Ryback looks like RVD and Ultimate Warrior's love child.
Hopefully they will give Bray a strong showing to make up for what he could not do while injured against the Undertaker.
Would not mind Bo coming into the picture somehow.
No! Bo must become the 4th member of New Day
I'm black. I didn't think that was a racist finish.
I took it as Big E wasn't ready for it or hesitated thus the mess up. It was smart of Cesaro to let him go as he did.At least Cesaro realized that he couldn't lift Big E in that spot and he just released him, otherwise that could end in a dangerous powerbomb.
There is something weird about a backwoods cult leader wearing obviously professionally made merch.
At least Luke Harper's weird jackets look like they are stitched together by a maniac.
That's precisely my point though. You don't think it was a racist finish because there's just enough plausible deniability to make it look like heels cheating to win. Wrestling fans are conditioned to not only condone, but not be able to see deplorable things because it's just "heels being heels."
It actually makes sense for the leader to have nicer things.
So it being done commonly by white men who are dressed and look a bit similar is not racist?
Bring back Nathan Jones!
I suppose he gets it from the same source as his nice white trousers.
That was so telegraphed
Do you like Doc Hendrix because he is racist? He probably booked that finish.
how did the ring not collapse from that powerbomb.
700 lbs of fat hitting canvas
No! Bo must become the 4th member of New Day
Sure, if there was a racial stereotype that says all white people look alike.
It looked better back in the early days when Bray had no merch and he wore cheap thrift store Hawaiian shirts.
How's Payback, friends?