Is Brock supposed to run in tonight and smash Cena or what?
Yes. WWE Rigged the Deal or No Deal contestant selection process for him(and Nunzio's brother for some reason), there's clearly some kind of relationship between the two.
Who was the 12 year old boy with punk
I think AJ Lee wants to have sexual relations with CM Punk.
Couldn't be more wrong, for reasons I've gone over before so I won't re-hash that discussion.
Many of the "Superfans" decided on Friday to go to the show because not much else was going on and a couple wanted to keep their PPV streak going (with 3 of first 4 PPV's being in the midwest this year and the other one being Wrestlemania).
Like I've said before, I'm as close to being in that group as anyone without actually being "officially" in the group. You can either take my word for it and know the truth or you can choose to believe what you want to believe, even though it's not correct.
Best promo for Punk in a while.
Hey, Bryan Danielson is in a WWE title match on PPV. That's still weird.
The crowd has finally woken up after being put to sleep when the battle royal started.
Somewhere Samoa joe is drinking in a dark room
Joe is crying right now.
He couldn't pay his electric bill too? Damn.