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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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I am writting and posting about the virus for weeks in several other threads.

I got shit on and verbaly assaulted countless times though i provided facts and a fair amount of reasoning.

And even though things got worse like way but way worse peoples minds havent changed one bit.
They still put me down.

Anyways i am glad that in this thread the conversations are civilized and edjucating.
Its in our best interest to be up to date .

I will do my share and post here every info i can gather.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Whether you think this is legit or not, no reason to not stock up on supplies for a month. If this blows over and nothing happens, you can still drink the water, eat the canned goods another time

Yep! And if it goes on for more than a month or two, that will probably mean the collapse of society anyway.


Despite the high infection rate, I kinda think this whole thing is overblown. I'm not seeing any sign this is meaningfully worse than the flu.

I'm more concerned that a planned vacation in April will get spoiled by all this. Everything's nigh perfect for it. Please don't ruin it, public panic~

I’m assuming you don’t have anyone you care about in your life over 65 or somehow immunocompromised? Both my parents, all my aunts and uncles, a friend my age is a transplant recipient, just thinking off the top of my head...
So when this is all over what will the repercussions for China be for unleashing a bioweapon on the planet? Nothing? Thought so. Gotta get their box office money and sell them our shit.
Manufacturing, mah boi.

The cost-savings of manufacturing things in China have already been steadily declining over the past decade, and now every country will be asking if it's worth it when supplies can be randomly disrupted for 1-2 months when China's gov't decides "it's not that big of a deal" until it becomes a big deal.

To say nothin of the fear of your populace catching a virulent outbreak.

EDIT: ExpandKong ExpandKong beat me like a scrub caught in his Down C
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Ok, this is epic

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Well look at the CFR. This has a 2-3% death rate (and probably higher since the deaths lag from the cases) while the flu has a death rate of something like .01%.

Also countries don't shut down or go into quarntine because of the flu.

I think its probably 80% odds if you get it you will recover, but the 20% will need hospitilization and could very well die.
I get where you coming from because in the grand scheme of things the amount of people infected is very small. Even china 80K on 1.3 billion is a tiny %. I think the bigger issue though is how quick it can spread, what that does to hospitals and the economy. Just look how governments are reacting and then compare it to your everyday flu.
There are also tons of people infected that are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms that aren't getting reported. because they aren't seeking medical attention. So there really isn't a way to get a true number for the death rate. Out of confirmed cases its a little over 2 % depending on region. So where are you getting this number of 80 % likelihood of surviving? It would be much higher than 80 %


i bought some masks at a markup.

then had a realization that this is real and not some movie or game. this thing really is pretty miserable someone in japan testing positive a second time after recovering and the report about the person in northern California getting it from an unknown source whom hadn't traveled.

seems like this may end up like the flu not as in the severity but that we will just have to live with it spreading among the population every year, and get yearly covid shots.
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There are also tons of people infected that are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms that aren't getting reported. because they aren't seeking medical attention. So there really isn't a way to get a true number for the death rate. Out of confirmed cases its a little over 2 % depending on region. So where are you getting this number of 80 % likelihood of surviving? It would be much higher than 80 %

I am saying 80% would not need hospitalization and would recover just like getting over a cold/flu.

The other 20% it would be serious and could potentially lead to death.


There are also tons of people infected that are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms that aren't getting reported. because they aren't seeking medical attention. So there really isn't a way to get a true number for the death rate. Out of confirmed cases its a little over 2 % depending on region. So where are you getting this number of 80 % likelihood of surviving? It would be much higher than 80 %
I think he meant that in 80% of cases, you won't have to go to the hospital. Which seems reasonable given a 2% death rate.

Edit: beaten.
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Well look at the CFR. This has a 2-3% death rate (and probably higher since the deaths lag from the cases) while the flu has a death rate of something like .01%.

Also countries don't shut down or go into quarntine because of the flu.

I think its probably 80% odds if you get it you will recover, but the 20% will need hospitilization and could very well die.
I get where you coming from because in the grand scheme of things the amount of people infected is very small. Even china 80K on 1.3 billion is a tiny %. I think the bigger issue though is how quick it can spread, what that does to hospitals and the economy. Just look how governments are reacting and then compare it to your everyday flu.

Thanks for the info.


I am saying 80% would not need hospitalization and would recover just like getting over a cold/flu.

The other 20% it would be serious and could potentially lead to death.
Okay I see, that's more reasonable. I thought you meant you had an 80 % chance for survival. It still could be way higher for chance of hospitalization as there were a lot of people testing positive with very mild symptoms or no symptoms at all from the various quarantines. Really there is no way of knowing what the true rate is.


Well look at the CFR. This has a 2-3% death rate (and probably higher since the deaths lag from the cases) while the flu has a death rate of something like .01%.

Also countries don't shut down or go into quarntine because of the flu.

I think its probably 80% odds if you get it you will recover, but the 20% will need hospitilization and could very well die.
I get where you coming from because in the grand scheme of things the amount of people infected is very small. Even china 80K on 1.3 billion is a tiny %. I think the bigger issue though is how quick it can spread, what that does to hospitals and the economy. Just look how governments are reacting and then compare it to your everyday flu.

Worst part is that we have no idea if the death rate is actually 2-3% anyways. How many places have lied and continue to lie about their numbers? This could be MUCH worse then we think and we'd have no way of knowing for sure. Not sure if it was way back in this thread or if I saw it on reddit, but if this spreads badly in the US, there are NOWHERE near enough hospitals for the amount of people here that would need care, that will lead to more deaths and more suffering. Wish more people were being more careful and less "I can't not take a vacation, I'll be fine". Thing is you could bring it back and be the reason another human being is suddenly in a struggle for their life.
OTHER PLACESCasesDeathsNotesLinks
Diamond Princess705436 serious, 10 recoveredSource
South Korea1,7661313 serious, 5 critical, 24 recoveredSource
Italy6551719 serious, 3 recovered Source
Japan207*413 serious, 32 recoveredSource
Singapore9307 critical, 58 recoveredSource
Hong Kong9224 critical, 2 serious, 18 recoveredSource
United States6006 recoveredSource
Thailand4002 serious, 15 recoveredSource
Taiwan3215 recoveredSource
Malaysia22017 recoveredSource
Australia23015 recoveredSource
Germany4002 critical, 16 recoveredSource
Vietnam16016 recoveredSource
UAE1902 serious, 5 recoveredSource
United Kingdom1608 recoveredSource
France3821 serious, 11 recoveredSource
Canada1303 recoveredSource
Macau1006 recoveredSource
Philippines312 recoveredSource
India303 recoveredSource
Russia202 recoveredSource
Spain2301 serious, 2 recoveredSource
Nepal101 recoveredSource
Cambodia101 recoveredSource
Sri Lanka101 recoveredSource
Finland201 recoveredSource
Belgium101 recoveredSource
Egypt101 recoveredSource
North Macedonia10Source
San Marino10Source
TOTAL4,26570106 serious/critical


Okay I see, that's more reasonable. I thought you meant you had an 80 % chance for survival. It still could be way higher for chance of hospitalization as there were a lot of people testing positive with very mild symptoms or no symptoms at all from the various quarantines. Really there is no way of knowing what the true rate is.

Pretty true. Even as you pointed out we don't know the real death rate, and keep in mind people who die were infected 2 to 4 weeks ago. So you can't just divide cases by deaths. There is a lag.

Overall I think the vast majority will survive and not have to be hospitalized. But the bigger problem IMO is how it spreads. Once you get 100's or 1000's that need to go to the hospital and stay home from work, even if they recover its going to wreck havoc.

But overall probably most people will never have it or know they have it and never have to see a hospital for it. Or at least I hope. Doesn't mean its not serious though. China aint shutting down for no common cold.


So our small startup was now ordered to work from home.

We have people in Zürich (which is now one of the places where the Corona virus appeared). It literally went from Italy to Tessin, from there to Geneva (HQ of the WHO), came to Zürich and Basel and some other smaller places around us here in short time. Around 100 people now in quarantine.

We stocked up food and water for 3 weeks before it even came from italy to Switzerland.

I was supposed to go to Zürich airport soon and travel to Düsseldorf but i guess we will cancel the business trip too.

We have an advisor from spain... he lives in Valencia. He was supposed to come here soon too. They have Corona now in Valencia too.

Funny times...

... why are we so careful now?

Most people here travel by train and if one of them gets sick its bad for our company. Or he may be infecting us too and then does some real damage to our company.

Someone i know told me that their company branch in Munich, Bavaria was asked now if everyone can work from home too. (they have 1000 employees).
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i bought some masks at a markup.

then had a realization that this is real and not some movie or game. this thing really is pretty miserable someone in japan testing positive a second time after recovering and the report about the person in northern California getting it from an unknown source whom hadn't traveled.

seems like this may end up like the flu not as in the severity but that we will just have to live with it spreading among the population every year, and get yearly covid shots.
Don't forget that an eye has a conjunctival membrane. Which means that virus can and will pass through them, so unless you are in an air-tight full face mask you are still exposed.
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Worst part is that we have no idea if the death rate is actually 2-3% anyways. How many places have lied and continue to lie about their numbers? This could be MUCH worse then we think and we'd have no way of knowing for sure. Not sure if it was way back in this thread or if I saw it on reddit, but if this spreads badly in the US, there are NOWHERE near enough hospitals for the amount of people here that would need care, that will lead to more deaths and more suffering. Wish more people were being more careful and less "I can't not take a vacation, I'll be fine". Thing is you could bring it back and be the reason another human being is suddenly in a struggle for their life.

And lag. People infected 2-4 weeks ago will die now. You don't get it and die the same day. You might not even know you have it for weeks.

You would have to take the deaths and compare them to the cases from 2 weeks ago, not the cases as of today.


Coronavirus: schools and offices could close for up to two months
Chief medical officer says UK could face ‘quite a long period’ of disruption if hit by pandemic

Up to two months? How is that gonna work? I'm waiting for the spike in London. I can't see this city getting away with just a few cases.


Update feb 27th as of 3pm mountain time

  • WHO says outbreak in Iran likely worse than official numbers suggest; outbreak could go in "any direction"
  • Cali monitoring 8400, 28 cases in the state
  • Dozens of hospital staffers who treated US coronavirus patient with 'unknown' origin being 'monitored'
  • Facebook cancels annual 'F8' developers' conference
  • 700 in New York asked to 'self-isolate'
  • Iran confirms 26 deaths, vice president for women and family affairs infected
  • The Netherlands has confirmed its first case
  • Northern Ireland confirms first case
  • Norway confirms three new cases
  • Germany confirms 14 new cases
  • Lagarde: Not yet time for ECB to intervene to fight economic backlash of outbreak
  • HHS says risk to public remains "low"
  • Italy reports 3 more deaths, bringing total to 17; total cases hit 650
  • Pence, Azar appoint Mnuchin, Kudlow & Surgeon General Adams to Coronavirus Task Force
  • Starbucks says it has reopened 85% of Chinese restaurants
  • Azar: Sonoma case might be 'community transmission'
  • Salvini meets with Italian president amid national unity government speculation
  • South Korean new cases surpass China's new cases as SK confirms 505 new cases
  • China, Japan close school nationwide
  • CDC fears 'community outbreak' in Sonoma County after discovering first US case of "unknown origin"
  • CDC says patient from Solano county
  • Saudi Arabia suspends pilgrimages to Holy Sites
  • Hawaiian Airlines suspends service to South Korea
  • Brazil's neighbors take steps to keep virus out


Pretty true. Even as you pointed out we don't know the real death rate, and keep in mind people who die were infected 2 to 4 weeks ago. So you can't just divide cases by deaths. There is a lag.

Overall I think the vast majority will survive and not have to be hospitalized. But the bigger problem IMO is how it spreads. Once you get 100's or 1000's that need to go to the hospital and stay home from work, even if they recover its going to wreck havoc.

But overall probably most people will never have it or know they have it and never have to see a hospital for it. Or at least I hope. Doesn't mean its not serious though. China aint shutting down for no common cold.
Yeah, if the virus was extremely deadly it wouldn't have as much of a chance to spread because people would be too unwell to travel or move about the population. It's definitely serious, but there is a balance between fear mongering and just dismissing it altogether.


This fucking thing is just stalking me. I live in Seoul and just got back from vacation to Italy for the last couple weeks. The number of cases skyrocketed in both countries during my trip (although, in other parts of the countries). Took every precaution I could on the flight. Wore 2 masks, disinfected the seat (and back of the one in front of me) with sanitizer, and even declined all meals. My work has me in self quarantine for the next couple of weeks now, so more time off I guess. Crazy to think I've possibly been within sight of someone infected.

I think airports don't take this shit seriously enough. It's business as usual at both airports unless you're a Chinese citizen or traveled to Hubei province in the last month. Both airports only checked for high temperature with the heat cameras. At least in Korea, staff wear masks and gloves. Hardly anyone is wearing them in Italy.

Plot twist: He's a super spreader.


I’m assuming you don’t have anyone you care about in your life over 65 or somehow immunocompromised? Both my parents, all my aunts and uncles, a friend my age is a transplant recipient, just thinking off the top of my head...

Indeed. There seems to be this very narrow mindset on display by some people wherein they think just because it doesn't seemingly impact them directly, that it's of no consequence in terms of how much it matters.
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Plot twist: He's a super spreader.
It's stalking me bro. I was in China from the 12th till the 31st last month. I live in Sacramento which is close to Solano county. In fact im biking distance to that ucd facility where the patient was transferred to.
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Worst part is that we have no idea if the death rate is actually 2-3% anyways. How many places have lied and continue to lie about their numbers? This could be MUCH worse then we think and we'd have no way of knowing for sure. Not sure if it was way back in this thread or if I saw it on reddit, but if this spreads badly in the US, there are NOWHERE near enough hospitals for the amount of people here that would need care, that will lead to more deaths and more suffering. Wish more people were being more careful and less "I can't not take a vacation, I'll be fine". Thing is you could bring it back and be the reason another human being is suddenly in a struggle for their life.
Some of you really want this to be a big thing don't you lol
Everyones lying!


NeoGAF is looking like a hub of suspicious activity. Where our members go, the virus mysteriously appears...

An Italian observation.

This is the biggest problem people or as i call them haters dont realize.

With propper care your survival rate is 95 percent.

But once beds are filled, shortage of staff and doctors happen, shortage of equipment etc. your survival rate drops to nothing.

Look my wife is a trauma RN in canada.
She just came home from a night shift. And she said she had a hell of a time cuz they were so under staffed.
The hospitals can barely handle the current patients.
Can you imagine 1000's show up with severe symptoms. What you think will happen?
Self isolate and die at home?

This is the biggest problem of all.


NeoGAF is looking like a hub of suspicious activity. Where our members go, the virus mysteriously appears...

An Italian observation.

Where's that idiot who said it would be fine for a country to have a million people who needed to be hospitalised because of this?
1766 cases in SK and only 13 deaths.

It's been mentioned time and time again that people don't just drop dead from this. There is an delay between getting this and dying.

Most of the SK cases popped up within the last week. IF these people are going to die, they'll probably start dying in the NEXT week or two. You can't just take total deaths divided by total cases until it's all said and done. It just doesn't work that way.


It's been mentioned time and time again that people don't just drop dead from this. There is an delay between getting this and dying.

Most of the SK cases popped up within the last week. IF these people are going to die, they'll probably start dying in the NEXT week or two. You can't just take total deaths divided by total cases until it's all said and done. It just doesn't work that way.

Yeah they're all going to die!


Since its a Virus there is no cure like the flu, right?

It is or could mutate like other virus.

Basically anyone is just waiting when will appear on his/her city since its unstopable.

Think the best we can do is avoid panic since there not much to do besides the basic measures every one is talking about.
Yeah they're all going to die!

You should kindly Butz Butz out. Ignoring you.

Since its a Virus there is no cure like the flu, right?

It is or could mutate like other virus.

Basically anyone is just waiting when will appear on his/her city since its unstopable.

Think the best we can do is avoid panic since there not much to do besides the basic measures every one is talking about.

No cure, but hopefully they'll develop a vaccine which will inoculate you against it. Will likely take a couple of years.
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