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Maxim July 2004 - Morgan Webb (pics MAY be in this thread)

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They should do a segment on the "Screen Savers" that teaches us how to use all the photo editing tricks employed in these shots.


Am I the only one who finds her very broad shoulders unattractive.

I know thats picky, but if your gonna be in a Maxim shoot, your gonna be nitpicked to death.

BTW Im getting no pics yet, so Im basing this on seeing her on xplay and elsewhere.


The outfit sucks.

Eh, it's alright. Morgan doesn't have to be a supermodel-type hottie, she's good enough for me. Those who say she has a "man face" probably have no room to talk, as their average looking girlfriends (assuming they have one) most likely don't even come close to being as hot as Morgan.


God damn you guys are so picky! No wonder so many girls in today's society are insecure about the way they look and get plastic surgery like ten times.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Diablos said:
The outfit sucks.

Eh, it's alright. Morgan doesn't have to be a supermodel-type hottie, she's good enough for me. Those who say she has a "man face" probably have no room to talk, as their average looking girlfriends (assuming they have one) most likely don't even come close to being as hot as Morgan.

Until you see the man-face in person, you have no room to talk. I have and I thought she was a tranny. It isn't just her face, it is her broad shoulders too and completely no feminine curves on her body. The backlash she recieves is more a response to the almost goddess like reception people give her. Those are the people who have no girlfriends. If you have ever been on the TechTv boards, those guys talk about her like she is female-defined. If you think she is hot, that is your opinion, but you don't need to bash other people's opinion of her because it differs from yours.


being watched
I'll counter your US Videogame jimmy hill jawed bint with some British flag flying crumpet of Beouff from videogame show BITS:-






Flawless victory!!



I like Morgan Webb... she seems like she is fun... she has a great rack and nice stomach...

I would take her in a heart-beat...


This board is so goofy. Either your gay or you standards are so high that you're out of your league (and yes, if you post on a videogame message board daily, most women are out of your league ;) )

anyone who's not single/gay that criticizes her looks should at least put "but I'd still hit it if I had the chance" (cause you know it's true)

evil ways

Tenguman said:
This board is so goofy. Either your gay or you standards are so high that you're out of your league (and yes, if you post on a videogame message board daily, most women are out of your league ;) )

anyone who's not single/gay that criticizes her looks should at least put "but I'd still hit it if I had the chance" (cause you know it's true)

Sure, I'd do it and take pictures of said hit, just so I can shove it in the faces of the obssesive Morgan Webb geeks out there. But as far as looks go she's totally below average and seems to have the personality of a wet mop.


You now belong to FMT.
Not only is she quote meh unquote she really just does nothing for me....

I dont think that all people that posts on these boards are all models with halle berry girlfriends, but there is a chance that we have had chicks hotter than this one, and can do so on a daily basis , and looking at this webb chick does nothing for me....

my check list

face: I have had/seen way better... WAY
chest: Good size, but not hard to come by
Ass: N/A = no ass
legs: Decent, but I am not a leg guy

I dont know about her personality, or how she looks in motion, but I know that Maxim usually does justice for women, meaning they usually make them look better, and I am really not impressed...

with that said

I would smash if she was around me
Diablos said:
The outfit sucks.

Eh, it's alright. Morgan doesn't have to be a supermodel-type hottie, she's good enough for me. Those who say she has a "man face" probably have no room to talk, as their average looking girlfriends (assuming they have one) most likely don't even come close to being as hot as Morgan.

ROFL. Shut up, Diablows. You have no room to be talking about GF's, champ.


Heh, those Maxim pics made Morgan's face look like Chyna's. Not a good look. Neither is that nasty ass outfit she's wearing. But that's Maxim for ya. I still think she looks cute, but I never understood the worship that was prelevant here over the last year. Seems it's gone the other way now.

Anyway, I've always liked Suki of Game Nation fame (Canadian show)...not a knock out by any means, but has a cute, girl next door look.









Electric Playground's had some nice babes on that show as well...


Someone should post a picture of the Koopa Trooper from SMB the movie. My lungs exploded last time I saw that.


Wow, I've been waiting for him to be banned since he first posted. Then again, that's what most of you guys think about me, I bet ;)


After willingly doing shit like this, these girls on G4/TechTV better not ever complain about not being taken seriously. The whole phenomenon of these average looking tech girls taking advantage of drooling nerds and being treated like goddesses by obsessive geeks has to come to an end. They were obviously all thrown onto G4/TechTV's shows for no other reason than to be eye candy and boost ratings. She's got a man face, but she's hot just cause it's a girl reading a teleprompter about video games? Gimmie a break. She couldn't even figure out how to hold the PS2 controller when she first started working on X-Play a year ago. The show is taped, but she was on air staring at the PS2 controller trying to figure out how to use it.

Then of course we all know about that idiot Cat Schwartz who posted nude photos of herself on her self indulgent website. The irony is that this girl who co-hosted a computer help show claims to have posted the photos by accident because she didn't know how photoshop works. That's like a double whammy of losing any credibility. And then there's Laura Foy from the G4tv.com show who you can watch get her nipples pierced in the archives of her old show on the All Games Network. http://www.judgecal.com/ Aren't these girls great role models of how women can break into the tech industry. :D

Next time I see someone completely disrespect these girls their fans better just keep their mouthes shut because they all brought it on themselves. I used to have a sympathy for them and I used to have a modicum of respect for them. Not anymore.
Bring on the Playboy shoot. ;)

Seriously though, she's ranks pretty high among the girl-next-door chicks in pop culture. Others being Kirsten Dunst, Maggie Gylenhaal, etc. Still think she looks better in plain clothes.
I never reallylpaid attention to Morgan Webb. I always watched the show for it's laughable content. I guess I need to wake up and pay attention.....
Diablos said:
The outfit sucks.

Eh, it's alright. Morgan doesn't have to be a supermodel-type hottie, she's good enough for me. Those who say she has a "man face" probably have no room to talk, as their average looking girlfriends (assuming they have one) most likely don't even come close to being as hot as Morgan.

well then , all us average looking girlfriends must be really really ugly, because Morgan defienetly does have quite the man face, and boyish lower body

Doth Togo

LOL. How many game shows has JD Roth guy done? He was doing shows when I was in elementary school. He's now got one on NBC Saturday morning for kids. That dude hasn't aged a day.


Morgan is OK. I love that she's a semi-attractive, big breasted, video game playing, tart - but she gets far too much love from the internet crowd.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Nice torso, but her face is broken, and her legs look like they've never been used. And, even if she were legitimately into video games, which I doubt, that wouldn't score any points with me.


Junior Member
Maxim's objective: Go find any chick to pose in our magazine. I wonder if Pamela Anderson/Carmen Elecktra is available? It would only be the 18th time in the last 6 months.
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