This might be old news, but from the Take-Two FY13 Results thread:
link: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=557176
There goes any chance of the game improving...![]()
This next game is a Yukes game, but after that they'll take over production of the game. There was no time for that this year.
new Daft Punk album up for streaming!!!!
album is godlike
This next game is a Yukes game, but after that they'll take over production of the game. There was no time for that this year.
That is what they press released. They'll absorb Yukes into their own developing team.
One thing they should surely have is better testing compared to THQ.
And now I just laughed like a crazy person at work. Hitting the road to Tulsa now. Sun-flowa we coming for you ninja!I wish Mechashiva had front row seats so he could be slapped by Ryback and sell it for the rest of the night.
I will believe that when I see it happen.
I'm 99.9999% sure they're working on a new engine right now. It was a trailer for WWE2K14 already released which looks exactly like 13 except with updated t-shirts for Cena. 2K14 just looks like a roster update.
I'm 99.9999% sure they're working on a new engine right now. It was a trailer for WWE2K14 already released which looks exactly like 13 except with updated t-shirts for Cena. 2K14 just looks like a roster update.
So, anything interesting planned for Raw tonight? Thinking I'm just going to stop watching until Bret Hart night at the end of the month. I've already missed the past two weeks. *badge of honour and taste*
Haven't they been using this engine since PS2?
Its the go home raw for the big post WM PPV. not a chance they botch it. We're even getting a dance off between Fandango and Jericho![]()
That makes me wonder if it would be better for the series just to take the year off and get any 2K improvements to the engine, instead of having a possibility crappy title tarnish the brand.
Then I remind myself this is the WWE, like they would care.
Haven't they been using this engine since PS2?
Anyone else going to be legit shook when the Leafs win tonight??
You'll probably lose a friend for life if you drag them along to a WWE TV taping.
I'll pretty much literally die of happiness if this happens.Anyone else going to be legit shook when the Leafs win tonight??
You've been given the go-ahead to pitch a wrestling show idea to HBO who are in the market for one, but they want to see a product that is different from everything out there. Given a 2-hour timeslot once a week, what kind of show would you produce that would set it apart from "lots of dudes in masks" (CHIKARA) or "bloody deathmatches" or overproduced kiddie material (WWE) and sub-par aping of WWE (TNA)?
How could you reinvent a wrestling show to make it interesting and not like anything else out there?
A behind the scenes wrestling sit-com with a mix of scripted sit-com scenes and wrestling action would be awesome.
It would have to be an hour to work in full wrestling matches though, I'd say one or two per show.
Yeah actually 30 Rock is probably the closest to what I have in mind, but with HBO level sex and violence. I think that for each episode of the actual show there would be a corresponding live show with a papered/studio audience (or film one live show per every three or so episodes, whatever).
The live shows wouldn't show any of the backstage segments and would have a few full matches that would only get clips on the actual television show. Then each episode would feature one or two "storyline" matches that are shown in their entirety, but are filmed and cut to be "behind the scenes" style and relate to whatever the backstage storyline is that week. Again 30 Rock is a pretty apt comparison here, but there would be a bit more focus on the "show within the show" than there is on 30 Rock.
Well Hemme answered a twitter question calling it unacceptable then deleted the tweet.
Forgot RAW was tonight. I don't work today so I can actually watch it this week, yay!
You sound excited. Let me bring you down a bit:Forgot RAW was tonight. I don't work today so I can actually watch it this week, yay!
This looks like a great show, that Dragon Gate showcase match should be amazing.
This full lineup for the next Evolve show is out, lineups for Evolve 21 and 22 are coming soon.
Thursday, May 30th, 2013
Orlando Armory
2809 S. Ferncreek Ave.
Orlando, FL 32806
7:30pm Belltime
Taylor vs Cage should be fun, but I totally wanted to see Del Sol vs Cage
Eita vs Tomahawk should be awesome, but I'm not too excited by much else on there, really. The Bucks in singles matches do absolutely nothing for me.
Tough Enough would have been a way cooler show if they only gave the wrestlers 100 bucks each and told them to drive 400 miles in a day to be in time to set up the ring at their next show in Dayton Ohio or wherever the fuck.