Let me say this. I love Maury not for the man he is, but for the man he tries to be. He tries to be a cross between Jerry Springer and Dr. Phil, with just a touch of Rikki Lake sprinkled on top. He's metrosexual (he wears tight turtlenecks on his show and is ALWAYS tan... do we need more indicators?) and he embraces everyone equally. Tonite he's letting all these fat people that lost a ton of weight get revenge against their crushes by giving them free sex.
The funniest thing I saw on this show ever was last night. The show started off with shocking footage, and then went to this story of this little girl getting eaten by two pitbulls, and her golden retriever saving her. Naturally, when she came out, everyone was cheering. You'd never guess who the loudest people cheering were, though.
I swear to God. I don't want to sound stereotypical and racist, although I will undoubtedly seem like both of those. But seeing something like this is the equivalent of turning on MTV's "Battle Rap Showdown for a chance to hit the studio with the wutang clan" only to see three white guys and a japanese guy battling it out and BEING GOOD!!! That's how rare a moment like this is... I digress. So you've got two or three rows of these gangstaz in here, and the only thing stranger than the cameras zooming in on these gangstas after the girl tells her story, is seeing them all participate in the 'aww' and the incredible cheer. Now, I'm not racist at all (stereotypical? Probably... racist? no.) but I just can't fathom a group of teenagers (couldn't have been over 18) leaving school and goin, "Oh man, we gotta hit up MAURY!" I don't know. For some reason that just struck me as really funny. If I had it on tape, it'd be my new avatar. Oh well.
God Bless Maury Povich.
The funniest thing I saw on this show ever was last night. The show started off with shocking footage, and then went to this story of this little girl getting eaten by two pitbulls, and her golden retriever saving her. Naturally, when she came out, everyone was cheering. You'd never guess who the loudest people cheering were, though.
I swear to God. I don't want to sound stereotypical and racist, although I will undoubtedly seem like both of those. But seeing something like this is the equivalent of turning on MTV's "Battle Rap Showdown for a chance to hit the studio with the wutang clan" only to see three white guys and a japanese guy battling it out and BEING GOOD!!! That's how rare a moment like this is... I digress. So you've got two or three rows of these gangstaz in here, and the only thing stranger than the cameras zooming in on these gangstas after the girl tells her story, is seeing them all participate in the 'aww' and the incredible cheer. Now, I'm not racist at all (stereotypical? Probably... racist? no.) but I just can't fathom a group of teenagers (couldn't have been over 18) leaving school and goin, "Oh man, we gotta hit up MAURY!" I don't know. For some reason that just struck me as really funny. If I had it on tape, it'd be my new avatar. Oh well.
God Bless Maury Povich.