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Matt-IGN on Halo2 and GTA:SA


human5892 said:
It's not just his personal opinion, though. That's the whole issue here. He said:

Now it has gone from being a personal thought to an assertion that other reviewers wouldn't have liked the game as much with a lower rating, which is like saying the Earth wouldn't be as pretty if the sky was shit brown.

That's why I wrote 'and then reflect a bit on why he disagrees so much with people who give GTA:SA 9.5+ scores. And since he's pretty much on the mark on the reason why he disagrees there's nothing in his comments that merit the bashing it's getting by some of the posters here.'

Since he's going against popular opinion in regards to GTA:SA here it would be freaking odd if he didn't elaborate a bit on why. Hell you and he agree that his reasoning is correct, you just think it's too obvious to even mention, not something to bash the comments over.


Queen of Denmark
Azih said:
Hell you and he agree that his reasoning is correct, you just think it's too obvious to even mention, not something to bash the comments over.
Fair enough -- I'll go with that.
I don't think anyone has a problem with that. It's just the other comments he made (like the GTA rating issue). That's what makes it seem so fanboyish.

He was simply commenting that GTA isn't popular because of its gameplay. That's ok, because Resident Evil isn't popular because of its gameplay either, and I love the first game. Whereas something like Mario, well, jumping is a big part of the gameplay, and all that platforming is what makes it fun.

On the flip side, I think GTA is more fun to watch than play. It's like an episode of Cops. :)


RE4 vs. SH4 said:
He was simply commenting that GTA isn't popular because of its gameplay. That's ok, because Resident Evil isn't popular because of its gameplay either, and I love the first game.

I'll agree with this... but I'd also say that Metroid Prime wouldn't have made near the impact if it wasnt for "Metroid" being on the box.
drohne said:
well, i'm not arguing that every moment of halo 2 is brilliantly designed. it does enough different things that each player is going to find some aspect of it alienating. but it's disingenous to discuss halo 2 as if it's one overlong elevator sequence...there are other levels that are just successions of really varied and intense setpiece moments.

certainly there are other games that create complex situations through the juxtaposition of simple elements, but i can't think of many (any?) that are as completely oriented towards experimentation and choice as halo. i'd say that viewtiful joe and devil may cry are relatively "traditional" rather than "freeform" action games.

and i think halo's pure reliance on action is one of its boldest and most succesful design gambles. puzzles and hidden doors would cheapen it, i think.

Like I said, I'm not necessarily even asking for puzzles or hidden doors. If that's not their thing, then that's alright. I'm pretty sure that most would agree the E3 demo they showed came across as Half-Life meets Halo 1 and really liked it, but if that's not what they want then that is fine. Perhaps they should think about spicing up the scenarios if that's the case, then. At the very least, they could at least make it come across as more than just lazy design. I hate to keep bringing up this elevator, but it's easily one of the best examples (of the many) that I came across. After about 3 minutes, most people say in their head "okay, so they want me to sit here. It's part of the mission. Couldn't they have just shortened this ride?" Making that elevator ride last 10 minutes instead of 2 does not make the game more fun.

Yes, Viewtiful Joe and Devil May Cry are kind of in between free-form and traditional design. It's mostly just on a lower scale. If I'm taking on a boss and minions at the same time, I might be able to manipulate the variables in such a way that I can take down both in one swoop. At its core, it's the same kind of variable design we spoke of with Halo, just on a smaller scale.

I also agree with you that Bungie made some really bold moves with both Halo games, outside of level design. Their dedication to balanced yet variable gameplay is noble, to be sure. This especially shows in multiplayer, where each weapon and level will show their strengths and weaknesses. Even the way the game plays out a tad bit slower (in multiplayer. Single player ushers you along with barely enough time to blink) is a very risky yet worthwhile direction.
Jesus christ - he was the only editor that never contributed to the 'second look' article so he posted in N-query. Nearly every other double take in the article was positive... the ones that aren't get jumped on..


^ because it would be done if this was about a GCN game

Guns N' Poops said:
Yay, the credible guy number 1 speaks. Halo 2 is the same, but MP2, duuuuuude, now that's a whole new deal.

It's just one guys opinion. You're full of shit. He said the online multiplayer component was good - the main draw - and you're (selectively) completely overlooking that. The bulk of his Metroid Prime 2 review says its the same as Prime in many respects. And neither here nor in that review does he say its a bad thing. He just doesn't understand all the fucking hype. And neither do I.
RE4 vs. SH4 said:
He was simply commenting that GTA isn't popular because of its gameplay. That's ok, because Resident Evil isn't popular because of its gameplay either, and I love the first game.

So he's one of those fanboys that seriously believes that the series only sells because you can run over hookers?
you people are fools if you don't think the violence has an effect on GTA's popularity and gameplay experience. Funny someone brings up Body Harvest (which is a game i actually liked). If GTASA was just a sequel to Body Harvest and you fought cartoony looking aliens playing as a guy in a hokey looking robo-suit, the game probably wouldn't garner any where near the acclaim or sales. The fact that DMA creates a realistic and violent world is part of the atmosphere and the appeal, and when something like that appeals to people, they tend to be a little more forgiving as far as other little flaws a game might have go. This is why most people don't give a shit about the bad framerate, or the popup, or low poly characters, because the game is just fun as fuck. And the atmosphere and realistic violence is a part of that fun and appeal for a lot of people.


Sigh. I'm gonna end these arguments right here and now.

If Halo 2 or GTA: SA were on the gamecube, Matt and every other Nintendo fanboy would be lining up for miles to sing the praises of such brilliantly designed, incredibly fun and satisfying games. True story.
"you people are fools if you don't think the violence has an effect on GTA's popularity and gameplay experience."

Sure it has an effect, no ones ever denied that. It's just not that only reason that it's popular which is what the GTA haters would like you to believe. There are other games that are as violent (and more violent) than GTA but are also nowhere near as popular.


Raoul Duke said:
Sigh. I'm gonna end these arguments right here and now.

If Halo 2 or GTA: SA were on the gamecube, Matt and every other Nintendo fanboy would be lining up for miles to sing the praises of such brilliantly designed, incredibly fun and satisfying games. True story.

I agree to an extent, but I think the same could be said about Metroid Prime 1+ 2 if it was available on xbox or PS2. People would definitley praise it more.


hyperbolically metafictive
have you watched the halo 2 documentary dvd? you might find it interesting. the lead designer mentions at one point that they had to scrap the design they'd done for the e3 demo, because it simply wasn't any fun. it was exciting to watch at the time, and it was a terrific showcase of halo 2's new features, but it was also determined and scripted in a way that isn't really halo. i wouldn't want to see a stronger half-life influence, really.

edit: and are you referring to the elevator in the
first arbiter level
? certainly it wasn't one of the game's high points, but i don't remember it lasting anywhere near 10 minutes. there's a similar sequence late in the game that works much better, thanks to the npc's you fight alongside and specific spawn-points you have to watch. takes place against a really arresting backdrop too. one of my favorite sequences.


PhatSaqs said:
Oh! You mean like Eternal Darkness, Wave Race, Rogue Squadron, F-Zero right?!

You can compare them to the average review score, and you'll realize that they're not as far off as the Xbox ones.
I'll agree with this... but I'd also say that Metroid Prime wouldn't have made near the impact if it wasnt for "Metroid" being on the box.

I don't think people would have tolerated the controls nearly as much as they do if it wasn't a Metroid game. Reviewers still would have considered it to be a work of high quality, but they wouldn't have found it fun.

That isn't to say that the game is a void without the Metroid name attached. It's just that it's highly tailored to suit the tastes of Metroid fans, and if people had no clue that's what they were in for, it just wouldn't have gone down well. It's like taking a bite of caviar when you were expecting pizza.

So he's one of those fanboys that seriously believes that the series only sells because you can run over hookers?

Are you one of those fanboys that seriously believes that Resident Evil would have sold without zombies, blood, and decapitations? Do you think Mortal Kombat would have sold without fatalities?


RE4 vs. SH4 said:
I don't think people would have tolerated the controls nearly as much as they do if it wasn't a Metroid game. Reviewers still would have considered it to be a work of high quality, but they wouldn't have found it fun.

That isn't to say that the game is a void without the Metroid name attached. It's just that it's highly tailored to suit the tastes of Metroid fans, and if people had no clue that's what they were in for, it just wouldn't have gone down well. It's like taking a bite of caviar when you were expecting pizza.

Are you one of those fanboys that seriously believes that Resident Evil would have sold without zombies, blood, and decapitations? Do you think Mortal Kombat would have sold without fatalities?

You nailed it with Mortal Kombat. I pretty much bought MK1 + 2 because of the cool fatalities that you could do. Especially in MK2. Street Figher II is a much much better game, but I remember at the time that you couldn't do fatalities, therefor I played MK as well.


SantaCruZer said:
I agree to an extent, but I think the same could be said about Metroid Prime 1+ 2 if it was available on xbox or PS2. People would definitley praise it more.
If it was on the xbox or ps2, it could have sensible controls. :D ;)

Fair enough, I'll agree with that. I still think, like I said above though, that if it was on either of those consoles it would suffer for the control scheme even more with the typical owner.

And here's the thing: I don't really see any PS2 or Xbox fanboys lining up to take shots at Metroid Prime 2(well, too much). But Nintendo fans looooooooove hating on/talking smack about/belittling as unfit marquee games on other consoles. "Halo? It's just a mindless action game." "GTA? All that violence is tasteless and warps peoples minds." "Gran Turismo just isn't FUN like Mario Kart." Ok, so even I agree with that last one.

Point is, there is some sort of little brother gene in Nintendo fans that makes them want to pick fights where there is or should be none. Halo 2 and GTA: SA are some of the most well designed, satisfying games this gen and will be remembered as such. Why should that bother you guys so damn much?
RE4 vs. SH4 said:
Are you one of those fanboys that seriously believes that Resident Evil would have sold without zombies, blood, and decapitations? Do you think Mortal Kombat would have sold without fatalities?

I never said that it didn't help, i'm saying its not the ONLY reason, which is what some people want you to believe. GTA isn't a game that has terrible gameplay. A big part of its success is its wide open nature, so many games to day restrict your movement while GTA just lets you go off and do whatever you want. You can drive around the city, you can go and do an ambulance, cop, taxi ect mission, go and do a real mission ect. Yes the violence has to do with its success, but no its not the only reason its popular. Because if it was then The Getaway, True Crime, Driver 3 would be selling 10+million units with each release also.


SolidSnakex said:
So he's one of those fanboys that seriously believes that the series only sells because you can run over hookers?
See this is the kinda crap that I'm talking about, HE NEVER SAID THAT. I get the feeling that just because he's the editor of cube.ign everything he says gets read as "Haha GTA droolz, M:p roolz".

He said that the series gets reviewed BETTER because you can run over hookers. That's it. And hell you and he agree on that point.

*grumbles to himself*


Raoul Duke said:
If it was on the xbox or ps2, it could have sensible controls. :D ;)

Fair enough, I'll agree with that. I still think, like I said above though, that if it was on either of those consoles it would suffer for the control scheme even more with the typical owner.

And here's the thing: I don't really see any PS2 or Xbox fanboys lining up to take shots at Metroid Prime 2(well, too much). But Nintendo fans looooooooove hating on/talking smack about/belittling as unfit marquee games on other consoles. "Halo? It's just a mindless action game." "GTA? All that violence is tasteless and warps peoples minds." "Gran Turismo just isn't FUN like Mario Kart." Ok, so even I agree with that last one.

Point is, there is some sort of little brother gene in Nintendo fans that makes them want to pick fights where there is or should be none. Halo 2 and GTA: SA are some of the most well designed, satisfying games this gen and will be remembered as such. Why should that bother you guys so damn much?

xbox and ps2 fanboys definitley been taken shots towards Prime 2. The backtracking and controls issue are something that has been discussed alot on these boards.

I am just saying that no type of fangroup is better or worse than the other.
Raoul Duke said:
If it was on the xbox or ps2, it could have sensible controls. :D ;)

Fair enough, I'll agree with that. I still think, like I said above though, that if it was on either of those consoles it would suffer for the control scheme even more with the typical owner.

And here's the thing: I don't really see any PS2 or Xbox fanboys lining up to take shots at Metroid Prime 2(well, too much). But Nintendo fans looooooooove hating on/talking smack about/belittling as unfit marquee games on other consoles. "Halo? It's just a mindless action game." "GTA? All that violence is tasteless and warps peoples minds." "Gran Turismo just isn't FUN like Mario Kart." Ok, so even I agree with that last one.

Point is, there is some sort of little brother gene in Nintendo fans that makes them want to pick fights where there is or should be none. Halo 2 and GTA: SA are some of the most well designed, satisfying games this gen and will be remembered as such. Why should that bother you guys so damn much?


Maybe you didn't read the celda hate threads, all the posts about how superior Jak/R+C are to SMS, constant moaning about Metroid control schemes... read the "Sell your Gamecube, it's all over" avatars and posts, and I'm pretty sure your brain must have scanned past the "PSone with an LCD" hate in the NDS hype thread. You're fucking OUT OF YOUR MIND if you think it's just Nintendo fans that say outrageous bullshit or rag on things just for the sake of doing it whenever they can. I've never once read the actual quotes you used for GTA and Halo from any serious gamer on these boards anyway.

And ode to all hilarity in this fucking mess of a thread - Matt cassamasina actually praised Halo and GTA. He pointed out what he thinks are flaws that belie the hype. He believes they get it better reviews. By the way - you don't have to agree. And surprisingly, you don't have to demean his argument (or anyone elses here), completely ignore anything positive they say, and pretend all of it is being squeezed from some rear fanboy oriface either. I suppose he's one of the fanboys lining up to take shots?

The man legitamately rags on Nintendo games and practices more than any other editor at IGN.
Azih said:
See this is the kinda crap that I'm talking about, HE NEVER SAID THAT. I get the feeling that just because he's the editor of cube.ign everything he says gets read as "Haha GTA droolz, M:p roolz".

He said that the series gets reviewed BETTER because you can run over hookers. That's it. And hell you and he agree on that point.

*grumbles to himself*

Umm no we don't agree, he's saying the only reason it's popular is because its violent, and i'm saying that's not the only reason.
SolidSnakex said:
I never said that it didn't help, i'm saying its not the ONLY reason, which is what some people want you to believe. GTA isn't a game that has terrible gameplay. A big part of its success is its wide open nature, so many games to day restrict your movement while GTA just lets you go off and do whatever you want. You can drive around the city, you can go and do an ambulance, cop, taxi ect mission, go and do a real mission ect. Yes the violence has to do with its success, but no its not the only reason its popular. Because if it was then The Getaway, True Crime, Driver 3 would be selling 10+million units with each release also.

but if the game offered wide open gameplay on some alien planet where you killed giant insects instead of gangstas and mafiosos? Matt (and heaven forbid i defent Matt, personally i think the guy tends to be a huge tool) isn't saying that the game is horrible and the only reason people like it is cause of the violence. I think he is saying that the violence, story and atmosphere are a huge part of the appeal and that can coverup a lot of the games flaws in many gamers eyes.

Lets be honest, games with better graphics and less framerate problems than GTA get ripped to shreds around this forum when pics and videos are first released. Games with similar control problems are panned around here, but GTA gets a pass on those things because the game is simply fun as hell, and the realistic, violence city setting is a large part of that.

Umm no we don't agree, he's saying the only reason it's popular is because its violent, and i'm saying that's not the only reason.

are you retarded? For one, he's not even commenting on the games popularity. He says that if you take away the violence, the game goes from a "10 to an 8". Last i checked (except in the GAFs warped little world) a score of an 8 is still a pretty good fucking game. Sounds to me like he actually likes GTA, maybe not as much as the rest of us, but still enjoyable if he thinks its an "8" game at its core.


SomeDude said:
Fuck, can you just imagine a GTA game with Half-Life 2's technology?

that would rock. except for the loading.

Maybe you didn't read the celda hate threads, all the posts about how superior Jak/R+C are to SMS, constant moaning about Metroid control schemes... read the "Sell your Gamecube, it's all over" avatars and posts, and I'm pretty sure your brain must have scanned past the "PSone with an LCD" hate in the NDS hype thread. You're fucking OUT OF YOUR MIND if you think it's just Nintendo fans that say outrageous bullshit or rag on things just for the sake of doing it whenever they can. I've never once read the actual quotes you used for GTA and Halo from any serious gamer on these boards anyway.

And ode to all hilarity in this fucking mess of a thread - Matt cassamasina actually praised Halo and GTA. He pointed out what he thinks are flaws that belie the hype. He believes they get it better reviews. By the way - you don't have to agree. And surprisingly, you don't have to demean his argument (or anyone elses here), completely ignore anything positive they say, and pretend all of it is being squeezed from some rear fanboy oriface either. I suppose he's one of the fanboys lining up to take shots?

The man legitamately rags on Nintendo games and practices more than any other editor at IGN.

Well I agree. Nintendo gets the most shots in this forum, and Matt has been critisizing Nintendo for their stubborn decisions. As I mentioned earlier, Nboys, xbots and Ps2 fanboys are all the same.
And here's the thing: I don't really see any PS2 or Xbox fanboys lining up to take shots at Metroid Prime 2(well, too much).

You must be reading a different board. :p

I never said that it didn't help, i'm saying its not the ONLY reason, which is what some people want you to believe. GTA isn't a game that has terrible gameplay. A big part of its success is its wide open nature, so many games to day restrict your movement while GTA just lets you go off and do whatever you want. You can drive around the city, you can go and do an ambulance, cop, taxi ect mission, go and do a real mission ect. Yes the violence has to do with its success, but no its not the only reason its popular. Because if it was then The Getaway, True Crime, Driver 3 would be selling 10+million units with each release also.

I think you are confusing "why it's popular" with "why it's more than just a killing spree". A lot of people buy GTA because they want to run over hookers, they want to shoot police officers, etc. Of couse, that doesn't mean that's all there is to the game. It is the major factor most people consider when buying it, though.

Being the "original" (note the quotations) can also play a big part in a game's popularity. See Resident Evil vs. Silent Hill. Resident Evil was the original, in most peoples eyes, so even when Silent Hill came along and schooled the series (with better gameplay AND scares), it still didn't gain as much popularity as Resident Evil.

The same can be said about GTA vs. random crime game. Actually, that point you brought up works against your case, because as far as I know, none of those games you mentioned are as violent as GTA. I might be wrong on this though, and even if I am, I think the rest of my argument stands.

I have to go now. See ya!


drohne said:
you've misunderstood the "30 seconds of fun" comment. the idea is that if you have thirty seconds worth of deeply enjoyable mechanics, you can then put the player through dozens of situations and level design permutations, and those mechanics will keep it enjoyable. whereas if you don't have those 30 seconds, even the most sophisticated design won't engage.

halo takes a tightly balanced set of core mechanics -- recharging shields, two weapons out of a varied set, enemies with particular though not rigid weaknesses -- and challenges you to apply them to an impressive variety of situations. the variety is strategic, not superficial. the sophistication of the mechanics is such that subtle variations -- often as simple as terrain changes -- can call for hugely different strategies. it's actually subtle enough to miss altogether. halo isn't conspicuously brilliant the way half-life is. appreciation for the original game's campaign took a while to catch on.

this is an oversimplification, but: in traditional action games, there is an ideal strategy, an ideal path through a heavily designed series of obstacles, and players experiment to find that path. if i were an academic, i'd call those games "normative." in halo, the ideal path has been obliterated: the challenges you face don't imply a solution. players experiment to find and express a personal style or styles.

one of the best things about halo is that it doesn't evaluate your performance at the end of a level. it doesn't encourage you to finish levels quickly, or to use your weapons efficiently, or to keep your comrades alive. because halo isn't about normative goals. halo isn't even about not dying, really: it "punishes" death by returning you to a very recent checkpoint. halo is, by design, about experimentation. about testing the limits of richly reactive battlefields. if you think puzzles or hidden doors would improve halo, then you don't understand halo.

and this probably sounds reactionary nowadays, but there is such a thing as objective quality, though our means of recognizing it are imperfect. as such there are games that demand appreciation.

edit: i'll also say that to look for certain design styles or priorities in every game isn't enthusiasm at all; it's fetishism.

Dude, you ROCK! Should be the editor of a mag or something.


SolidSnakex said:
Umm no we don't agree, he's saying the only reason it's popular is because its violent, and i'm saying that's not the only reason.

Mattign said:
I also believe that if you change the "M" on the box to an "E" then many of the ratings go from 10s to 8s.
Screw you and your strawmen.


drohne said:
i'm perplexed by the increasingly widespread opinion that halo 2's multiplayer is its strongest component. yeah, it's good fun, but it's a lot like every other online fps. i think the campaign, with its distinctive, finely-tuned mechanics and large-scale battles is a lot more impressive. there's so much strategy and variety there, and the online play, for all its thrills, can't match it. wasn't consensus on halo 1 that the singleplayer rocked while the multiplayer was ordinary? what changed?


As for "run and gun", I'll have to laugh at this poor fool. Had this been a Nintendo Goldeneye sequel or Nintendo PD0, he'd be praising it to the high heavens. IT'S A FPS STUPID!
Razoric said:
Ok let's do it your then, how much of GTA:SA did you play? What mission did you get to/currently on?

I'll bite; I'm currently finished all the Ryder mission's, did one for Tenpenny, and just did the one for Smoke where I can take over territories.

Yet I agree with Matt. Replace the real guns with paintball ones keeping the game mechanics the same, and people become less interested, despite the good gameplay. A couple of friends of mine bought Vice City but had no memory card. They didn't buy one but rather just kept dicking around in the game. I'm guessing they're not the only ones who picked the game up to do that.


Gek54 said:
Then I guess...how many millions of people are wrong????

Many millions of people choose to overlook the poor components of the game and look at the whole package.
"Its okay that controls are clunky and the combat isn't very good, because the world is SO HUGE and there are SO MANY THINGS TO DO".

That's not a bad thing, just not how I look at games.


The only problem I have with the scores for GTA:SA is that they realistically should've been lowered a tad for the glitches and such. If this was the first iteration of GTA for these consoles, then I could see them being overlooked, but this is the third GTA game this gen with some of the same glitches from the first two. Some points should've been docked.

Just saying.


Junior Member
Turn the people into aliens or zombies with green blood, take out all the language and sexual content and you would still have one of the best games ever made. Halo or Metroid made in a San Andreas world be a better game than Halo 2 or Echos with the exception of multiplayer.
What are people bitching about? He made the disclaimer right at the beginning. He's only played either game briefly. And you guys make fun of cubbers.

I have not played GTA:SA so take this as it is. I have however seen the graphics of the game and they look embarassing to say the least. Why can't they at least give some character to their models? They look so damn low poly and cheap. I'd love to see GTA with a graphic style like the one used by Free Radical on Time Splitters and Second Sight. At least their game models look different enough and set them appart from the rest. GTA models are made out of boxes. Plain and simple.

I am not touching gameplay btw. I'm talking strictly graphics/art or lack there of. For a game in its third iteration this generation the graphic downright blow. Why are reviewers ignoring this? I will say this is true of the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater franchise and their games are not scoring as high as they used to, so I guess it's only time before this catches up with GTA as well.
Gek54 said:
Its gameplay and content over graphics.

That is just an excuse. Of course gameplay and content are more important. But not at the expense of grachic flaire and lack of polish. Graphically, GTA has a great deal to improve upon. How about balancing the experience by adding more polish? Wouldn't it be a welcome addition? Seriously now.


huzkee said:
I'd love to see GTA with a graphic style like the one used by Free Radical on Time Splitters and Second Sight.

No thanks, I'll take the "low poly boxes" over ugly ass Free Radical charater design.

Ranger X

nah, it's just that there's an incredible amount of polygone models at the same time, you can't get to give as much polys for each than in other games common.
I still don't understand how people can't seem to get that graphics are contextual to the hardware and design choices.
With all the things running at the same time plus the effects plus all the stuff kept in the memory and also the fact that it's soooooo huge that you need to stream it, GTASA graphics are truly impressive.


Junior Member
huzkee said:
That is just an excuse. Of course gameplay and content are more important. But not at the expense of grachic flaire and lack of polish. Graphically, GTA has a great deal to improve upon. How about balancing the experience by adding more polish? Wouldn't it be a welcome addition? Seriously now.

Until some one can make a game that does as much as GTA with better graphics then I dont know how you can say its lacking especially if you have not played it. The first 10 minutes of GTA3 I was very dissapointed by the low frame rate and low polys but you cant appreciate how many things this game is pulling off at one time until you really get into it.
huzkee said:
I'd love to see GTA with a graphic style like the one used by Free Radical on Time Splitters and Second Sight.

Good to see another fan of that style. I thought it was nice too.
I'd personally like to see GTA go cel-shaded though and look a lot more like the kick-ass art in the manuals and on the boxes.


Where does all this "GTA has less-than-desirable execution" bullshit come from?

Its honestly got to be one of the best executed games I've ever played, ESPECIALLY when you consider everything it has to juggle. Most of the elements that are less-than-stellarly executed tend to be optional elements entirely. The control is great. The gunplay is easy now (the targetting system makes it relatively simple to execute), and the rest of the package is just well-made all around. The world is cohesive, the characters are excellent, all of the gameplay elements blend together seamlessly (i.e. In a later mission where you have to skydive, then land in a particular spot, then go sneaking around trying to place charges while avoiding guards, but even if you get caught, you can still kill em and get away). One element of a mission segues directly into the next with nary a break, unless they feel the need to play a cutscene.

I just see it as a well-executed game. Sure, better graphics would be great, but you have to be realistic in a case like this. Creating such a massive amount of art for a game, as well as considering technical limitations of having such an open environment, its expected that in the current gen, only mediocre textures and such can be permitted. What, do you want it to be even more high-res and have it run at 15 FPS the entire time? They'd still find something to bitch about.

Matt's not being realistic, he's just whining about what something CAN'T be or what he WANTS it to be, despite the fact that the technology and capability to make it so just isn't there yet.


Sometimes I wonder how Matt never gets bored fucking with you people, and then I read shit like this and it all makes sense.



belgurdo said:
If GTA only sells because it's violent, then explain True Crime, State of Emergency, etc.

While you're at it, explain Mortal Kombat giving Soul Calibur a run for its money.

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