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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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former Navy SEAL

But the CDC aggregates and showcases 26 pedigreed models predicting the near-term course of the disease. On January 18, only two of the 26 showed the dramatic case decline the country experienced by February 1 as being within what’s called the 95 percent confidence interval. In other words, 24 of the 26 models said what ended up happening over just the next two weeks was, more or less, statistically impossible. The other two gave it, at best, a sliver of a chance.
The modelers never had any idea of what they were doing, so an obvious response would be to disregard them going forward.

Also there's little to no mention in this article that we are simply paying for our sins in the West--primarily that staying indoors and eating Cheetos all day is going to create health consequences in a situation such as this. Much as insulin resistance has been the primary driver of most of our chronic disease and related deaths for decades now, it's also reared its head and created catastrophic consequences during covid. Couple that with a population that's largely defiicient in vitamin D and this is what we get. These messages will get lost and there is no bright upside coming out of this pandemic. People were largely happy enough to do nothing and wait for the pharmaceutical solution.


Well, that sucked, had time to get my jab today, but they halted the Astra Zeneca vaccine here too.

Unsure about how I feel about that, guess its a good precaution, but so far its less than 50 cases of bloodclots, with a million vaccinated. :/ Though they state there are alot of other blood related issues showing 1-2 weeks after the jab, I just dont see that the numbers are alarming, considering that more people still die from the disease.

Atleast they pretty much halted the spread among the elderly, finally, so some good news.


This AstraZeneca stuff is a big nothingburger unfortunately picked up by the EU to further diminish the trust in the vaccines.

Thousands of people die / year here in Hungary alone from bloodclots. Unfortunately it's a hiding, lurking illness that can get you anytime.

People are just dying from bloodclots by the masses.
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The second wave is absolutely ripping through Brazil. It's been now two full weeks of record after record broken. 2,842 deaths and more than 84,000 cases in the last 24 hours.

Absolutely horrible. Several states already don't have any ICU units available. Every day we see people dying waiting in line for an ICU. This is absolutely devastating.
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The EU is a fucking disgrace. Piss poor management of everything.

They stood around with heads up eachothers arses whilst other countries took gambles on vaccines and set up production facilities well in advance of knowing if they would work or not. They signed their procurement contracts late and then didn't give a single thought to setting up more production capabilities within the bloc.

They spat their dummy out when AZ said it couldn't meet the quota and then certain leaders within the EU purposely smeared the vaccine too, leading to some people refusing it here in France. This whole suspension fiasco reeks of a politically motivated attack on AZ again. But what these clowns don't realise is that the narrative they are creating runs the risk of even more people refusing it.

And now they are threatening to withhold supplies for other countries.. You can't make this shit up
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Unlike other country's EU doesn't like to lab rat there own population. They will wait and research before pushing it.

I am all for holding up those vaccines if people are dying from it.
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Just for clarity. The issue of blood clots, based upon data affects 1 in 272,000 - and has not been traced back to a single death beacuse of it. COVID's case fatality rate is 1 in 200.

1 in 272,000, or 1 in 200. Whats the choice?

Research it and hold it up, then tell people what the effects are and let them decide if they want it or not.
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Research it and hold it up, then tell people what the effects are and let them decide if they want it or not.

Sounds like a fearmongering propaganda campaign to me, since more people die from the actual virus?

Who wants us to buy a different vaccine?
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Research it and hold it up, then tell people what the effects are and let them decide if they want it or not.

The normal rate of getting blood clots is actually higher than when it's been recorded with either OAZ or Pfizer. So by all accounts you're at bigger risk not having the vaccine. What is your suggestion there?

Also, regarding your comment about the EU not "lab ratting", they've already administered 10 million vaccine shots. Do you consider that not "lab ratting"?


Shit got real ugly with Astrazenica jabs and in general, with vaccine exports, US, UK and EU.

41+ million jabs have been exported from EU over recent weeks, 10 million of astrazenica went to UK (produced in Belgium)
1 million went to US, which doesn't even use them and has a pile of in-country produced AZ jabs.

AZ was "explaining" things with "but UK ordered first".
Then was caught trying to export 250k from Italy to Australia, which, well, did NOT order it before EU.

The UK government claims that there was no ban on any exports whatsoever (EU accused of "outright" ban).
However exactly 0 vaccines have been exported from the UK

Now EU is threatening to ban export to countries with "high vaccination" rates, until own orders are fulfilled.

In parallel, UK's NHS has warned about expected drop of vaccine availability (hmm)...

There is no hard data either way.
Order that mandates masks does not equate actually wearing them (glaring example: France vs Germany)

Common sense suggests they work.
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The normal rate of getting blood clots is actually higher than when it's been recorded with either OAZ or Pfizer. So by all accounts you're at bigger risk not having the vaccine.
I'd expect Paul-Ehrlich-Institute to understand that and much more than that.

Their stance is that there actually is something to investigate.:

Most recently, there had been a total of seven cases of cerebral vein thrombosis in Germany in connection with the Astrazeneca vaccination, said Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn on Monday. With over 1.6 million vaccinations in Germany now. Despite the small number, the Paul Ehrlich Institute considers further investigations to be necessary. A connection - that the blood clots were actually triggered by the vaccination - cannot be ruled out, said Spahn.

In the afternoon, the Paul Ehrlich Institute also spoke up: Compared to last Thursday, more cases had been reported in Germany. When analyzing this new data, the experts recorded a noticeable increase in a special form of very rare cerebral vein thrombosis in connection with a lack of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia) and bleeding close to vaccinations with the vaccine Astrazeneca.


llien llien thanks for that - Dr John yesterday posted a video saying it was not implausible with regards to the blood clot issue with cerebrial vein thrombisis - interestingly though it was reported in six women within the age range of 20-50, out of a total of 1.7m OAX vaccinations performed in Germany.

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Every Vaccine ever given in the history of vaccination has had adverse reactions in some of those who have been given them.

It's the pathetic risk averse nature of those on the Continent that is going to cause thousands, probabaly tens of thousands more deaths than any number of deaths due to allergic reactions to any of the vaccines available.

...None of this would be an issue if they weren't out to antagonise the UK because of Brexit.


Kimiai now faces charges of first degree robbery, battery on a transit employee, and conspiracy to commit a crime.
The outlet explains the charge of battery of a transit employee comes with a potential one year in prison and up to $10,000 (£7,000), while the first-degree robbery charge could see her in prison for anything between three and nine years.

Along with that, a sentence for Kimiai's conspiracy to commit a crime charge also holds a potential of one year in prison, and that's before taking into account her violation of California's mask mandate and health codes, which could carry a number of fines.

Given her gender, prison sentence is quite unlikely.


It seems like we're seeing quite a consistant level of infection now - around 6000 daily new cases at around 1.5m tests. This is a positive test rate of 0.375% of symptomatic cases.

Deaths were also down 45% on last Thursday in the UK.

Once all nine major groups are done being vaccinated, it's going to be extremely hard not to justify opening up unless some ultraomega scary variant pops its head up.


Lol...Now they're wanting to pump that Russian shit in their veins? Which BTW, is almost certainly a stolen knock off of one of the Western Vaccines, given their propensity to hack Western companies to steal their IP.

It would be just as effective to bulk buy premium Vodka for everyone.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes

Alarm over new Covid wave in Europe​

Summer holidays in doubt as scientists warn Britain could follow rising infection rates​

Although the British data is heading in the right direction, with a record 660,276 vaccinations yesterday and the seven-day average of deaths falling below 100 for the first time since October, science advisers are urging caution.

Rises in cases in France, Italy, Spain and Germany have prefigured similar trends in Britain several times over the pandemic.

Paris has entered a month-long lockdown after the country recorded almost 35,000 cases in a 24-hour period. Scientists estimate that 5 to 10 per cent of these cases could be the South African variant. About 21 million French people, almost a third of the population, will be in lockdown from this weekend after cases rose by a quarter in the past week.

Most of Italy is in lockdown, with schools and shops closed and restaurants limited to takeaways after a near-doubling of cases in the past month. Germany is considering tightening its lockdown after a recent rise in cases and parts of Spain have imposed hospitality closures and movement restrictions.


Are we going to lockdown for years to come when this happens? Judging by various countries vaccine programs, Covid is not going to disappear anytime soon.

We can't just keep doing this rinse & repeat procedure that clearly isn't working, partly due to the fact that most people don't bother to follow guidelines anyways as everyone is "bored" of this now.


Gold Member
Are we going to lockdown for years to come when this happens? Judging by various countries vaccine programs, Covid is not going to disappear anytime soon.

We can't just keep doing this rinse & repeat procedure that clearly isn't working, partly due to the fact that most people don't bother to follow guidelines anyways as everyone is "bored" of this now.

California (Newsom) still doesn't have a "green" 100% opening tier even WITH the vaccine. The state will be lockdown forever unless he gets the boot this fall.
Are we going to lockdown for years to come when this happens? Judging by various countries vaccine programs, Covid is not going to disappear anytime soon.

We can't just keep doing this rinse & repeat procedure that clearly isn't working, partly due to the fact that most people don't bother to follow guidelines anyways as everyone is "bored" of this now.
Still too early to tell by "judging countries vaccine programs". And covid was never going to "disappear". It will likely become endemic and a non issue. But still around.


Looking back:

Trumpkin's "Warp Speed" has really paid off, he deserves credit for it, he's unlikely to get.

Dropping 2 billion onto Pfizer-Biontech (it's the latter, small German startup, that developed the vaccine) as pre-order was rather extraordinary.

EU moves look particularly bad in comparison.
Merkel also deserves the blame, as even if EU didn't want to bid too much on much more expensive vaccine by Biontech (note that back then nobody could predict the efficacy of either), Germany could still do it on its own.

It is ripples caused by stopping AZ vaccinations (which is no longer the case).
Heads of East German states wanted to look further to the East for a possible replacement.

As planned, Germany should be able to offer vaccines (complete set, so, two dozes) to every adult by the end of Summer (or Sept, don't remember). That would stand even if J&J doesn't deliver, but not without Astrazenica.
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