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Matt rants that there's no sequel for SSBM yet


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I hate when fans ask for a sequel because it'd make Nintendo money. That's not a reason for me to want a sequel. As said countless times above, SSMB was pretty much a near perfect package. Outside of more of everything and possibly online play (which I personally have no interest in) what could they add? The game didn't really leave begging for gameplay changes or anything.

If Matt wants to bitch about sequels, bitch about them from a creative point of view. Unless a sequel is going to give me something new to experience, I don't give a shit, and I don't get why Matt does either.
The reason why people are salivating for Halo 2 more than SSB3 is that Halo, while having tasty gameplay, had a meagre, repative single player campaign, and only a few decent multiplayer maps. Also, the games graphics, felt copy and paste texture wise, as everything just looked plain. Melee, on the other hand, felt complete, and there's no rush for a sequel this gen. There's much more depth in Melee multiplayer, than Halo, and I'm sticking to that statement. Halo 2 will have the time to be the game Halo should of been, and that's why I'm excited for Halo 2.


SSB vs. Sonic Megamix (Sonic the Fighters meets Fighters Megamix)
60 characters, 30 stages, OL play, Sega items. Unlockable Sonic the Fighters and Fighters Megamix actual games thrown in.

Then it will achieve perfection.


Manick Joe said:
Man, all the GA hate of THPS stuns me. I've been a diehard since the original and own 2 all the way to THUG. I took a year break when 4 was released since I was a bit burnt out (also because I just finished the equally awesome Aggressive Inline), but picked it up on the cheap later and re-ignited my love for the game. Neversoft gives you all new levels plus adds a good deal of innovation to the gameplay (which for the most part works), just treat it like the sports series it is. Additionally, unlike Tomb Raider these games are still good and still sell.

That being said I think the only thing missing from SSB:M was just a bit more. I would have liked a greater variety in characters and sets, but I agree the gameplay is pretty much peaked.

It's not that I hate the Tony Hawk games, far from it. But a new version every year is overkill. Even you were burnt out on it at one time, and this was my point. Imagine the hype for the franchise if we were waiting for Tony Hawk 3 this fall, instead of Tony Hawk 6. Say what you will about the yearly sports updates, I personally don't think their waranted. But the ever increasing sales trends of these titles would beg to differ. From a gameplay standpoint, they really don't improve dramatically for each iteration, but this doesn't seem to matter to the sports gamer. Skateboarding games do not fit into the traditional sports genre at this point, and will not see an upward trend in sales with the current game a year practices.

The Tony Hawk franchise was at one point, a cultural phenomenon. By TH4, fans grew tired of the series, and sales saw a serious slump. Instead of taking some time off, Activision pushed forward with the TH: Underground formula. This caused a slight resurgence in sales, but not near the levels of earlier iterations. It is likely that when THUG2 is released, sales will be even lower than that of TH4. The series will no longer be the juggernaut it once was, because it was milked too hard, too fast. It may continue to sell modestly, on brand recognition, and because it is regarded as the best skateboarding game out there, but most people have moved on.



Where's Jonny?!
It's not Aluminum, but It'll do. >:)

Nintendo is trying to diversify their franchises (with other games like metroid, zelda, Starfox) and not dilute their fanchise's uniqueness by releasing a sequel (encompassing all the franchises). It's one of those "1 a console" games. If a game is as good as SSBM, it will stand on its own for years and years.

Although a counter point to this is the Mario Advance series (and mario games in general). Nintendo releases these because they know people buy up these games despite the constant mario name attached and there is such a large GBA fanbase (and a fanbase that will buy any game with the mario name; Mario=quality to them), and kids always want something new (which in the majority of the GBA demographic) that a new portable mario is. Now, these games do not have the depth like ssbm and the infinite replayability. SSBM is still one of the top played games on the GC I believe and this is why I think Nintendo hasnt opted for another installment.

SSBM is GC's stand alone multiplayer. It is a game that helped found the Gamecube. You all know it, Nintendo knows it, it's been stated here as well. SSBM was really a showcase of franchises to get all those that might be interested in one or another franchise would get the game and a gamecube. A giant "fan net" if you will. Since this game already is out, why would they release another with the same initial idea? It would be a redundant propaganda tool, with the technology the GC is set up for, they would want to make the next different enough, just not a character and mode expansion which many people want. Why use the same (propaganda) tool again when the system doesnt need it because those franchises now have their own games.

I would be all for a new SSB, but looking at the initial purpose of the game, and what options Nintendo would use to expand the game, it would seem pretty redundant and just a expansion of what already is, nothing totally innovative but new gameplay that would be different, but not with what Nintendo is going for these days. They could invent new modes and other ways to fight, but they want that muli-franchise media tool again, and not over present the game idea of SSB to the public. That is my guess on this.


(more a nerd than a geek)
People who cry for a SSBM sequel seem to miss the "point" of gaming... what could Nintendo possibly do with a GameCube SSBM sequel that would result in it being a much more satisfying experience than SSBM was? I don't think they can, so they'll wait for the next system.

One thing I have been wondering about is whether or not Nintendo will include ALL of the SSBM characters (including the "clones") in the next game... they did include all the N64 characters, even after everyone was quaking in fear about the potential removal of some of our favorites. However, the sheer number of potential fighters in a sequel seems to approach the "silly" level...

We do need Wario, though.


SSB:M was near perfect. To this day I still play this game and marvel at how fluid the system is and how enjoyable it can be in its infinite possibilities.

I mean, when you have a fighting game of that caliber, do you really need another one so soon? How many iterations of Street Fighter II were there? I mean really, unless you're going to really outshine the previous one, it's not worth it. And if Nintendo/HAL is going to go through that much trouble, they'll save it as a Revolution launch title.

I get the feeling that if things were backwards and we had a SSB game every year Matt would be bitching about Nintendo milking it like the Mario Party games.


Queen of Denmark

I remember hearing the same thing about Mario 64 last generation, and it still doesn't hold any water with me.

Nintendo will create a sequel when there are enough ideas floating around to justify doing so. Matt cites Pikmin 2 in the article -- from what I have read and heard, the competitive two-player mode, additional Pikmin color, and removal of the 30 Day system significantly alter the game. Resident Evil 4? The new Zelda? I don't even think I have to explain why these sequels are justified, and it's not just sales potential. For that matter, Halo 2 sounds like it belongs in this group -- a sequel that, gameplay-wise, is a good idea. And I am confident that when there are enough new ideas floating around to justify a new SSBM game, one will be released.

Nintendo not releasing a new SSB yet is a good representation of why I like Nintendo.


There's not much more for me to add. SSBM IS a perfect game. A sequel during this generation would be a waste of time.

I think Matt really needs to take a break or something. The fact that Nintendo isn't releasing a new SSB so soon is a GOOD thing.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Dan said:
I hate when fans ask for a sequel because it'd make Nintendo money. That's not a reason for me to want a sequel. As said countless times above, SSMB was pretty much a near perfect package. Outside of more of everything and possibly online play (which I personally have no interest in) what could they add? The game didn't really leave begging for gameplay changes or anything.

I agree with this post. There's no need to make a SSBM sequel. The only addition that can be made to the franchise is an online mode, and we all know Nintendo isnt going online any time soon.


Let's see

Crappy rushed version of Cube SSBM sequel


Polished online version of Revolution SSBM sequel

Man if Matt can't see why Nintendo hasn't made another one of these then he's a freaking moron. I thought he was suppose to have all this "inside knowledge" of what Nintendo is doing yet he's either playing very stupid or knows nothing. And if they did make a sequel to it on the Cube then Matt would make an article blasting Nintendo for rehashing games and being too easily influenced by Internet "journalists".


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
NWO said:
Let's see

Crappy rushed version of Cube SSBM sequel


Polished online version of Revolution SSBM sequel

Man if Matt can't see why Nintendo hasn't made another one of these then he's a freaking moron. I thought he was suppose to have all this "inside knowledge" of what Nintendo is doing yet he's either playing very stupid or knows nothing. And if they did make a sequel to it on the Cube then Matt would make an article blasting Nintendo for rehashing games and being too easily influenced by Internet "journalists".

Crappy and rushed? SSMB was released almost 3 years ago...

In reality, games released late in a systems lifespan tend to be much more polished than a near launch title for a new platform.


dark10x said:
Crappy and rushed? SSMB was released almost 3 years ago...

In reality, games released late in a systems lifespan tend to be much more polished than a near launch title for a new platform.

err I think he meant that SSB3 would be rushed...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SantaCruZer said:
err I think he meant that SSB3 would be rushed...

Yes, and that is what I was talking about. The point was that SSBM was released three years ago, so it isn't as if there hasn't been a large enough gap required to pull off a highly polished sequel.


dark10x said:
Yes, and that is what I was talking about. The point was that SSBM was released three years ago, so it isn't as if there hasn't been a large enough gap required to pull off a highly polished sequel.

oh pardon me :p


Where the hell is my Uniracers sequel?!? That game kicked ass, and it's been, what... a decade? Write an editorial on that.


I heard uniracers 2 will be out on teh Revolution...i think they are updating the gameplay and adding another wheel this time! Bow down to Bi-racers? Ghey


dark10x said:
Yes, and that is what I was talking about. The point was that SSBM was released three years ago, so it isn't as if there hasn't been a large enough gap required to pull off a highly polished sequel.

The main point is that you want HAL working on a launch title Smash Brothers for their next system. Making sequels on the Cube means jack shit compared to the importance of having it at launch.

To get that done and to make a Gamecube sequel you'd have to "rush" one of the two. And I'd assume they'd make the Cube sequel crappier than making the "Revolution" crappy of the two.

Let's see do you think that Halo 3 is going to be a launch title for the Xenon? Nope

So it looks like you can't have a developer make a launch title game and then make a polished version sequel on the system AND have the sequel to that one come out on the next console ready for launch.

If Bungie was told to have a launch title ready for the Xenon and have to make Halo 2 then the quality of Halo 2 would suffer compared to the quality that it has now.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear in the last post but Nintendo wants Smash Brothers at launch for the Revolution for a reason. *wink* *wink* And that reason is more important than the sales & money that they would have gotten by releasing a sequel on the Cube this year. Remember Nintendo isn't the company that's desperate here to make some money.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Maybe I didn't make myself clear in the last post but Nintendo wants Smash Brothers at launch for the Revolution for a reason.

What reason would that be? SSBM was virtually a launch title for Gamecube...and that certainly didn't save the day for anyone (though it didn't hurt). It sold very well, of course, but its impact meant little in the grand scheme of things.

My point is that a game made for GC RIGHT NOW has a chance of being much more polished than a launch title created for a new platform (that is almost ALWAYS the case). If you re-read your original statement, you clearly used "or" when comparing the two possibilities. That obviously suggests that you were talking about one OR the other, not both. My response was geared in that direction whether that was your intention or not. :p
While many would be glad to see online in the next verison, what I want is an expansion fo the single player. The 2D Zelda and Mario levels were wonderful and I would love a much deeper 2D action/adventure mode with many more levels from many more games.

Not that I would complain if more Advance Wars, Golden Sun, and more Fire Emblem Characters were added. It would also be nice if Gannon were not just a skin for Captain Falcon, but actually fought with a weapon.


Queen of Denmark
Shiggy said:
Isn't Hal currently working on Animal Crossing?
I don't think so, no. That wouldn't really make sense, as they had nothing to do with prior versions of Animal Crossing.

Unless there is some swapping going on that I wasn't informed of!

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
You may well be right then, but HAL have to be doing something else as well. They're a pretty big developer, I believe they were hiring not too long ago, but the last game they worked on was Kirby's Air Ride (I think) and that came out last October. There's a new Kirby GBA game, but that was Flagship.

Apparently they may be making Mario Party 6, but Hudson might actually be behind it as they've made all the others. The problem is Nintendo's website. It lists HAL as MP6 developer, but also as MP5 developer, which they weren't.
The only thing missing from SSMB that is worthy of a sequel is online play and that's not happening this gen from Nintendo.

Since Matt doesn't see that - he has no business posting his lunacy for attention.

He should be posting an explanation why no one seems to be working at IGN Cube lately.
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