Sibersk Esto
I love how Mark Henry's hall of pain is filled with disappointing big men
What a time to be alive.
He did.Why didnt mark become champion during his hall of pain run?
He did
The one that matter , not that one.He did.
The one that matter , not that one.
Wwe world championship.
The one that matter , not that one.
Wwe world championship.
The one that matter , not that one.
Wwe world championship.
Good that Dean is watching New Japan. Just get Rollins to watch to find a better finisher.
Good that Dean is watching New Japan. Just get Rollins to watch to find a better finisher.
If they do this, I want a crossover episode with Jane The Virgin. They already did wrestling on that show this will, so it's only right.
Itami already uses it:
Eh he's used to indie guys taking his moves
lol, yeah but so far he has lost 4 moves from 3 wrestlers. Bryan uses his knee and submission move, Punk took the GTS and Balor took the stomp.
So you're burying your head in the sand? OK.I want you all to know that I will not recognize John Cena surpassing 16 times. I will not.
Good that Dean is watching New Japan. Just get Rollins to watch to find a better finisher.
No WWE Divas Champion has ever held the title for more than 300 days. AJ Lee came the closest with 295 days. Trish Stratus held the WWE Women's Championship for 448 days starting in 2005.
Keep in mind Trish's reign in 2005 involved her being injured for a large chunk of it.
But they didn't strip her of the title because loltrishwins
YESI would love to see seth-kun use the Shouten Kai.
Dean Ambrose held the WWE United States Championship for 351 days beginning in 2013. However he only defended the title 14 times, 4 of which were on PPV and he went 3.5 months without defending the belt.
The last time a team holding the tag team championships held the titles for more than 300 days was Paul London and Brian Kendrick who held the titles for 331 days after winning them in 2006.
The last time an Intercontinental Championship Reign lasted over 300 days was The Honky Tonk Man who held the belt for 454 days starting in 1987.
No WWE Divas Champion has ever held the title for more than 300 days. AJ Lee came the closest with 295 days. Trish Stratus held the WWE Women's Championship for 448 days starting in 2005.
Dean Ambrose held the WWE United States Championship for 351 days beginning in 2013. However he only defended the title 14 times, 4 of which were on PPV and he went 3.5 months without defending the belt.
This is a post from IMDB. Of course, we can't have Big Show out for more than 2 weeks lol. I can't even remember when he was off TV.
My point is, minor championships aren't given a chance to shine in WWE. You need to reign for close to a year to have a truly memorable title run. If by chance someone is given the ball for that long, they aren't given anything to do with it and can be forgotten for part of that time.
The hilarious thing about the minor titles in WWE these days. The moment someone comes close to having a decently lengthy reign, WWE realizes it, mentions it on TV, and then has said person lose the belt within the month.
We are seriously going to get 10 Years of Superman Punch followed by Spear, aren't we?
We are seriously going to get 10 Years of Superman Punch followed by Spear, aren't we?
Hope his hairline holds out.Reigns will be looking for a Hollywood career after his first 6 reigns.