumatoid arthritis and maybe even lupus is caused by viral infection that ends up affecting people for the rest of their lives.

It's time to get organized on some level. You see countries like China and South Korea with a robust testing and tracing strategy, but I'm guessing most Americans won't go for being profiled and traced by QR code check-ins and temp checks in public places.

Joe T.

It's time to get organized on some level. You see countries like China and South Korea with a robust testing and tracing strategy, but I'm guessing most Americans won't go for being profiled and traced by QR code check-ins and temp checks in public places.

If we all tested and reported cases the same way China did we'd all be wide open and back to normal. China does not report asymptomatic cases, why does the rest of the world? You can't have it both ways, praising them then going in the completely opposite direction with testing.

South Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand all have the same thing in common: their testing numbers are pitifully low. The US got trashed for this in the early days, but those other countries got praised for it. Explain to me how you rationalize that.
If only he had. He banned EU citizens from entry but any American or Brit in Europe was free to fly back as if the virus cares one bit what passport you have.

This is pure Trump, he does take a seemingly decisive action that goes against established dogmas but then lacks the basic brains to effectively implement it. And probably made it worse by triggering a mass flow back to the US from Europe without any testing or tracing in place, just asking people to quarantine themselves please.
He specifically called out the part of Europe which was worst hit, specifying 26 countries.
he called fauci and idiot.
Very Recently. This has nothing to do with his long-term response.

putting them back into nursing homes was a mistake for sure. democrats did not decide covid wasn't serious when Floyd was murdered--they've always advocated for using CDC guidelines and taking it seriously--it's unfortunate a lot of the protestors weren't wearing masks and huddling together but there's a lot of things sociolgoists can pick at here in terms of what they felt during the lockdown and how they felt because of racial injustice.
If you don't think Democrats at large decided COVID wasn't important when across the board protestors/rioters were being supported by local governments and national ones, then we have a fundamental disagreement that can not be resolved. You will never convince me they were still taking it seriously while making claims that racism was more deadly than COVID and that protests were making the # of cases go down.

just two democrats called him racist and none of them were presidential candidates. also he didn't really close down travel, he just put restrictions on it.
Biden's quote: "We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science β€” not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering."

He didn't say he was racist, he just used synonyms for racism instead! You should work for Mainstream media.
If we all tested and reported cases the same way China did we'd all be wide open and back to normal. China does not report asymptomatic cases, why does the rest of the world? You can't have it both ways, praising them then going in the completely opposite direction with testing.

South Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand all have the same thing in common: their testing numbers are pitifully low. The US got trashed for this in the early days, but those other countries got praised for it. Explain to me how you rationalize that.

China started reporting asymptomatic cases as of April 1st I believe.

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China started reporting asymptomatic cases as of April 1st I believe.
I truly don’t care what China is doing. They’re either lying or they aren’t. I know you guys are going back and forth about them, but it just doesn’t matter.

These spikes generally last about 8 weeks, give or take. And after the spikes, things settle back down to a reasonable level where hospitals can manage without any drastic changes. Clearly the Midwest is getting its turn with this. It started in the Northeast, where there is a small resurgence, then it was the South and Southwest. And now it’s the Midwest. It’s going to be tough there for another month at least.

But we’ll get through ok. Just be careful around your parents and grandparents.
I truly don’t care what China is doing. They’re either lying or they aren’t. I know you guys are going back and forth about them, but it just doesn’t matter.

These spikes generally last about 8 weeks, give or take. And after the spikes, things settle back down to a reasonable level where hospitals can manage without any drastic changes. Clearly the Midwest is getting its turn with this. It started in the Northeast, where there is a small resurgence, then it was the South and Southwest. And now it’s the Midwest. It’s going to be tough there for another month at least.

But we’ll get through ok. Just be careful around your parents and grandparents.

Yeah I don’t have a firm opinion on this whole thing one way or another. Everyone is going to have to make an individual risk assessment for themselves or their families and act accordingly.
And every American who was on holiday or business trip in one of those countries took the first plane back to the USA. See the problem here ?
Yeah, I don’t think Trump is allowed to stop US citizens at the border. Hell, the left doesn’t want him stopping fucking illegal immigrants at the border.
And every American who was on holiday or business trip in one of those countries took the first plane back to the USA. See the problem here ?
Actually no, I don't. I don't want to live in a world where US citizens are not allowed to return to the US, no matter what the hell is happening in the world at large.

It scares me that there are actually people who feel differently. I don't want to live in an authoritarian hell-hole.


Neo Member
We're about to find out if the US has chosen an acceptable risk/reward strategy to keep our economy relatively strong. If Euro countries go lockdowns and get high compliance we also get to find out if masks and social distancing work as expected.

If nothing else we get a second data set with a better idea of what to look at.


Gold Member
We're about to find out if the US has chosen an acceptable risk/reward strategy to keep our economy relatively strong. If Euro countries go lockdowns and get high compliance we also get to find out if masks and social distancing work as expected.

If nothing else we get a second data set with a better idea of what to look at.

Hasn't France (for example) had mask mandates for months and social distancing policies in place for even longer?


Hasn't France (for example) had mask mandates for months and social distancing policies in place for even longer?

NAtional geographic did a survey, 92% of respondants said they wear a maks, with 74% saying they wear one all the time.

Add in the 85% number from the CDC of infected people wear masks.

I dont think masks on a macro society wide level really work, and I will bet dollars to doughnuts that any Asian success is not from masks but from SARS T-Cells, hand hygiene, vitamin D, and not being fat sloths.


so i have an update, my brother was tested positive yesterday, well now his wife and 1 year old baby has it too. we are worried but still very hopeful they will pull through ok. baby had a fever but is doing ok at the moment. at least he doesn't have to isolate himself in a room anymore.

im still doing good. i last saw him on Sunday but i didn't spend too much time near him. plus i don't think he was contagious yet. my mom and stepday (he is 81) both saw him on Monday, but neither of them are feeling any symptoms. they are for sure quarantining though...

i am going to run out to the store to stock up on vitamins. i need to get some C, D, and Zinc. apparently that's the best thing for it.

stay safe, everyone.
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Way to go with the emotional support there. If you could survive 14 months without a job you were in a privileged position. Fact is most people have rent to pay, bills, stuff that'll see them completely shut down and homeless if not sorted - most people don't have the savings to go 14 months with no income after the post-2008 economic fuckage. Many people don't have a family support network (I'm one of them). I've sofa-surfed, I know how degrading and shitty it can be.

Back in 2010 I came back to the UK escaping what looked to be a coming civil war in Thailand (people were firing grenade launchers at skytrains so it wasn't unreasonable to think that) and I applied for 100 jobs in a month, and got very few interviews. I even got turned down by fucking McDonalds and Subway. It's disheartening, but I was super-fortunate to have a friend's sofa to live on. Now 10 years later I own a house, and earn about double the national average, so I did ok and got lucky, but it could so easily have gone the other way. Have some fucking empathy for people struggling financially.
Privileged 🀣 now I have heard it all, I got help from family and friends ... you guys are so invested in negativity and in the blame game that you probably won’t pull through ... you can only change our own destiny. Others won’t do it for you.
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