Castor Krieg
How do I unlock other races e.g. Krogan soldier?
Buy packs and hope.How do I unlock other races e.g. Krogan soldier?
Even upgraded?
What the fuck, can't connect to servers in ME3, Halo: Reach, MW3, OR Gears 3........
Don't know if this has been posted on GAF yet, pics of all the weapons in MP:
I hope BioWare seriously considers overhauling the class/race selection. Even with all the other rough patches taken into consideration, it's the only part of the multiplayer that feels really amateur and backwards to me. I get that maybe they wanted to include certain restrictions upon the different races, with skills differing between races under a single class, but they still could have done this without the current setup.
It should be race -> class -> loadout. Having male/female variants of humans also seems like a cheap way to extend species unlocks under the current system. I don't necessarily need to be playing as male or female for every species, but there's no reason at all to make male/female humans separate 'characters'.
Don't know if this has been posted on GAF yet, pics of all the weapons in MP:
Don't know if this has been posted on GAF yet, pics of all the weapons in MP:
I like this
What game really lack is random stats on weapons, like +5% to rof/ 10% to damage/ 5% chance to freeze enemies etc it would make MP so much deeper and grinding more fun.
The trick I found with the vanguard is to maximize power recharge by going in with a pistol and SMG or just a shotgun. Th other really important thing is to pick up the version of charge the regens shields. I find the vast majority of my kills come from nova at this point. I'm completely useless against atlas mechs though.Yeah, I could really use the reset powers bonus right about now. I've been playing a Vanguard w/o a single point on Nova (it seemed useless at the time). Everybody is saying it's "so good" so I feel inclined to try it out.
Ok, i panicked and thought something is wrong with my pc. Thanks. EDIT: it's working again for me.Yep cant login too.
Are you playing as a human? Turians and Krogans can't roll.
Also for anyone on 360 that wants to play, my GT is my GAF name, Absoludacrous.
Silver is pretty intense. Bronze you can kinda wing, but on Silver it's essential to have minimal lag and a competent squad that works together. At one point there we had to take down targets and they were all fucking Atlas mechs, while also avoiding a barrage of Phantoms. Died on wave ten, unfortunately.
I cannot imagine how hard Gold must be.
Does this carry over to the full game?
We had something like 7 Atlases and 5-6 Phantoms that round. It was absolutely ridiculous.
So this MP does not scale at all, right?
Be it 2 or 4 players, you end up having the same number of enemy forces to deal with?
soldier frag grenades, go for splash range when you get the choice, then work on the class to increase attack power to 27.5%.
Thank me later.
~10 veteran packs bought and still no new character. I still have the default ones. What. The. Hell.
Every single new character I've unlocked, bar one (which was my starter pack, ironically) has been a double up of a human character of the same gender.
I've had at least ten 'character unlocks' without unlocking anything.
In the demo, you can only unlock one alien race for each class. It is impossible to get a pack with one of the aliens or the other gender human. Basically if you want another race unlock, keep buying veterans packs.
~10 veteran packs bought and still no new character. I still have the default ones. What. The. Hell.
The only unlockable alien races are Adept Asari, Soldier Krogan, Engineer Quarian, Infiltrator Salarian, Sentinel Turian and Vanguard Drell. Other race class combos like Vanguard Asari cannot be unlocked, at least in the demo build. Also you can't unlock the other gender of the human class that you start with.What?
The only unlockable alien races are Adept Asari, Soldier Krogan, Engineer Quarian, Infiltrator Salarian, Sentinel Turian and Vanguard Drell. Other race class combos like Vanguard Asari cannot be unlocked, at least in the demo build.
Right. But I'm saying I've unlocked a lot of characters, and all but one have been double ups of existing character, eg: male adept x infinity. And that sucks![]()
Stasis bubble is the best thing. The best.
Right. But I'm saying I've unlocked a lot of characters, and all but one have been double ups of existing character, eg: male adept x infinity. And that sucks![]()
Stasis bubble is the best thing. The best.
Seriously. It's especially great since it doesn't care about shields and barriers unlike Singularity and Throw (and I think Pull). Guardians just drop their shields immediately. If a Phantom is rushing towards me (or really any enemy getting too close), just put in in a bubble and kill it. I really wanted to use a Drell Adept, but I don't see how Pull can be any better than Stasis Bubble. An Asari Vanguard with Stasis Bubble and a fully powered Biotic Charge is going to be fucking insane.