Black Bush is the undisputed best sketch Chappelle ever produced.
"Oil? Who said something about oil? Bitch, you cooking?" Niggar Family is a goat sketch too.
Black Bush is the undisputed best sketch Chappelle ever produced.
"Oil? Who said something about oil? Bitch, you cooking?" Niggar Family is a goat sketch too.
Yo say word he tried to kill ya father, son"Oil? Who said something about oil? Bitch, you cooking?" Niggar Family is a goat sketch too.
Houston sucks so much.
Just him beating the shit outta doink and the goon?I hope we get Real Ass Stone Cold Era.
4/10. BTW, did whatever team you're bandwagoning make it to the playoffs?
What are the chances that WWE 2k16 is a good game?
Comedy Central's showing a block of Chappelle's Show. It's still great as always.
Fave Five Chappelle skits:
- Clayton Bigsby
- Mad Real World
- Wayne Brady
- Making the Band
- Racial Draft
Black Bush is the undisputed best sketch Chappelle ever produced.
What are the chances that WWE 2k16 is a good game?
Does this mean Savio Vega will be in the game?
It's one of my secret favorite sketches.
Too bad when I try to tell most people about it, they have this odd look on their face like they don't know what I'm talking about.
For the love of god, stop making NXT > RAW threads, or HHH is our savior threads, you're embarrassing yourselves and showing precisely what little self-respect smarks have these days. You sheep to the next in thing on the internet and miss the big picture.
The reality of NXT is, it exists as a way for Vince/HHH to sign indie wrestlers. It keeps them away from ever competing against them in an upstart fed. You know what else it does? It gets all of you anti-WWE internet fans who just watch the product to complain about it, to watch them. That small % of smarks that will never buy WWE PPVs or merch, are now watching WWE programming. Maybe even on the actual WWE Network, for 9.99!!! And the punch line? It's all organized by HHH, the Hitler of the IWC. In this day and age, he worked you and you're now asking for him to take over WWE all together.
Do not get me wrong. There IS a developmental aspect to NXT. But it's more so them just signing the top indie performers and throwing them against a wall to see what sticks. If it sticks, there's something maybe there for developmental purposes and this could be someone who works the main roster. HHH has said it himself that not everyone in NXT will ever see the main roster, or be stars on it.
Now onto the "quality" of NXT, and the amount of praise it receives. And it's not that the performers do not deserve that, they do. From a production standpoint, there is nothing difficult about putting on NXT. NXT is not worried about selling thousands of seats 4 or 5 days a week. There are no advertisers buying time for NXT. There are no sponsors worried about NXT. There isn't THREE hours of time a week that NXT has to fill with commercials. There isn't ratings. There isn't buys. The WWE does not depend on NXT for anything in the big picture. It can literally do whatever it wants.
NXT as a show, is simply a condensed version of RAW. It's basically what RAW used to be. Cutting out the bull shit, and giving you just promos/wrestling/feuds. They have that ability because they are not RAW. As soon as they become RAW, they are no longer doing what they're doing, understand? When it comes to the main roster, and the main show(s) of the WWE Corporation, a show like NXT could NEVER happen. It would not draw.
You want to talk all this shit about how HHH should run WWE, go tell that to Alberto Del Rio or Phil Brooks. Guys who were respected performers around the world, and worked for HHH. See what they say about what a genius he is when it comes to booking. When it comes to the big picture, HHH is clueless and it shows on RAW every single week. How's that NXT guy Seth Rollins doing working DIRECTLY with HHH every single week?
So realize, NXT and RAW are two very separate entities. What they do on NXT is not what they'll be doing on RAW more times than not. Just look at Bray Wyatt. The only area where RAW could legitimately take cues from NXT is the handling of women. But even when it comes to that, they have the internet sold on HHH and WWE wanting to "give women a chance!!"'s not about that at all. It's about Steph and Hunter thinking they're going to make a pro wrestling version of Ronda Rousey. That elusive female talent who makes millions of dollars for them. But hey, it's still entertaining watching something like Becky vs. Sasha and then watching RAW to see how bad the Bellas are in comparison. I just very much doubt this "women's movement" ever ends up happening on the main roster.
There's your reality. You can hate it all you want, you can disagree and think HHH is trying to build a great wrestling program and take over WWE with it, you can think it's all about you, the fan. It's not. NXT is there to work you, while putting indie promotions out of business. It's all about the money at the end of the day. The phony headlines mean nothing to them.
Yeah, it was a tragedy!![]()
Man, fuck poor Heenan. Can't the docs give him some sort of jaw reconstruction?
Is he just passing of old age or does he have an illness?
Damn... I miss Bobby Heenan on commentating with Gorrila Monson.
daniel cormier just cut the hottest promo this side of rick flair brehs
Not much but I'm very very excited for the nxt roster.What are the chances that WWE 2k16 is a good game?
Not much but I'm very very excited for the nxt roster.
Not much but I'm very very excited for the nxt roster.
"Oil? Who said something about oil? Bitch, you cooking?" Niggar Family is a goat sketch too.