What is wrong with people. The man's around kids everyday. He's been around thousands of kids everyday for as long as we can remember, he meets new dozens everyday, he spends the whole day with them, travelled the world to see them, travelled the world to help them, dedicated countless songs to them, talks about them constantly, advertises them constantly, asks everyone he can to help them constantly, built a fucking million dollar dreamland for them, has influenced millions of them, has gone out of his way to put a smile on fucking thousands for no other reason than his love for them, donates everything he can spare to them, set up god knows how many charities for them, and literally everyone close to him says he's not just good, but unbelievably generous and nice to them. And people fucking go nuts because some of these kids sleep next to him in his king size bed.
People need to get a fucking clue, lighten the fuck up, and chill the fuck out.
Edit : If everything I said doesn't sink in (judgemental dicks are scientifically proven to have thick skulls), the man has been found innocent. On all counts. Innocent. Innocence. Say or type it enough times, and maybe the word will finally have meaning.