abstract alien
It's ok guys, John is still on the Special Edition cover.
It's ok guys, John is still on the Special Edition cover.
Otunga saved himI wasn't watching did he actually sit on the gum?
People on twitter are dumb:
That.. was.. a segment to reveal a cover for a game...
Are they going to work a trailer into a promo next week?
That.. was.. a segment to reveal a cover for a game...
Are they going to work a trailer into a promo next week?
That.. was.. a segment to reveal a cover for a game...
Are they going to work a trailer into a promo next week?
The game would be called WWF '13 then.We should get the Sin Cara cover on Smackdown
Can't even muster up the enthusiasm for a Yes
Okay, here is IGNs Preview history with the "Smackdown" series. I have noticed that every year there is hope...
IGN WWE 12 Preview
SmackDown vs. Raw is dead, and THQ's fixing the stuff you complain about.
IGN Smackdown vs Raw 11 Preview
One match is never enough to judge a Smackdown game, but WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 seems like it's set to capitalize on what worked last year
IGN Smackdown vs Raw 10 Preview
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 has me very excited to play the final game. When I got my first hands-on with the title, the TV-like presentation had me jazzed, and the fact that this creation stuff is so slick is only adding to that feeling.
IGN Smackdown vs Raw 09 Preview
On the surface, the match looked and played a lot like last year's. True, Orton an 'taker looked more detailed and sharper overall, but the chairs that were around ringside still had the same satisfying steel-to-skull sound and the controls stick with the tried-and-true thumbstick format. However, as the match wore on, the little tweaks began to shine through.
IGN Smackdown vs Raw 08 Preview
After playing with the new controls ourselves we can attest that the single-button system keeps the matches fluid and fast-paced. It also helps that the new submission system is analog-based as well. How much pressure you apply and how quickly you pump your arms around someone's neck is now entirely up to you -- as is your defense to it, as escaping a grapple is handled with the analog sticks as well. All in all, it's definitely an improvement over last year's edition.
IGN Smackdown vs Raw 07 Preview
What we did see was some extremely impressive visuals and the kind of action wrestling fans have grown to love from the Smackdown series.
Forget Edge/Foley, if you're looking for someone who stole the show Wrestlemania weekend, look no further than THQ.
IGN Smackdown vs Raw 06 Preview
Officially known as WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006 (a title meant to reflect its new direction towards a sports and simulation feel), the new game from Yuke's Media Creations and the Toy Headquarters is undoubtedly the most ambitious game in the series so far. The brand new momentum system, the addition of attributes like Stamina and Hardcore, improved reversal mechanics, enhanced online features, and a host of other cool improvements are just a few of the several-dozen extras planned for this year's wrestling extravaganza.
IGN Smackdown vs Raw Preview
WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW is getting ready to hit the PS2 like a ton of bricks this fall. Easily one of the most, if not the most, anticipated sports game to come out this year, SmackDown! vs. RAW could very well have sales in the same unbelievable range as the previous entries in the series.
IGN Smackdown Here Come The Pain Preview
WWE Smackdown! is quickly shaping up to become one of the greatest wrestling games ever made. Normally a statement that's met with a great deal of skepticism, the claim that THQ's fifth interpretation of the UPN television show can pull off such a feat is quickly becoming more and more accepted in the hardcore wrestling community.
IGN Smackdown Shut you Mouth Preview
We'll have to wait much longer for everything to come out in the wash, but most of what we saw today seemed fairly promising.
IGN Smackdown Just Bring It Preview
WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It is a respectable effort from THQ and Yuke's.
IGN Smackdown Know you Role Preview
THQ delivered gameplay last time, and now they've delivered almost all the trimmings to go with it, including a very complete, up-to-date roster and a much-improved create-a-wrestler mode.
IGN Smackdown Preview
With incredible graphics and a plethora of cool features, WWF Smackdown is, far and away, the best wrestling game on PlayStation.
Wonder what's running through Bobo's mind when he goes to the TNA meet & greet? Forget what's running through his mind, I know what's running down his leg:
Bobo is going to piss himself when he's face to face with TAZ!
Wonder what's running through Bobo's mind when he goes to the TNA meet & greet? Forget what's running through his mind, I know what's running down his leg:
Bobo is going to piss himself when he's face to face with TAZ!
Wonder what's running through Bobo's mind when he goes to the TNA meet & greet? Forget what's running through his mind, I know what's running down his leg:
Bobo is going to piss himself when he's face to face with TAZ!
We live in a world where Big Show vs Brodus Clay is higher on the card than WWE Champ CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan.