went awol this week
So I turned on the hockey game after that stupid tag segment. What happened at the end of the show? Just the 'contract signing'???
Is he playing Countdown I'm enthusiastic about everything and anything Miz?This Daniel Bryan doc is terrible only because it has Miz. There is no one on this planet that sounds as insincere than him.
how was raw
Is he playing Countdown I'm enthusiastic about everything and anything Miz?
Orton has peaked. He should be putting more dudes over nowadays.Orton was in the dark main event. Has he feud ed with Bray yet? Would like to see that after EC, although both kind of need a win
Orton has peaked. He should be putting more dudes over nowadays.
He's a bad liar.No, The Miz that pretends to be a life long fan of wrestling.
"I remember watching Bryan win his first Ring Of Honor world title and I was like 'wow! He finally did it.' I'll never forget it."
Chris Jericho podcast.This Daniel Bryan doc is terrible only because it has Miz. There is no one on this planet that sounds as insincere than him.
Holy shit, I haven't seen this one before. It's amazing.He's a bad liar.
Zack Ryder match was hype too bad he'll be forgotten from now on. He should have gone for the Harlem Hangover.
Missed a few days here, has anyone posted results or thoughts overall on the weekend? I may have to sign up for the on demand stuff.
Senor Boots had a review of the first day up here: http://www.theindycorner.com/reviews/progress-chapter-19-super-strong-style-16-day-1-review/
As for Day 2,Will Ospreay won the tournament, then Havoc threatened to literally behead him if he didn't get a pay rise, invited to download, and the title match wasn't No DQ. Riots will also be ringside. Sumerian Death Squad won the tag titles, Polly beat Jinny.
Day 2 was a great night of wrestling, well worth it, and from what I hear, so was Night 1.
did boots ever mail round the CZDub links for the OT?
After the shifts I've seen them put in at ENDVR, seeing them get that reaction was great.Yeah, it was a crazy weekend of wrestling, I'd say the second show topped the first, although the tag match on night 1 and Ciampa vs Tommy End were really awesome. How good was Jinny vs Polly? They proper beat the crap out of each other.
Some of them, yours is next, I'll get to it this afternoon after I've written up night 2 of the PROGRESS show.
With Samoa Joe only signing a few date deal with WWE, it allows him to work for pretty much anyone as an actual independent contractor like the stars in the territorial era did.
Joe will be working the 6/20 Ring of Honor show at Terminal 5 in New York. That's the television taping the day after the PPV in the same venue.
Network exclusive.Why is a network exclusive show labelled as a PPV? This was a house show turned into something bigger but is it actually being shown on PPV too?
It ain't gonna get any better. Authority angles are too played out. At least Vince allowed himself get one upped in his feuds.Another Raw, another Authority opening.
Almost two years straight, almost every Raw opens with The Authority in one form or another, gtfo of here with that shit. So done with this.
Network exclusive.
Not on ppv
It not a house show, it a ppv as you are still paying to view it.So it would be nice for people to stop calling Elimination Chamber a PPV then. PPV's have expectations associated with them, house shows are just shows.
Another Raw, another Authority opening.
Almost two years straight, almost every Raw opens with The Authority in one form or another, gtfo of here with that shit. So done with this.
So it would be nice for people to stop calling Elimination Chamber a PPV then. PPV's have expectations associated with them, house shows are just shows.
Joe got a pretty good Deal