Looks like Chimes at Midnight has been leaked...
It looks like more than that has leaked. A 256kb copy was apparently leaked yesterday or maybe the day before.
A friend of mine was playing Once More Round the Sun at his house last night with the speakers going hammer. I have the thing on preorder - and I am super amped about getting the vinyl too... From what I heard I like it more than The Hunter, and slightly more than Crack the Skye. It's no Leviathan, but the band is evolving and they go hard.
Brann is pissed about it, and rightfully so. Talk about shitty - where some fucker drops the thing online - literally taking money out of this excellent band's pockets. Brann is upset, not because he's got the Lars Ulrich disease, wherein he misses the fact that if you're cool and understanding, the typical fan will repay you by attending shows, and album sales are just a drop in the bucket if you have hardcore fans.
Brann knows how Mastodon fans are. I personally don't know of any Mastodon fan in real life that hasn't been to a live show of theirs or two. But that's the endless argument about downloading early.
The whole album is very much in keeping with the sound teased in High Road, in my opinion, and from my short experience with it. It is very hard, mostly melodic, mostly fast, chug-chug-chug metal - Brann sings a lot on it, and Brent too. And Troy of course. But Brann really is becoming my favorite Mastodon vocalist. I feel like it is so fuckin badass that they switch up singing duties. I can't wait to get my copy. 8 days or so and counting. Lana Del Ray will tide me over until then.