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May Wrasslin' |OT| Super Strong Style 16 - Thread Edition 2015


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Has nothing to do with black, white wrestlers have used that gimmick for decades.
So get that shit out of here.
Hollys, Demolition, Headbangers, any tag teams that look or dress remotely alike

Sad thing is everyone is already jumping to the racist angle here. Shrug.
Still don't understand how they make Bray lose against taker and then act like he's still worthy of the title "new face of fear". He lame as fuck.


You guys trying desperately to argue that the finish wasn't racist is the reason why WWE and pro wrestling has been and continues to be such a racist enterprise.


At least Cesaro realized that he couldn't lift Big E in that spot and he just released him, otherwise that could end in a dangerous powerbomb.
That heel turn has given New Day one heck of a second wind,I feel that they've turned it up a notch in the ring now that they have some momentum going.
Meanwhile the movesets of Cesaro and Kidd work well as a face team.

I kinda hope THE BIG GUY uses his positivity powers to crush the fedora of fear.


Every feud with Bray in it is exactly the same.

Bray knows the real you, Bray knows you are scared. Bray does a creepy promo amd then crawls over you.


Only reason Bray gets his push is because HHH can point to him and say: "Look I turned Huskey Harris into somebody who sells shirts and fedoras".
He IS lame. He is on the same level as Brodus Clay or perhaps the Miz.

Agreed. Do you like Harper? He is leagues better with the cult guy gimmick because he actually shuts up and doesn't wear a fedora

Are these hype videos finally getting good again? Seriously the pre-match packages haven't been worth shit for more than a decade now, especially on the B-list PPVs.

Daniel Bryan's Monster vid was GOAT though
You guys trying desperately to argue that the finish wasn't racist is the reason why WWE and pro wrestling has been and continues to be such a racist enterprise.

And people like you crying racism over every little thing need to fuck off already.

Sick and tired of this "racist" crying wolf shit. Shut the fuck up.


Hopefully they will give Bray a strong showing to make up for what he could not do while injured against the Undertaker.
Would not mind Bo coming into the picture somehow.
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