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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
It really sucks that ME2 had a superior team and yet the ME1 team is back and taking center stage. Fuck Ashley and Liara. No, really, fuck them, they were both really bland characters...I thought Bioware was starting to lose their flair for making great characters, but then ME2 and DA:O came out.

For me, I like bad girls. Not like Suicide Girls that play being bad, but a seriously hardcore chick who's SEEN THINGS, MAN. My Shep cheated on Liara with her pretty fast. But as you said, keeping her happy meant having to really analyze what you were going to say, but we made it out in the end.

I almost regretted choosing her in the end because of all the datass.jpgs of Miranda, but I persevered. haha

Tali bored me in ME1 but I liked her a lot in 2...the only character that was bland in 2 for me was Jacob, when in 1 I thought EVERYONE was boring except Wrex and Garrus(garrus still got way better in 2, though). So I agree with what you're saying, but there's atleast hope they'll be a lot better.
I liked all of the ME2 characters. Some more than others (ThanexFemshep: Platonic soul mates forever), even the human characters, which was a vast improvement over ME1.


There are two others not shown there, the DLC character and
EDI in a robot body.

I guess I got spoiled with the huge roster of ME2.

Hopefully we'll get some Kasumi/Zaeed-like DLC that adds back some of the other characters.

Tali bored me in ME1 but I liked her a lot in 2...the only character that was bland in 2 for me was Jacob, when in 1 I thought EVERYONE was boring except Wrex and Garrus(garrus still got way better in 2, though). So I agree with what you're saying, but there's atleast hope they'll be a lot better.

I also got bored with Tali in the first game, but the additional story bits from part 2 warmed me up on her. I seriously felt bad for not romancing her.



Hopefully someone doesn't post that awful krogan porn fanart again.

You asked for it...

Okay I'm super late on the uptake with this one. College student funding blah blah

Does anyone know where I can still pre-order the collectors edition for the PC online?

School, internship, and job make it difficult for me to go out of my way to pick the game in person.

I'd like the Gamestop bonus, but they seem to be all out
What's with Bioware and stupid looking visors.

I think there is a helmet/visor toggle option in ME3 that will disable those during cutscenes and conversation. Or maybe even all together.

But I agree, BW's love of visors ruined their alternate appearance DLC packs in ME2.
Really? There is a toggle option? Or is that just speculation. One of the videos showed character customization which looked largely the same as in ME2. Nothing like drinking with a full helm on. Nothing like armor where you can't take the helmet off, which pretty much forced you to do visors only most of the game.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Really? There is a toggle option? Or is that just speculation. One of the videos showed character customization which looked largely the same as in ME2. Nothing like drinking with a full helm on. Nothing like armor where you can't take the helmet off, which pretty much forced you to do visors only most of the game.

In the demo you have an option to disable the helmet for talking, disable it always, or always have it on.
Really? There is a toggle option? Or is that just speculation. One of the videos showed character customization which looked largely the same as in ME2. Nothing like drinking with a full helm on. Nothing like armor where you can't take the helmet off, which pretty much forced you to do visors only most of the game.
There's already been screenshots released with the armor and no helmets.
I STRONGLY DOUBT that is the full list of squadmates, since there are only 5 possible simultaneously from those 6 listed (Kaiden vs Ashley). And we already know two not featured on that. I'm guessing 8 total.
I STRONGLY DOUBT that is the full list of squadmates, since there are only 5 possible simultaneously from those 6 listed (Kaiden vs Ashley). I'm guessing 8 total.

I wasn't going to look, but from what you're saying, it looks like I know most of 'em already.

Also, goddamit BioWare and your visors. I bought your first Alternate Appearance pack and ended up never using it because they looked so stupid.


Don't give a fuck about ME2 squad members being rendered pointless
fitting since ME2 was rendered pointless
. It's just me and Ash wiping out every filthy non-human scum race from the face of the galaxy.
Does anyone know if helmets/visors retract during real-time cutscenes? Will there still be moments when Shepard drinks through his helmet if you don't disable helmets/visors?
Don't give a fuck about ME2 squad members being rendered pointless
fitting since ME2 was rendered pointless
. It's just me and Ash wiping out every filthy non-human scum race from the face of the galaxy.

And when you'll get what you want, you'll have lost that which was most important...

The ability to shag asari and quarians.

Does anyone know if helmets/visors retract during real-time cutscenes? Will there still be moments when Shepard drinks through his helmet if you don't disable helmets/visors?

4 posts up, bud.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Does anyone know if helmets/visors retract during real-time cutscenes? Will there still be moments when Shepard drinks through his helmet if you don't disable helmets/visors?

I remember in the Shadow Broker DLC when my Shepard had his massive death helmet on while smooching Liara. BioWare really know how to ruin the moment with their jank.
Don't worry, my Shep will shag them before the genocide. And then maybe again after it.


Like a sir.

I really hope this song is comming back. sooooo goodd. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrae8w5anwI ( Sovereign's Theme)

This. A thousand times this. The music at the start of the demo reminded me of that theme a bit, so who knows.

The asari can sod off, they're like, the mindflayers of the mass effect universe.

You're only saying that 'cause you never shagged one.


Junior Member
So true. ME2 characters I've never liked: Miranda, Jacob, Jack (most especially), Zaeed. Characters I thought were interesting (some more than others): Grunt, Thane, Kasumi, Samara. Awesome: Garrus, Tali, Mordin, and Legion.

I hope i never see Jack again.

That's the best part about ME2's ending... I don't have to see those characters ever again!

Now if only I could kill Chakwas without sacrificing the rest of the crew too :mad:


Junior Member
That ass looks like a beehive.

I'm so glad there's a much smaller squad roster this time around, sounds like we're actually getting some worthwhile squad interaction this time around.
I'm so glad there's a much smaller squad roster this time around, sounds like we're actually getting some worthwhile squad interaction this time around.

Yeah, that's one thing that bugged me about ME2: there were so many squadmates, none of them had a lot of time for conversations. I think I only talked to Garrus three times before he started repeating his "calibrations"-line like a broken record.

And yes, I admit, dat ass is part of Miranda's appeal.
Yea, Miranda's easily my favorite squadmate after Ashley. And not just for dat ass, I mean she really opens up to you after the cold bitch act at the initial stages of the game.
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