Play human sentinel. Max throw, then warp, then alliance training and pick the talents related to power damage/force and weight capacity. You want to get as close to 200% (the max) as possible. Strategy with this class is to use throw on enemies with only health. If they have shields or armor, you'll want to first hit them with a warp, then hit them with a throw to cause an explosion that can take out enemies around the one you attacked.
If you're only playing bronze matches, get recruit packs until your 5 starter weapons are at decent levels, then get veteran packs and maybe occasionally a spectre or premium spectre.
edit:for throw rank 4-6, pick radius, combo, and force&damage and for warp force, expose, pierce. also, if you are playing bronze go 5 points in tech armor picking damage reduction and power damage and 3 in fitness, or if you're just using a pistol and already have 200% cooldown skip rank 6 of alliance training and use it on rank 6 of tech armor to reduce the power speed penalty. You will get 40% damage reduction with level 5 tech armor, but it adds 50% to your cooldown times, level 6 changes it to 20%.