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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread

I know it's said almost every week, but three hours is too fucking long for RAW. I'd be content if it was ending right about now, but there's still a full hour left?

Kane predicted that segment.



If Kane had been under the hood it would have been the greatest moment ever.
I was thinking either that, or she gets in the car and he can't (door locked), then Kane comes out of the back from the trunk.. However, since this is gonna last till another feud, they've got weeks to get this right.

This is going to be amazing. Throw some Grudge/Ringu shit up in there, too, WWE!
Yo wtf

I'm done

I'm turning this off

This isn't 1980 anymore dawg

You can't put this kind of stuff on TV straight faced


I just shot my TV and threw it in a ditch.


As far as Bray goes, I'm completely with you. But with Bryan-Kane, I don't think it is actively hurting Bryan, especially considering he won clean yesterday and will almost certainly win clean at Payback. As far as the rest of the young talent, they are all being pushed well IMO.

I think it hurts Bryan because EVERYONE has their momentum halted with a Kane feud in general, but especially since this plays into Bryan's (and Brie's) worst strengths.

Oh hey, let's take our super over guy who is super good in the ring but not so hot with promos and backstage stuff and make his angle SUPER heavy with promos and backstage stuff with bad acting and cartoony storyline. And lets put Brie in there, who is similarly not good at backstage stuff and promos. And lets do this as his FIRST feud since being the top guy and hope it doesn't hurt his momentum.

Throwing Bryan into the deep end like this with backstage shit is a terrible idea. Especially since they're wholesale ripping off the Cena/Kane angle which was only TWO YEARS AGO. Booking every top guy the same is why no one but Cena has lasted as a top guy in a decade. Bryan didn't get over on his ability to cut great promos and do great backstage shit. It's pretty stupid to book him like that as soon as he wins the title.


I have never seen this much fuckery back to back in WWE for years. I love this train wreck

that unified title is losing it's power



At least Bryan fixed the car and escaped. Ryder spent 15 minutes changing a tire, then got attacked and chokeslammed off a loading dock anyway.


Zack Ryder and Daniel Bryan are going to have a great time riding together and making YouTube videos about how the company ruined them.


Kane's actually worked pretty well since becoming a "monster" again. And then they ruin it anyway with him becoming a kidnapper or whatever the hell this shit with Brie is supposed to be.
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