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Media Create Sales 12/3 - 12/9 2007


Scottlarock said:
I don't believe that.
Why not? I own a Wii after all.... And Mistwalker will never make a PS3 game, so no use wanting that. I only want what's possible.

If Lost Odyssey was a Wii game it would have a much higher chance of achieving respectable sale figures.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
PantherLotus said:
uh...it would be a test of national pride? SERIOUSLY? where TF are you people coming from?

The woodwork. No seriously. What if MS made a serious coup and got DQ X on the 360...and then it sold like Blue Dragon. What would be the excuse then besides the idea that they plain just don't like the inferior gaijinbox.


Lightning said:
Why not? I own a Wii after all.... And Mistwalker will never make a PS3 game, so no use wanting that. I only want what's possible.

If Lost Odyssey was a Wii game it would have a much higher chance of achieving respectable sale figures.
if no more heroes was a 360 game it would have a much higher chance of achieving respectable sale figures

it did far worse than LO

stop complaining
Lightning said:
Why not? I own a Wii after all.... And Mistwalker will never make a PS3 game, so no use wanting that. I only want what's possible.

If Lost Odyssey was a Wii game it would have a much higher chance of achieving respectable sale figures.
will it make it a better game? or do you want his game on a system you own?
rakka said:
if no more heroes was a 360 game it would have a much higher chance of achieving respectable sale figures

stop complaining

Isn't No More Heroes one of the largest opening weeks for a Suda game?

Given the 360's userbase it could have failed harder...

Failed... harder?


rakka said:
if no more heroes was a 360 game it would have a much higher chance of achieving respectable sale figures

it did far worse than LO

stop complaining

No. Suda would still not have enough money and his publisher would not care for advertising.

NMH would have tanked on any console in Japan.
Deku said:
People did the same with the GameCube didn't they? I mean I actually met a guy in 1998 who thought Zelda was going to make N64 #1.

That game did smashingly well too.

You're comparing GameCube Japan with XBOX 360 Japan? Microsoft would be popping cork bottles if they could get the 360 to GameCube numbers right now.
Lightning said:
To play Lost Odyssey, yes I will buy one, but will I keep it after I am done? No.

You have got to be kidding me.

But hey you'll be thrilled to know that I'm buying a PS3 for FFXIII and selling it as soon as I finish it.

Lobster said:
Its what everyone in Japan seems to do.

I'll never understand Japan.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
You have got to be kidding me.

But hey you'll be thrilled to know that I'm buying a PS3 for FFXIII and selling it as soon as I finish it.
I couldn't care less what you do. If FFXIII is the only PS3 game that you want to play, then by all means.

I want to play Lost Odyssey and to do that I need a 360, after that, what do I want a 360 for? So no, I am not kidding. After I complete LO, I will sell it and get my money back.

It's actually an achievement. Before LO I would never have even considered buying a 360.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
PepsimanVsJoe said:
You have got to be kidding me.

But hey you'll be thrilled to know that I'm buying a PS3 for FFXIII and selling it as soon as I finish it.

Buy it used. That way it doesn't get counted in NPD.
Lightning said:
I want to play Lost Odyssey and to do that I need a 360, after that, what do I want a 360 for? So no, I am not kidding. After I complete LO, I will sell it and get my money back.

And I plan to do the same with the PS3 and FFXIII.
Maybe we should shake on it or something.

PantherLotus said:
Well this thread went really stupid really quickly.

Ah you just need to get more fun out of life.
PantherLotus said:
Well this thread went really stupid really quickly.
Just you wait.

PepsimanVsJoe said:
And I plan to do the same with the PS3 and FFXIII.
Maybe we should shake on it or something.
No genitals please.

I've gotten into my share of trouble over impromptu groin grabbin I tell you what.
Yeah, national pride is the only thing stopping the japanese from driving their big ass chevrolet trucks, watching the superbowl with beer hats and shouting over live "**** off, korean!". No cultural differences at all. Only national pride.

The 360 sure isn't skyrocketing but that has more to do with the nature of the hardware (big, clunky and noisy) than the library itself (pretty decent if you ask me, and leaps over the original box).
Lightning said:
The most successful year for an "Xbox" in Japan is hardly an achievement to be proud off.

That nobody wants? I mean, what's the use of putting hours and hours of hard work into a game only to have the public throw it back in your face? Sakaguchi went from creating FFVII and selling 10million and being loved alround the world to selling less then a million and who's name is starting to mean nothing. But hey, who cares about creating games that are successful when Microsoft's money is involved....

Mistwalker's work deserves better then what these sales are showing. If this was the PS3 this thread would be 100 pages by now and Sony cursed into oblivion but because it's MS we get the same "Good for a 360 game" bullshit when the sales actually suck. I think people need to get some perspective that with all that has been released on the 360 it should've done MUCH better and that the Mistwalker investment is not paying off for EITHER company.

Time to explore other options Mistwalker. Fission Mailed.

Dude you make it out as if Mistwalker has such a good name attached to it and that MS is ruining it, when in reality they're nothing but MS puppets.

You're going to sell the 360 after you played LO? Please, you're not Japanese.


my name is Ted
Lightning said:
I couldn't care less what you do. If FFXIII is the only PS3 game that you want to play, then by all means.

I want to play Lost Odyssey and to do that I need a 360, after that, what do I want a 360 for? So no, I am not kidding. After I complete LO, I will sell it and get my money back.

It's actually an achievement. Before LO I would never have even considered buying a 360.

What did Microsoft do to you? Kick your Dog? Why are you so bitter?


Trip Warhawkins said:
Yeah, national pride is the only thing stopping the japanese from driving their big ass chevrolet trucks, watching the superbowl with beer hats and shouting over live "**** off, korean!". No cultural differences at all. Only national pride.

The 360 sure isn't skyrocketing but that has more to do with the nature of the hardware (big, clunky and noisy) than the library itself (pretty decent if you ask me, and leaps over the original box).

Well, they (and really, every other western nation) aren't that different. Japanese, especially on the likes of 2ch, are very, very anti-Korean. Like how Mexicans are viewed in predominantly white communities. They get piss drunk, talk shit on the Hanshin/Kyojin/whatever fans, and go hit up some women. Just like the English talk shit on whatever soccer team after getting piss drunk, and just like Italians apparently taking a liking to post-soccer match riots. And I hear immigrants from the middle-east, Africa and Eastern Europe aren't taken to too kindly in Western Europe either.

We're all douchebags at the core.


Lightning said:
The most successful year for an "Xbox" in Japan is hardly an achievement to be proud off.

That nobody wants? I mean, what's the use of putting hours and hours of hard work into a game only to have the public throw it back in your face? Sakaguchi went from creating FFVII and selling 10million and being loved alround the world to selling less then a million and who's name is starting to mean nothing. But hey, who cares about creating games that are successful when Microsoft's money is involved....

Mistwalker's work deserves better then what these sales are showing. If this was the PS3 this thread would be 100 pages by now and Sony cursed into oblivion but because it's MS we get the same "Good for a 360 game" bullshit when the sales actually suck. I think people need to get some perspective that with all that has been released on the 360 it should've done MUCH better and that the Mistwalker investment is not paying off for EITHER company.

Time to explore other options Mistwalker. Fission Mailed.

Sakaguchi didn't even create FF7. FF7 was solely Yoshinori Kitase's work. Sakaguchi just rubberstamped his name on it as a producer. He stopped having any influence in the FF series after FF5 (the last FF game he directed).

And why are you crying so much? Mistwalker's games do all right in the US so that's more than enough reason for them to keep making games. Sakaguchi's not trying to produce the next blockbuster RPG series, he's just toiling in semi-retirement and enjoying making games again after decades of not making any games.


Pellham said:
Sakaguchi didn't even create FF7. FF7 was solely Yoshinori Kitase's work. Sakaguchi just rubberstamped his name on it as a producer. He stopped having any influence in the FF series after FF5 (the last FF game he directed).


Yeah I don't think so. :)


Good sales for SMG. I honestly thought that, considering it's poor performance earlier, that it would be around 18k a week by now.

Extremely good sales for Wii Fit as well. It's sure now that this game will do millions.


Pellham said:
Sakaguchi didn't even create FF7. FF7 was solely Yoshinori Kitase's work. Sakaguchi just rubberstamped his name on it as a producer. He stopped having any influence in the FF series after FF5 (the last FF game he directed).

And why are you crying so much? Mistwalker's games do all right in the US so that's more than enough reason for them to keep making games. Sakaguchi's not trying to produce the next blockbuster RPG series, he's just toiling in semi-retirement and enjoying making games again after decades of not making any games.

Well, to be fair, I'd think that Sakaguchi would like to do more than "okay", especially in his home country. His fall from grace was very public and very embarrassing, and he'd probably want some sort of redemption. Getting his own funded studio on a competing system from his former company could be one form of redemption; making a game that re-established his reputation as a god of jRPG gaming and proved that he still "had it" would be even better.

Or who knows - maybe he really is fine with the sales numbers of his games so far (though I doubt the games would come close to turning a profit in Japan alone, and NA is always a bit uncertain with jRPGs). But I don't think it's implausible that he would be driven to want his games to do very well.

Stage On

It's nice to see Mario Galaxy back in the top 10 and DQ4 contiuning to do strong but I'm kind of disapointed that Tales of Innocence debuted with such low numbers :(

I know they didn't didn't ship much in the first place and that it's stuck trying to fight off Tempest's Stink but I was still hopeing it would at least sell out of it's inintal low shipment if nothing else for the first week.

Sigh I just hope like hell it makes it to north america despite how often Bandia-Namco seems to skip them.
No More Heroes:
Yet another hardcore game to flop. I'm affraid that hardcore games don't have much longer. Developers realize that minigame collections and non-games are cheaper to make and sell much better. Its a sad reality in Japan. But I'm really worried about Nintendo since they are a Japanese country that really hasn't cared about westernized games to begin with. Cancelling Project H.A.M.M.E.R was just the first project to go down. Soon it may be Disaster Day of Crisis. At least we were lucky enough to get Metroid, but who knows where that franchise is going now that the Prime series is done with. *sigh* I hope I'm just being way too pessimistic, but I am worried for the future of hardcore gaming.
Tiktaalik said:
Good sales for SMG. I honestly thought that, considering it's poor performance earlier, that it would be around 18k a week by now.

Extremely good sales for Wii Fit as well. It's sure now that this game will do millions.

Galaxy will easily surpass Twilight Princess now. Sales for Galaxy might actually start to increase week over week as we move into the holidays.


perfectchaos007 said:
No More Heroes:
Yet another hardcore game to flop. I'm affraid that hardcore games don't have much longer. Developers realize that minigame collections and non-games are cheaper to make and sell much better. Its a sad reality in Japan. But I'm really worried about Nintendo since they are a Japanese country that really hasn't cared about westernized games to begin with. Cancelling Project H.A.M.M.E.R was just the first project to go down. Soon it may be Disaster Day of Crisis. At least we were lucky enough to get Metroid, but who knows where that franchise is going now that the Prime series is done with. *sigh* I hope I'm just being way too pessimistic, but I am worried for the future of hardcore gaming.

Hardcore games are fine. Japan on the other hand..
Hellsing321 said:
God bless Wii Fit for bringing Galaxy back in the Top 10.

Wii Fit is really helping all other Wii's games somehow indirectly. In fact, Wii Fit increase hardware sales significantly, that then increase sales of other Wii's games.


perfectchaos007 said:
No More Heroes:
Yet another hardcore game to flop. I'm affraid that hardcore games don't have much longer. Developers realize that minigame collections and non-games are cheaper to make and sell much better. Its a sad reality in Japan. But I'm really worried about Nintendo since they are a Japanese country that really hasn't cared about westernized games to begin with. Cancelling Project H.A.M.M.E.R was just the first project to go down. Soon it may be Disaster Day of Crisis. At least we were lucky enough to get Metroid, but who knows where that franchise is going now that the Prime series is done with. *sigh* I hope I'm just being way too pessimistic, but I am worried for the future of hardcore gaming.

You cannot point to the sales of No More Heroes to try and prove hardcore gaming is dying.

It's not dying, it's just moving to handhelds.
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Wii Fit is really helping all other Wii's games somehow indirectly. In fact, Wii Fit increase hardware sales significantly, that then increase sales of other Wii's games.
It's helping so much it makes you wonder if it's WiiFit or the holidays...




Has problems recognising girls
This might sound relatively premature, but can anyone post the last month or so of Galaxy's numbers? I'm sure they've stuck to the 30-50K range each and every week.
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