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Media Create Sales: 22 - 28 May (kay, real this time)


fresquito said:
How many million-sellers are there in Japan on the DS? Is there a precedent of so many million-sellers in a console in a year and half?



1 Animal Crossing Wild World Nintendo 23 novembre 05 2 709 486
2 Brain Training 2 Nintendo 29 décembre 05 2 280 977
3 Brain Training Nintendo 19 mai 05 2 220 145
4 Mario Kart DS Nintendo 8 décembre 05 1 383 408
5 Nintendogs Nintendo 21 avril 05 1 251 353
6 Brain Academy Nintendo 30 juin 05 1 242 901
7 Tamagotchi Bandai 15 septembre 05 1 081 186
8 English Training Nintendo 26 janvier 06 1 055 274
9 Wario Ware Touched ! Nintendo 2 décembre 04 930 057
10 Super Mario 64 DS Nintendo 2 décembre 04 884 054

& now even New Super Mario Bros.


fresquito said:
How many million-sellers are there in Japan on the DS? Is there a precedent of so many million-sellers in a console in a year and half?
It has to be. Go here;


And check out how many million sellers total there are in japan, for each system. Now check out the DS's section, and remember there are now 10-11 million sellers for the bastard, not the seven listed, and compare that with the n64, sfc, ps1, gb, e.t.c. its fucking crazy.

The mere fact that the DS has almost doubled the nearest best selling console wek ever is enough to shake your head.

It hasnt even been 2years yet, and it has 10-11million sellers now.(I know some are at 999,999 but they will pass it in a week or something)

The craziest thing is that Pokebomb hasnt even hit yet. I wonder how analyist's see this thing?


cvxfreak said:
You don't count Pokemon Blue/Yellow/Crystal/Emerald/FireRed/LeafGreen and the inevitable Pokemon Platinum (?) re-release milking?
Maybe we're talking on uneven terms about what does or doesn't constitute milking... I would say that it's not milking if either:

-It's a limited edition release that costs the same as other versions and doesn't invalidate the other versions since they offer basically the same experience. Blue, Yellow, and (the US version of) Crystal fall into this category; nobody who owns Red/Green/Gold/Silver has a particularly compelling reason to buy the others unless they feel like it.

-It adds something that the series and/or the series' fanbase is dying to have. Cell phone trading in the Japanese version of Crystal, and the wireless adapter in Fire Red/Leaf Green/Emerald. Or the first time EA's sports franchises went online.

-It's a remake or limited edition release that comes out more than two years later and blows its predecessor out of the water in every conceivable way. Includes things like Emerald (limited edition), Fire Red/Leaf Green (remake), or the DS version of Final Fantasy III.

To me, milking would be something along the lines of the PS2/GC THQ wrestling games or Mega Man Battle Network.


I would bang a hot farmer!
lancubap said:
I agree that these joke accounts are really terrible. But they are even amusing ! :lol

Attention verplant: they are joke accounts.
There's a difference between joke accounts and joke posts.


Paradoxal_Utopia said:
Im going to be optimistic and predict 480K for next week.

Well just to add a bit of reasoning, if we believe the 480k first day report then that's another 420k on Fri/Sat/Sun, so maybe 180k/140k/100k or something like that, which suggests that another 400k in the following 7 days isn't all that crazy.


Wow, Itadaki Portable really tanked, there's goes any chance for future PSP DraQue spinoffs... I wonder when we'll see Itadaki DS? :)
jarrod said:
Wow, Itadaki Portable really tanked, there's goes any chance for future PSP DraQue spinoffs... I wonder when we'll see Itadaki DS? :)

The development costs of the game weren't that high. The game is a port of a PS2 game that sold over 500k and even the PS2 version probably didn't cost a lot to make. SquareEnix might be happy with the sales because of that. They don't need to sell a lot of copies of the game to make a profit off it.


Viewtiful Darkness said:
The development costs of the game weren't that high. The game is a port of a PS2 game that sold over 500k and even the PS2 version probably didn't cost a lot to make. SquareEnix might be happy with the sales because of that. They don't need to sell a lot of copies of the game to make a profit off it.
I dunno, it's basically Hanjuku DS (a spinoff of a d-list franchise) territory. Regardless of circumstances, Itadaki should be able to pull in better numbers... this is basically "GameCube in 2003" level bad.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Just thought I'd post this in here also in case people missed it in the official thread.

According to ITMedia, Square Enix has set August 24 as the Japanese launch date for the DS remake of Final Fantasy III. The suggested retail price is 5,980 yen ($53). By comparison, the majority of Japanese DS titles are priced in the 2,800-4,800 yen ($25-$43) range. The North American release is currently slated for September.

The original Final Fantasy III for the NES was released in 1990 and sold more than 1 million copies. This remake marks FFIII's first ever appearance on another hardware platform (a Final Fantasy III was released on the SNES in 1994, but it was actually the US version of Final Fantasy VI), and first localized version of the game. The DS version will feature improved sound and 3D graphics as well as support for the DS's native touch-screen and wireless features.



Second-rate Anihawk
jarrod said:
I dunno, it's basically Hanjuku DS (a spinoff of a d-list franchise) territory. Regardless of circumstances, Itadaki should be able to pull in better numbers... this is basically "GameCube in 2003" level bad.
How bad was Gamecube in 2003?


Jiggy37 said:
Maybe we're talking on uneven terms about what does or doesn't constitute milking... I would say that it's not milking if either:

-It's a limited edition release that costs the same as other versions and doesn't invalidate the other versions since they offer basically the same experience. Blue, Yellow, and (the US version of) Crystal fall into this category; nobody who owns Red/Green/Gold/Silver has a particularly compelling reason to buy the others unless they feel like it.

-It adds something that the series and/or the series' fanbase is dying to have. Cell phone trading in the Japanese version of Crystal, and the wireless adapter in Fire Red/Leaf Green/Emerald. Or the first time EA's sports franchises went online.

-It's a remake or limited edition release that comes out more than two years later and blows its predecessor out of the water in every conceivable way. Includes things like Emerald (limited edition), Fire Red/Leaf Green (remake), or the DS version of Final Fantasy III.
To complex. What about: If you have to pay for something and get less in return then epic gives away for free in a mere patch, it's milking. If you have to pay full price, and you get less than some other companies sell as a half price add-on, its milking.

It's good for companies to make as much money as they can, so using something that sells a lot of time is neither bad for us, or the consumer. However, if you just sell tiny bits at addicts, you might swindel them out of their money and milk the last penny your fans have, but you're losing goodwill. Keyword: horsearmor


Archie said:
How bad was Gamecube in 2003?
Bad enough for even Nintendo stalwarts like Hudson to drop support. Even with cost cutting from being ports, 5-20k in sales wasn't enough for most games to make a return on GameCube and I doubt it will be on PSP either...


Fuzzy said:
Just thought I'd post this in here also in case people missed it in the official thread.



I cant believe people can think FFIII will sell over 1m units... Nothing to do with the pricepoint.

Well if FFIII sells over one million units, my hats off to Square.

EDIT: If what I have said above become true, they should try to revive Romancing SaGa (Playstation era for this series was a fiasco IMO) and Seiken Densetsu (the real one not Children of Mana) on DS.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
RaijinFY said:
I cant believe people can think FFIII will sell over 1m units... Nothing to do with the pricepoint.

Well if FFIII sells over one million units, my hats off to Square.
eh? just for reference, the PS2 FFs price is about $80 in japan.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Anything yet? :D

I still think FFIII can do 1 million. It sold over a million on the NES and FF is more popular today and the DS is kicking all kinds of ass right now.


RaijinFY said:
EDIT: If what I have said above become true, they should try to revive Romancing SaGa (Playstation era for this series was a fiasco IMO) and Seiken Densetsu (the real one not Children of Mana) on DS.
They're reviving both on PS2 already.
Fuzzy said:
I still think FFIII can do 1 million. It sold over a million on the NES and FF is more popular today and the DS is kicking all kinds of ass right now.


I'd be more shocked to see it sell under 1 million than over 2.
some of you guys just don't know when to stop. i don't care what terrible reasoning or logic you come up with.

Japan + Final Fantasy + DS = atleast 1 million.


I would bang a hot farmer!
DSL 285,025
PSP 27,227
PS2 19,798
GBASP 6,652
DS 4,126
GBM 2,013
Xbox360 1,242
GC 1,116
GBA 44
Xbox 8


DSL 285,025
PSP 27,227
PS2 19,798
GBASP 6,652
DS 4,126
GBM 2,013
Xbox360 1,242
GC 1,116
GBA 44
Xbox 8

Disappointmenton, we are far from the 300k in the week. :(


Second-rate Anihawk
imastalker co. said:
PSP 27,227 > DS 4,126

beginning of the end for the DS
I will repeat myself from earlier in the thread:

Archie said:
The DS Lite sales are okay...at best. But in reality, they aren't that impressive. Most people who buy a DS Lite already own a DS. Nintendo is employing a double dip strategy by releasing an inferior hardware at first then upgrading it to something more useable. To truely compare how the Japanese market is doing, we must compare the original DS with the PSP. The PSP is most likely outselling the original DS because of mulimedia functions (movies, music and pictures) and the outstanding lineup of third party games.

We almost must consider the fickle nature of "non gamers". Non gamers are more likely to get bored of Brain Training and Nintendogs very fast, so they will buy a bunch of non games. Nintendo is not expanding the market by having the same group of people buy multiple games. If anything, they are contracting the market.

Sony is the real winner here. They are expanding the market beyond the core set of "non gamers" who cannot enjoy fine real games. I am just glad Sony is keeping an eye out for the real gamers who enjoy real games. You will never see Sony release inferior hardware only to upgrade it six months later. :D

Well, it looks like Sony is the true victor this week. :D

this fake posting thing is getting kinda old :/


I would bang a hot farmer!
DS - 867,378 / 6,514,330
DSL - 1,920,493
Combined - 2,787,871 / 8,434,823

PSP - 799,363 / 3,482,325

Combined DS Lead - 1,988,508 / 4,952,498

Next week the combined DS lead will break 2 million / 5 million.


Sony delays PS3 from spring to fall. 360 sales drop.

Sony announces price of PS3. 360 sales drop.

What was that about MS taking advantage of the PS3 "delay" again?


Nintendo DS sold less than Gameboy Advance SP...
Did Nintendo really stop production of them?
I mean they're still making Gameboy Advance SP/Gameboy Micro/Gameboy Advance systems though right?


GhaleonEB said:
Sony delays PS3 from spring to fall. 360 sales drop.

Sony announces price of PS3. 360 sales drop.

What was that about MS taking advantage of the PS3 "delay" again?
It's too late. The Xbox hate is already in the heart of every Japanese.

I wonder how much advertising MS does in Japan.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Busaiku said:
Nintendo DS sold less than Gameboy Advance SP...
Did Nintendo really stop production of them?
I mean they're still making Gameboy Advance SP/Gameboy Micro/Gameboy Advance systems though right?
They stopped shipping the GBA and GBM to Japan. In fact, they've both pretty much stopped shipping everywhere.


Busaiku said:
Nintendo DS sold less than Gameboy Advance SP...
Did Nintendo really stop production of them?
I mean they're still making Gameboy Advance SP/Gameboy Micro/Gameboy Advance systems though right?

In fact SP production are up this year because US still demands it. :lol The last DS shipment was reported to be over a month ago and it is/was the last shipment.
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