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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook


90 seconds is an eternity

Something that always amused me was that they still used those big tv monitors in the commentary booths instead of some flatscreen stuff. Then again, i guess u need something that big and bulky for durability when its dropped on the floor and when its used to clock someone.

6 man elimination tag. I have a bad feeling about this, but I must BELIEVE


I suppose it comes down to all the Shield against Cena on his own, then he beats them singlehandedly? Or beats two of them, and Ryback costs him the match?


Oh god. This is when Shield loses isn't it :(

Shield loses in order to push Cena and his main event match next week.

lol, I doubt it. So far extreme rules has 6 matches so far. They need another 2 or 3 for the pay per view. The divas match and probably something with the shield and a kofi match is my guess.

Poor Ryder. At least he is on Raw more.
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