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McCain: Paul is working for Putin

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Sen. John McCain accused Sen. Rand Paul of "working for Vladimir Putin" on the Senate floor Wednesday, leading some to wonder if the Arizona Republican had violated Rule 19, a Senate regulation evoked earlier this year when one senator imputes the honor of another

McCain's comments came after Paul objected to a resolution that would allow Montenegro to join the NATO alliance. McCain responded by lobbing accusations at his fellow GOP senator multiple times, both before and after Paul objected to the vote, though the Kentucky senator did not add additional defense Wednesday.
Pointedly singling out the "gentleman from Kentucky," McCain said those who object "are now carrying out the desires and ambitions of Vladimir Putin.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Damn, it's lit.

McCain going in. Now only if he had the backbone to take on Trump.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Technically he is not "imputing" someone by pointing out casually that their actions reflect the desired actions of another world leader.

If he said, for example, that somebody was carrying out the wishes of Theresa May, or Erdogan, simply because that person had punched a baby in the face, or abandoned a hundred years of separation of church and state, that would hardly be imputing. Merely comparison.

I guess the imprtant subtext here tho, jokes aside, is, does McCain know more than he's letting on, or was this just a loose comparison?

the behaviors and iunfluences of the Green and Libertarian candidates do beg that question.
Sen. John McCain accused Sen. Rand Paul of "working for Vladimir Putin" on the Senate floor Wednesday, leading some to wonder if the Arizona Republican had violated Rule 19, a Senate regulation evoked earlier this year when one senator imputes the honor of another

Are they gonna have a duel?



Clothed, sober, cooperative
Oh and the weird thing is that traditional grandstanding garbage-spewer Rand (totally not named after Ayn Rand yeah right dad) didn't actually make a coherent staemmtn about his vote. It was definitely weird. "Something something waste of money"


"working for putin" and "acting for putin interests" are two separate things. As much as I dislike Paul and McCain. McCain basically said "you're working towards policy that would benefit Russia interests" which is not "you're working for Putin"

He literally said "You're working for Putin"


If McCain and Cruz had spines they'd already have MET HIM SOMEWHERE BRO

Seriously - War Heroes are garbage because they got caught and tortured, and your wife is ugly and your dad assasinated Kennedy.


i almost feel like simply blaming them for trump. i know thats an easy way out and everything, and that the republican party will always be a festering boil no matter what, but they sure sent out a crop of fucking misfits and showed zero spine standing up to trump. they all got dunked on and just stood there and took it. fucking weak
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