Why do you keep repeating this shit instead of responding to what I'm actually saying? I know how to host, I know how to be respectful. I don't need your help.Believe it or not, it's actually not hard being a host. All you got to do is clean the house before people show up and have a wide variety of food and drink so everyone can eat something. As I said, I'm not making my entire dinner vegetarian so ungrateful smarmy vegetarians can complain about not having enough to eat.
You still don't understand. Respect the host. It's not like people order food or make dinners that are 100% BBQ beef burgers. Dont whine or complain there's not enough veggie and carb dishes available There always is.
If someone doesn't want to eat meat at the company function or someone's party, then skip that entree and move to the next platter of food. There will be something you can eat. As I said if there's 7 or 8 things to eat, and lets say 3 are meat. You still got 4-5 things to pick from. So dont complain. You never see a meat eater complain about wanting all roast beef or chicken in their food.
Like it or not. Grow up.
So stop acting holier than though, answer the things I'm actually questioning, or take your own advice and grow the hell up.