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Media Create Sales 3/26 - 4/1


My Chemical Mouse said:
No it was the Lite. All the way up to and including May 2006 PSP was beating DS on a monthly basis and slowly but surely cutting into the lead. Nintendogs, Brain Age and NSMB were all released and still PSP was on a course to catch up.

DS Lite came out, sold something like 600k it's launch month and the system has not been sub 200k since i believe. It's quite obvious DS Lite saved Nintendo in America.
Right. Even though the GBA had outsold the PSP since it's launch, and the DS was at no point behind the PSP, meaning Sony only ever had the #3 handheld in the US (still true, the GBA has still outsold the PSP since it's launch). DS and GBA sales combined since the PSP launch were double Sony's handheld sales.

And while it's true the DS sales were slightly behind the PSP in early 2006, THAT'S BECAUSE EVERYONE WAS WAITING FOR THE LITE which was announced five months before it's US release! The Xbox sold more then the PS2 the month before the PSTwo came out for the same reason.


vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Just a word to the Nintendo fans tearing apart a certain Sony fan:-

Don't be so mean to him. If he started gaming at the age of 6, his first ever system would have been the SNES/Genesis. If he started gaming at the age of 9 or 10, his first console would have been the Playstation (a far more likely scenario). His first console game would have cemented his fanboydom in much the same way playing Super Mario Bros at home for the first time did to so many Nintendo fans. It would have been natural for him to move on to the Playstation 2 when it was released as it is natural for him to support the Playstation 3 now.

The thing is, that as a Sony fanboy, he has not yet had to taste the bitter ale of console defeat. He has not yet had to watch as his console of choice linger in the doldrums as 3rd parties abandoned it in favour of other consoles. He hasn't yet had to sit through terminal release droughts or the inconvenience of having to walk past shelves and shelves of other consoles' offerings in order to get to the half a shelf dedicated to his console of choice. He's never had his console systematically trolled before. Most of all, unlike Sega fans, he hasn't had to watch his console die mid-generation.

Unfortunately for all Sony fanboys, it currently looks as though these things will happen this generation to some degree or other. With the anecdotal evidence coming out of the PAL territories and the actual numbers coming out of the US and Japan, the writing seems to be on the wall for the PS3. The worst news is losing Japan - lose Japan and you lose the Japanese devs.

These things are not certain - they won't be until next year, but the most likely scenario is that the PS3 will be the 'losing' console this generation. And as long as it looks that way, fanboys for whom the Playstation was their first console will slowly or not so slowly turn into the "Nintards" of the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox generation - fanboys who, in their effort to "damage control" and "keep hope alive" can no longer rely on stock-standard, common-sense notions used by the majority and must instead turn to irrational arguments and obnoxious posting styles.

Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.

I just have to say that this was a great post :lol :lol

It touched me in a very deep and personal way... I don't even know why, but it's greatness can't be denied :lol
vicious_killer_squirrel said:

Nice, except for the part where emotionally attaching yourself to a console maker is a bad idea in the first place.

I owned both a PS1 and a PS2, and no other home console from that generation. The one console I am least likely to own this generation is the PS3. Loyalties to a facelss corporation that only wants your money is a stupid idea.


AdmiralViscen said:
The only region where PSP was still making inroads was the US, where GBA was still going strong. You could easily argue that it was NSMB that drew GBA buyers to DS, rather than the DSlite. Either way, a sales boost in one region (where the platform in question is already in the lead) does not constitute a relaunch.

Not to give too much credit to this guy, but even Reggie himself described the DS Lite launch in Japan as a 'tipping point' for sales of the system, back at E3'06, when the Lite was yet to launch in the west. Would de Fat have continued to do well (enough to beat the PSP) in Japan if the Lite wasn't released? Probably. But the effect of the DS Lite launch is significant, and it boosted sales beyond the point of merely reselling to the people who already had a DS. The entire package -- games and software for a non-gamer audience running on a slim, slick yet simple piece of consumer electronics, rather than a clunky 'toy' -- just clicked in a way it never did or could have with the DS Fat. Reggie's tipping point description (referring of course to the Malcolm Gladwell book) was spot on. And while the DS was ahead in the West as well, it obviously benefitted even more from the Lite-effect, to the point where I wonder if the PSP wouldn't have been a much more formidable competitor in those territories had the Lite not been launched.

The DS would have been succesful without the redesign, and it probably would have 'won' against the PSP, but this guy has a semblance of a point in that the DS Lite launch was very, very significant in propelling the DS to the unprecedent heights it's at today. Whether it should be called a relaunch is up for debate, but its role in the DS success story shouldn't be marginalized.


vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.

No we will crush our enemies -- See them driven before us, and hear the lamentation of their women! That is best in life!


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
Pureauthor said:
"Good. Fire it up." He paused, stroking his magnificent beard. "Set destination as the 'Console Graveyard'."

You're a horrible, horrible man...
Pureauthor said:
Feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Loved it, I'm eagerly waiting for next week's installment
vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Just a word to the Nintendo fans tearing apart a certain Sony fan:-

Don't be so mean to him. If he started gaming at the age of 6, his first ever system would have been the SNES/Genesis. If he started gaming at the age of 9 or 10, his first console would have been the Playstation (a far more likely scenario). His first console game would have cemented his fanboydom in much the same way playing Super Mario Bros at home for the first time did to so many Nintendo fans. It would have been natural for him to move on to the Playstation 2 when it was released as it is natural for him to support the Playstation 3 now.

The thing is, that as a Sony fanboy, he has not yet had to taste the bitter ale of console defeat. He has not yet had to watch as his console of choice linger in the doldrums as 3rd parties abandoned it in favour of other consoles. He hasn't yet had to sit through terminal release droughts or the inconvenience of having to walk past shelves and shelves of other consoles' offerings in order to get to the half a shelf dedicated to his console of choice. He's never had his console systematically trolled before. Most of all, unlike Sega fans, he hasn't had to watch his console die mid-generation.

Unfortunately for all Sony fanboys, it currently looks as though these things will happen this generation to some degree or other. With the anecdotal evidence coming out of the PAL territories and the actual numbers coming out of the US and Japan, the writing seems to be on the wall for the PS3. The worst news is losing Japan - lose Japan and you lose the Japanese devs.

These things are not certain - they won't be until next year, but the most likely scenario is that the PS3 will be the 'losing' console this generation. And as long as it looks that way, fanboys for whom the Playstation was their first console will slowly or not so slowly turn into the "Nintards" of the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox generation - fanboys who, in their effort to "damage control" and "keep hope alive" can no longer rely on stock-standard, common-sense notions used by the majority and must instead turn to irrational arguments and obnoxious posting styles.

Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.
This was a beautiful speech, you're like... the Martin Luther King of console wars :D


vicious_killer_squirrel said:
These things are not certain - they won't be until next year, but the most likely scenario is that the PS3 will be the 'losing' console this generation. And as long as it looks that way, fanboys for whom the Playstation was their first console will slowly or not so slowly turn into the "Nintards" of the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox generation - fanboys who, in their effort to "damage control" and "keep hope alive" can no longer rely on stock-standard, common-sense notions used by the majority and must instead turn to irrational arguments and obnoxious posting styles.

Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.
You're right, but it will be much, much worse for Sony fans, because unlike Sega and Nintendo, Sony do not have a strong enought portfolio of games to support their platform by themselves. N and Sega fans always had their Zeldas, Metroids, Marios, Pikmins, F-zeros, Mario Karts, Space Channel 5s, Crazy Taxis, Panzer Dragoons, Shenmues and Virtua Fighters to fall back on. Nintendo and Sega fans were disappointed with the public's attitude to their consoles, but were still happy with the games they played on them, as the N64, DC and GCN had the absolute best games around on them, at least from the perspective of those company's fans.

What does Sony have? Gran Turrismo, a series in serious decline, and that's really it. Apart from GT, all their other highest selling (and over the years strong brand associated) titles are 3rd party - Metal Gear, Ridge Racer, Tekken, Devil May Cry, Tomb Raider, Silent Hill, GTA. And with these melting away, Sony will only be left with GT, divisive low selling titles like SoTC, and technically accomplished but ultimately cookie-cutter stuff like Resistence and Jak.
vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Just a word to the Nintendo fans tearing apart a certain Sony fan:-

Don't be so mean to him. If he started gaming at the age of 6, his first ever system would have been the SNES/Genesis. If he started gaming at the age of 9 or 10, his first console would have been the Playstation (a far more likely scenario). His first console game would have cemented his fanboydom in much the same way playing Super Mario Bros at home for the first time did to so many Nintendo fans. It would have been natural for him to move on to the Playstation 2 when it was released as it is natural for him to support the Playstation 3 now.

The thing is, that as a Sony fanboy, he has not yet had to taste the bitter ale of console defeat. He has not yet had to watch as his console of choice linger in the doldrums as 3rd parties abandoned it in favour of other consoles. He hasn't yet had to sit through terminal release droughts or the inconvenience of having to walk past shelves and shelves of other consoles' offerings in order to get to the half a shelf dedicated to his console of choice. He's never had his console systematically trolled before. Most of all, unlike Sega fans, he hasn't had to watch his console die mid-generation.

Unfortunately for all Sony fanboys, it currently looks as though these things will happen this generation to some degree or other. With the anecdotal evidence coming out of the PAL territories and the actual numbers coming out of the US and Japan, the writing seems to be on the wall for the PS3. The worst news is losing Japan - lose Japan and you lose the Japanese devs.

These things are not certain - they won't be until next year, but the most likely scenario is that the PS3 will be the 'losing' console this generation. And as long as it looks that way, fanboys for whom the Playstation was their first console will slowly or not so slowly turn into the "Nintards" of the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox generation - fanboys who, in their effort to "damage control" and "keep hope alive" can no longer rely on stock-standard, common-sense notions used by the majority and must instead turn to irrational arguments and obnoxious posting styles.

Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.
*hugs fellow rodent*

That was a beautiful gesture, man.


vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Just a word to the Nintendo fans tearing apart a certain Sony fan:-

Don't be so mean to him. If he started gaming at the age of 6, his first ever system would have been the SNES/Genesis. If he started gaming at the age of 9 or 10, his first console would have been the Playstation (a far more likely scenario). His first console game would have cemented his fanboydom in much the same way playing Super Mario Bros at home for the first time did to so many Nintendo fans. It would have been natural for him to move on to the Playstation 2 when it was released as it is natural for him to support the Playstation 3 now.

The thing is, that as a Sony fanboy, he has not yet had to taste the bitter ale of console defeat. He has not yet had to watch as his console of choice linger in the doldrums as 3rd parties abandoned it in favour of other consoles. He hasn't yet had to sit through terminal release droughts or the inconvenience of having to walk past shelves and shelves of other consoles' offerings in order to get to the half a shelf dedicated to his console of choice. He's never had his console systematically trolled before. Most of all, unlike Sega fans, he hasn't had to watch his console die mid-generation.

Unfortunately for all Sony fanboys, it currently looks as though these things will happen this generation to some degree or other. With the anecdotal evidence coming out of the PAL territories and the actual numbers coming out of the US and Japan, the writing seems to be on the wall for the PS3. The worst news is losing Japan - lose Japan and you lose the Japanese devs.

These things are not certain - they won't be until next year, but the most likely scenario is that the PS3 will be the 'losing' console this generation. And as long as it looks that way, fanboys for whom the Playstation was their first console will slowly or not so slowly turn into the "Nintards" of the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox generation - fanboys who, in their effort to "damage control" and "keep hope alive" can no longer rely on stock-standard, common-sense notions used by the majority and must instead turn to irrational arguments and obnoxious posting styles.

Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.

A play/movie could be made of this.

My other thought is that Playstation fans are like Colorado Avalanche fans.


Big drop, yet Nintendo still print more money than Sony! Golden Week shall be insane. Blood will be spilt, Nintendo fans shall rejoice, Sony fans shall cry and bans will be delt. :lol


vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Just a word to the Nintendo fans tearing apart a certain Sony fan:-

Don't be so mean to him. If he started gaming at the age of 6, his first ever system would have been the SNES/Genesis. If he started gaming at the age of 9 or 10, his first console would have been the Playstation (a far more likely scenario). His first console game would have cemented his fanboydom in much the same way playing Super Mario Bros at home for the first time did to so many Nintendo fans. It would have been natural for him to move on to the Playstation 2 when it was released as it is natural for him to support the Playstation 3 now.

The thing is, that as a Sony fanboy, he has not yet had to taste the bitter ale of console defeat. He has not yet had to watch as his console of choice linger in the doldrums as 3rd parties abandoned it in favour of other consoles. He hasn't yet had to sit through terminal release droughts or the inconvenience of having to walk past shelves and shelves of other consoles' offerings in order to get to the half a shelf dedicated to his console of choice. He's never had his console systematically trolled before. Most of all, unlike Sega fans, he hasn't had to watch his console die mid-generation.

Unfortunately for all Sony fanboys, it currently looks as though these things will happen this generation to some degree or other. With the anecdotal evidence coming out of the PAL territories and the actual numbers coming out of the US and Japan, the writing seems to be on the wall for the PS3. The worst news is losing Japan - lose Japan and you lose the Japanese devs.

These things are not certain - they won't be until next year, but the most likely scenario is that the PS3 will be the 'losing' console this generation. And as long as it looks that way, fanboys for whom the Playstation was their first console will slowly or not so slowly turn into the "Nintards" of the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox generation - fanboys who, in their effort to "damage control" and "keep hope alive" can no longer rely on stock-standard, common-sense notions used by the majority and must instead turn to irrational arguments and obnoxious posting styles.

Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.

So, basically... this is gaming puberty?


D.Lo said:
You're right, but it will be much, much worse for Sony fans, because unlike Sega and Nintendo, Sony do not have a strong enought portfolio of games to support their platform by themselves. N and Sega fans always had their Zeldas, Metroids, Marios, Pikmins, F-zeros, Mario Karts, Space Channel 5s, Crazy Taxis, Panzer Dragoons, Shenmues and Virtua Fighters to fall back on. Nintendo and Sega fans were disappointed with the public's attitude to their consoles, but were still happy with the games they played on them, as the N64, DC and GCN had the absolute best games around on them, at least from the perspective of those company's fans.

What does Sony have? Gran Turrismo, a series in serious decline, and that's really it. Apart from GT, all their other highest selling (and over the years strong brand associated) titles are 3rd party - Metal Gear, Ridge Racer, Tekken, Devil May Cry, Tomb Raider, Silent Hill, GTA. And with these melting away, Sony will only be left with GT, divisive low selling titles like SoTC, and technically accomplished but ultimately cookie-cutter stuff like Resistence and Jak.
Err.... Sony has a very strong first/second party presence that creates fantastic games. Of course they don't have any Mario's, Sonic's, Link's etc. but thats due to Sony coming into the game at the 32-bit era. They never emphasized a mascot like Nintendo and Sega of the days past did. They didn't create games that give you the nostalgia feeling because they entered at a later time for you and me then Nintendo and Sega did. Sony has more then enough first party games coming down the pipeline that look pretty damn good so I don't think PS3-only owners should be worried at all.

Eteric Rice

vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Just a word to the Nintendo fans tearing apart a certain Sony fan:-

Don't be so mean to him. If he started gaming at the age of 6, his first ever system would have been the SNES/Genesis. If he started gaming at the age of 9 or 10, his first console would have been the Playstation (a far more likely scenario). His first console game would have cemented his fanboydom in much the same way playing Super Mario Bros at home for the first time did to so many Nintendo fans. It would have been natural for him to move on to the Playstation 2 when it was released as it is natural for him to support the Playstation 3 now.

The thing is, that as a Sony fanboy, he has not yet had to taste the bitter ale of console defeat. He has not yet had to watch as his console of choice linger in the doldrums as 3rd parties abandoned it in favour of other consoles. He hasn't yet had to sit through terminal release droughts or the inconvenience of having to walk past shelves and shelves of other consoles' offerings in order to get to the half a shelf dedicated to his console of choice. He's never had his console systematically trolled before. Most of all, unlike Sega fans, he hasn't had to watch his console die mid-generation.

Unfortunately for all Sony fanboys, it currently looks as though these things will happen this generation to some degree or other. With the anecdotal evidence coming out of the PAL territories and the actual numbers coming out of the US and Japan, the writing seems to be on the wall for the PS3. The worst news is losing Japan - lose Japan and you lose the Japanese devs.

These things are not certain - they won't be until next year, but the most likely scenario is that the PS3 will be the 'losing' console this generation. And as long as it looks that way, fanboys for whom the Playstation was their first console will slowly or not so slowly turn into the "Nintards" of the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox generation - fanboys who, in their effort to "damage control" and "keep hope alive" can no longer rely on stock-standard, common-sense notions used by the majority and must instead turn to irrational arguments and obnoxious posting styles.

Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.

I understand, but they had no mercy on us, so why should we have mercy upon them? They destroyed our hopes! Stole our exclusives and laughed about it! Can such treachery be forgiven?

No, our wii-motes will blot out the sun!

I'm kidding, but you posted the greatest post ever!
Seems Naruto PS2 (60k) beats Gundam PSP (50k), Pawapuro 2 PSP 20k, and the paragraph about Musou DS is very confusing but does it say just 5.000? o.o

Also, FF1 PSP retailers orders seems to have just exceeded 100k.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Just a word to the Nintendo fans tearing apart a certain Sony fan:-

Don't be so mean to him. If he started gaming at the age of 6, his first ever system would have been the SNES/Genesis. If he started gaming at the age of 9 or 10, his first console would have been the Playstation (a far more likely scenario). His first console game would have cemented his fanboydom in much the same way playing Super Mario Bros at home for the first time did to so many Nintendo fans. It would have been natural for him to move on to the Playstation 2 when it was released as it is natural for him to support the Playstation 3 now.

The thing is, that as a Sony fanboy, he has not yet had to taste the bitter ale of console defeat. He has not yet had to watch as his console of choice linger in the doldrums as 3rd parties abandoned it in favour of other consoles. He hasn't yet had to sit through terminal release droughts or the inconvenience of having to walk past shelves and shelves of other consoles' offerings in order to get to the half a shelf dedicated to his console of choice. He's never had his console systematically trolled before. Most of all, unlike Sega fans, he hasn't had to watch his console die mid-generation.

Unfortunately for all Sony fanboys, it currently looks as though these things will happen this generation to some degree or other. With the anecdotal evidence coming out of the PAL territories and the actual numbers coming out of the US and Japan, the writing seems to be on the wall for the PS3. The worst news is losing Japan - lose Japan and you lose the Japanese devs.

These things are not certain - they won't be until next year, but the most likely scenario is that the PS3 will be the 'losing' console this generation. And as long as it looks that way, fanboys for whom the Playstation was their first console will slowly or not so slowly turn into the "Nintards" of the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox generation - fanboys who, in their effort to "damage control" and "keep hope alive" can no longer rely on stock-standard, common-sense notions used by the majority and must instead turn to irrational arguments and obnoxious posting styles.

Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.
That's already a classic :lol


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Seems Naruto PS2 (60k) beats Gundam PSP (50k), Pawapuro 2 PSP 20k, and the paragraph about Musou DS is very confusing but does it say just 5.000? o.o

Also, FF1 PSP retailers orders seems to have just exceeded 100k.
Wow, Naruto didn't do what I expected at all, how did the other Narutimate games do? As for Gundam, I guess PSP owners like SD Gundam more than normal Gundam games? Not surprised that Power Pro Baseball 2 or Musou DS flopped, especially Musou with how fast word is spreading that it sucks.


Pureauthor said:
Note to self: Refrain from posting 'Sales-Age Saga'.

I kid because I love.

Also, why is there always (and I mean always) one rogue fanboy in the MC thread going off on a ****ing retarded argument? The DSLite was a relaunch now? :lol wtf?

Also while squirrel's post was extremely condescending
I love it!
, I can't be bothered to have pity on any fanboy. Retarded arguments are retarded arguments, no matter how bitter the tears are. :p
SleazyC said:
Err.... Sony has a very strong first/second party presence that creates fantastic games. Of course they don't have any Mario's, Sonic's, Link's etc. but thats due to Sony coming into the game at the 32-bit era. They never emphasized a mascot like Nintendo and Sega of the days past did. They didn't create games that give you the nostalgia feeling because they entered at a later time for you and me then Nintendo and Sega did. Sony has more then enough first party games coming down the pipeline that look pretty damn good so I don't think PS3-only owners should be worried at all.

I agree.

Sony throughout the years has been able to build a good stable of first and second party exclusives; if things continue this gen they way they have been, they'll be fine in the long run.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Narutimate Hero 3 did over 200K in it's first week and it seems Narutimate Hero 2 did similar numbers.
donny2112 said:
A relaunch mid-generation is kind of pathetic, and I think it would be viewed as such by the gaming media/gamers. The last system with a real relaunch mid-generation, as I recall, was the N-Gage (the QD or something?).

A relaunch post-generation is pretty pathetic too. I don't think that a Wii-style situation (making relatively modest investments into upclocking the existing chipset, ensuring BC and keeping system size small) is out of the question for PS4 (though that leads one to ask what Sony would fill the place of the Wiimote with in that situation), but a straight-up re-launch?

Consoles are a time-dependent product. They have an easily observable life-cycle and a natural ebb and flow to their game releases, price, etc. Expectations about the console will be firmly set in the minds of developers, consumers, retailers, and media. If the PS3 has been unsuccessful thus far, all of these groups are going to be skeptical in a way that they wouldn't (necessarily) be of a followup console.

In order to get the "relaunched" PS3 to be worthwhile, you'd need to convince developers to make games for it and consumers to buy it, basically at the same time; and you'd have to do both without the usual bargaining chips that help make both happen at a new console launch. And if either one doesn't immediately turn around, the other group is going to blink right away and your relaunch is already a failure.
I don't know how but I missed that sinobi explained mostly everything about Tales of Fandom 2! (/me kicks himself ><)


· [PS2] Tales of Fandom Vol2 Tia Version
· [PS2] Tales of Fandom Vol2 Rook Version

2 versions although pretty much the same game, released on 28th June as we already knew, 50% of the first shipment will have a promotional DVD with the results of the 3rd popularity contest. This is the promotional DVD:

(Luke, Leon and Jade it seems)

There's some part I don't really understand but it seems they bundle a card as a starter set. I guess it has to do with this:

Just went to amazon through those links and Fandom Vol2 versions are already #5 and #6 :)
jj984jj said:
Narutimate Hero 3 did over 200K in it's first week and it seems Narutimate Hero 2 did similar numbers.
Yeah, seems Naruto popularity has taken a hit or that fans don't like non-numbered editions because Naruto NH 3 PS2 and Naruto GNT 4 ended over 300k (and the ones before those over 400k) and now Naruto NH Accel PS2 and Naruto GNT EX Wii both fail, although Accel PS2 seems to be doing better its not really comparable to the numbers of the older entries.


vicious_killer_squirrel said:
enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras.

Overstate much? I loved almost all of the N64 games that I had (Perfect Dark is still played weekly), and I considered the GameCube + GameBoy Player the pinnacle of Nintendo consoles to that point, since it could play a ton of the most significant Nintendo releases up to that point (via NES/N64 additions to GameCube games and GB, GBC, and GBA games via the GBPlayer). It was almost like the precursor to the virtual console.

Would I have liked the N64 and GCN to sell more? Sure, I guess. However, those eras were hardly "horrors" as far as gaming goes.

Edit: See D.Lo's first paragraph.

Farmboy said:
Not to give too much credit to this guy, but even Reggie himself described the DS Lite launch in Japan as a 'tipping point' for sales of the system, back at E3'06, when the Lite was yet to launch in the west.

This is the same Reggie who said that Elite Beat Agents sold 120K in November? ;) Reggie is a PR guy. As he was talking to a U.S. audience, he framed the coming DS Lite launch in more relevant U.S. terms to the audience. I think it is clear from the sales in Japan that the "tipping point" there was Brain Training and Gentle Brain Training. It was after those two that the DS started to occassionally double PSP weekly sales.

Famitsu Mar 19-25

1. PS2 Musou Orochi 377507 / NEW
2. NDS Yoshi's Island DS 85922 / 455391
3. NDS Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Goku Legend 62210 / NEW
4. NDS Word Puzzle Mojipittan DS 61070 / 139292
5. NDS Prof. Layton and the Mysterious Village 53322 / 351198
6. PSP Monster Hunter Portable 2 41408 / 1095199
7. WII Wii Sports 38831 / 1224012
8. NDS Crayon Shin-chan DS: Arashi wo Sakebunutte Crayon Daisakusen! 30648 / NEW
9. WII Wii Play 29090 / 1018306
10. NDS New Super Mario Bros. 27680 / 4277098
11. NDS Pokemon Diamond/Pearl 27440 / 4949861
12. NDS Brain Training 2 24609 / 4173524
13. NDS Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 20912 / 1288314
14. NDS General Knowledge Training 18399 / 1301591
15. NDS Front Mission 1st 17715 / NEW
16. NDS Animal Crossing: Wild World 15683 / 3979786
17. NDS Mario Kart DS 15456 / 2025833
18. PS2 Rogue Galaxy: Director's Cut 13615 / NEW
19. 360 Armored Core 4 12673 / NEW
20. NDS Brain Training 12389 / 3198960
21. PS3 Gundam Musou 11365 / 248761
22. NDS Negima!? Chou Maho Ryou Taisen Check-In Zenin Shuugou! 10799 / NEW
23. NDS IQ Training 10461 / 173391
24. PS2 Rozen Maiden: Gebetgarden 10184 / NEW
25. NDS Iron Left Brain: Mistake Museum 2 10182 / 57475
26. NDS Doraemon's New Magic World Adventure DS 10105 / 32552
27. NDS Mega Man Star Force Pegasus/Leo/Dragon 10099 / 438822
28. NDS Kanji Brain 9342 / 357693
29. NDS Harvest Moon: The Island I Grew Up On 9130 / 187094
30. NDS Heroes of Mana 9109 / 38436

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl should cross 5 million, and Animal Crossing: Wild World should cross 4 million the week of Apr 2-8 by Famitsu reckoning.
My Chemical Mouse said:
No you cannot. NSMB was out on the 14th of May. That month the system saw no jump, and was still beaten by PSP. Next month, DS Lite comes out and the system sales increase by over 300%.

1+1=2. This is not hard stuff we are discussing here. DS Lite was the relaunch that saved the system in US, and although DS was doing well in Japan, it was still a relaunch.

:lol @ people who dont get this.
Actually I think NSMB and Brain Age were the reasons why the DS took off in the US in June, in April and May sales were still low only because a lot of people was waiting for the DS Lite to launch.
They didn't want to buy the DS phat for those games knowing it would have been replaced so soon... they waited for the DSLite and bought NSMB and Brain Age with it.


I would bang a hot farmer!
First Children said:
Actually I think NSMB and Brain Age were the reasons why the DS took off in the US in June, in April and May sales were still low only because a lot of people was waiting for the DS Lite to launch.
They didn't want to buy the DS phat for those games knowing it would have been replaced so soon... they waited for the DSLite and bought NSMB and Brain Age with it.
Looking at what Brain Age did in June compared to April and May (hint: June = April + May) and what NSMB did in June compared to May (hint: +30% taking into account the extra week) I think you're right.


vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Just a word to the Nintendo fans tearing apart a certain Sony fan:-

Don't be so mean to him. If he started gaming at the age of 6, his first ever system would have been the SNES/Genesis. If he started gaming at the age of 9 or 10, his first console would have been the Playstation (a far more likely scenario). His first console game would have cemented his fanboydom in much the same way playing Super Mario Bros at home for the first time did to so many Nintendo fans. It would have been natural for him to move on to the Playstation 2 when it was released as it is natural for him to support the Playstation 3 now.

The thing is, that as a Sony fanboy, he has not yet had to taste the bitter ale of console defeat. He has not yet had to watch as his console of choice linger in the doldrums as 3rd parties abandoned it in favour of other consoles. He hasn't yet had to sit through terminal release droughts or the inconvenience of having to walk past shelves and shelves of other consoles' offerings in order to get to the half a shelf dedicated to his console of choice. He's never had his console systematically trolled before. Most of all, unlike Sega fans, he hasn't had to watch his console die mid-generation.

Unfortunately for all Sony fanboys, it currently looks as though these things will happen this generation to some degree or other. With the anecdotal evidence coming out of the PAL territories and the actual numbers coming out of the US and Japan, the writing seems to be on the wall for the PS3. The worst news is losing Japan - lose Japan and you lose the Japanese devs.

These things are not certain - they won't be until next year, but the most likely scenario is that the PS3 will be the 'losing' console this generation. And as long as it looks that way, fanboys for whom the Playstation was their first console will slowly or not so slowly turn into the "Nintards" of the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox generation - fanboys who, in their effort to "damage control" and "keep hope alive" can no longer rely on stock-standard, common-sense notions used by the majority and must instead turn to irrational arguments and obnoxious posting styles.

Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.



Kurosaki Ichigo said:
For Vinnk's report, I'd like to know prices on these games:
Children of Mana (DS)
Heroes of Mana (DS)
Dawn of Mana (PS2)
Tales of Rebirth (PS2)
Tales of the Abyss (PS2)


Sure. I'll add those to the list.
Media Create threads have gotten pretty boring during the era of steady Nintendomination. I wasn't around back then, but was it like this when Sony owned Japan?


I wasn't around back then, but was it like this when Sony owned Japan?

Depends how far back you want to go. The first months of the DS vs. PSP, particularly from Nintendogs on are entertainment gold.

But, really, back during the PS2 vs. GCN wars these threads were pretty damn boring. 6 pages was a big Media Create thread. All it was was PS2 domination after PS2 domination, GCN sales very low (and no one wondering WHY they were low which is why normal Nintendomination weeks like this are still getting over 11 pages each)...

Very boring.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The DS Lite 'saving' the DS is one of the dumbest things I've read so far. And I've read about Blue Dragon leading the 360 to victory in Japan.


Pureauthor said:
And here we go... the second instalment of what would come to be known by GAFfers all over the world as...

The Sales-Age Saga


Previous instalment(s)

Chapter 1 (MC 3/19-3/25 2007)


"While yes, I agree that indeed the sales situation is the complete opposite of our home dimension on a technicality, somehow I don't find it as satisfying."

Elsie glared daggers at Henry. "We were supposed to find a place where Sony was on top!"

"No, if you'll recall, the criteria for our destination was one where the sales situation was the complete opposite of our situation back home." The X360 unit replied nonchalantly. "I'd say having the XBox brand sold out everywhere in Japan counts."

Elsie rolled her eyes. "Right, and as soon as the DFA charges up again, we are out of here."

"DFA?" John ventured cautiously.

"Dimensional Flux Agitator." Tack commented in a bored tone as he brushed away several crumbs off his shirt. Somewhere in his mind, John wondered if Tack ever stopped eating. "It's what we use to go between dimensions."

John nodded his understanding before speaking up again. "So... is it just me, or does anyone else find something... odd about this dimension? Does it have anything to do with X360 selling 100K+ in Japan every week?"

"Not necessarily." Elsie crossed her arms, a frown on her face. "You see, when we entered a command into the DFA, it simply used 'opposite sales situation' as the criteria. There are probably thousands of dimensions in which that occurred, and some would be virtually indistinguishable from the one we came from, while others would be barely recognizable. The DFA just chooses one that fits our criteria, and dumps us into it."

"In which case, I wonder what rules this dimension play by that they carve their sales numbers into the sidewalk." John murmured thoughtfully as he stared at the words and numbers carefully inscribed onto the pavement.

"Maybe they just take sales too seriously." Elsie suggested as she played with a tangle of her glowing blonde hair.

"That'ssss a laugh and a half, coming from you!" Bob snapped from his crouching position. "Your preciousssss Nintendo fansssss... polluting sssalessss threadssss with their endlessss babble, babble, babble!" He spat, despite lacking the necessary equipment for spitting, such as lips, saliva, and a throat. "Final Fantassssy 13 for the Wii! Indeed!" He turned away as if disgusted at the very thought.

"Wha's his damage?" Tack mumbled as he chewed away on a sausage bun.

"Leave him be, brother." Henry shook his head. "Unlike us, he came into the arena with every guarantee of success - and he lost it all. We emerged knowing we were relative underdogs - we can't understand."

"Are you guys going to enjoy your sales or what?" Elsie snapped, looking rather impatient. "We're going to be off pretty soon, you know."

"They certainly look like they're enjoying their sales." John commented.

"No, not like that." Elsie shook her head. "You see, as consoles, sales are... well, they're like our lifeblood. It keeps us going strong - almost as important as a steady supply of good games actually." She frowned. "Come to think of it - they're like food and water for you humans. Different, but equally essential to a healthy lifespan." She turned back to the two. "And so hurry up!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Tack grumbled. "Just because she's your wife, you let her boss you around all the time?"

"Oh, shut it." Henry shot back.

"...Wife." John commented.

Elsie offered him a warm smile. "What, you've never heard of the Wii60?"

There was a long, tense moment of silence as John let this new information sink in. Then he ventured a single statement. "Tell me you two never used the Wiimote for anything. Please."

"Rest easy." The Wii chuckled. "Nothing of that sort."

"And... done." Henry commented as he walked back to them. John couldn't be sure, but he got the impression that the two 360 units looked a bit more... well, buff.

"Oh, hey guys." Tack commented as he stared down at what appeared to be a PDA in his palm. "New MC thread in the homeworld. Lessee here... ooh, nice. The kings' are back for a while."

"Kings?" John commented. "You mean Queen, right? After all, the Wii-"

"Is neither queen nor king." Elsie said with a wan smile. "It's not nearly far enough into the next generation for me to be crowned yet, although my brother has had one of two crowns for a while now."

"And here you are, Elsie! I was looking all over for you!" Came the voice from behind them. It was strong, filled with vigour, youth, and energy.

"Indeed we were, indeed we were. Hmm... I feel weaker in this world. Perhaps it's the heat." Another voice, this once with the seeming properties of being ancient and wizened.

"It's not the heat, it's the sales. Taking this lad on a trip, I'd venture." A third voice, this one old as well, but different from the second, filled to the brim with power and authority.

John turned around and beheld a trio of figures fast approaching.

One was a youth, a tiny silver circlet nestled in his shining brown hair. In one hand he clutched a majestic jeweled scepter. As he neared their group he bowed slightly before walking up to Elsie and embracing her.

The second was an old woman, bowed and stooped with age. Her eyes, however, were quick and intelligent, darting back and forth. For an instant they settled on John, before roving away again.

The third figure, however... As he neared, every other manifestation of a system kneeled save the youth with the staff, who bowed his head respectfully. Dressed in a majestic robe of crimson and ebony, he stroked his long, flowing beard thoughtfully. His hair shone silver-white - yet with every deliberate movement and gesture he carried himself with the seeming of a noble borne lord. And one his head was another circlet, one than sparkled with golden light in the midafternoon sun.

"Milord, we did not expect to be graced by your presence." Henry said softly.

"Rise up, rise up. I told you I was never one for formality." The old man demanded. Slowly, all the other systems got to their feet. "So this is the youth that needed cheering up, eh?"

"And, uh... if I may ask... who are you?"

A hint of a smile graced the old man's face. "You needed to ask, lad? I'm hurt! We spent so many happy hours together, you and I. Exploring Disney worlds, travelling to Zanarkand and Ivalice, defeating demons with style... why, we even took a trip to ancient Greece not so long ago!"

The penny dropped. "P- Playstation 2?" John sputtered.

"Yes, although you may refer to me as Duke Richard Eddington. A flair for the bombastic, I suppose, but that's my name, and well enough it is."

"A - and your companions?"

"Dennis Stark." The youth with the staff grinned. "I'm your DS."

"Clementine Shelley." The ancient woman croaked. "Gameboy Advance SP, that I am."

"And why have you graced us with you distinguished presence, milord?" Elsie inquired.

"I was bored." Richard said with an elaborate shrug. "What with you young'uns stealing all the limelight, I couldn't help but come to see for myself!" Then his expression darkened. "Plus, I needed to make sure my next-of-kin doesn't muff up even worse than he already has."

At this Bob jerked his head upwards, crimson eyes flaring with rage. "Fine talk! Fine talk indeed! I carried your crown. I won exclusssivessss for myssself!"

"Yes, like Devil May Cry 4 and Virtua Fighter 5." Richard commented acidly. "Funny how that turned out." John caught Elsie beckoning them further away.

"Through no fault of mine own!" Bob screeched, skeletal fingers coiling and uncoiling reflexively. "Take it up with Ken! With Hirai! With Harrissson or Tretton or Ssstringer! Anyone but ME!"

"Um..." John spoke up, trying to cut into what was obviously a rather long-standing family feud. "I don't mean to interrupt, but... Sir Richard-"

"Richard to you, young lad."

"Um... okay. Richard, where are the Gamecube and XBox? I owned both, after all."

A shadow fell across the Playstation 2's face. "Well, I suppose you have a right to know." He turned to Henry. "Is the DFA prepared?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Fire it up." He paused, stroking his magnificent beard. "Set destination as the 'Console Graveyard'."


Feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks.

vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Just a word to the Nintendo fans tearing apart a certain Sony fan:-

Don't be so mean to him. If he started gaming at the age of 6, his first ever system would have been the SNES/Genesis. If he started gaming at the age of 9 or 10, his first console would have been the Playstation (a far more likely scenario). His first console game would have cemented his fanboydom in much the same way playing Super Mario Bros at home for the first time did to so many Nintendo fans. It would have been natural for him to move on to the Playstation 2 when it was released as it is natural for him to support the Playstation 3 now.

The thing is, that as a Sony fanboy, he has not yet had to taste the bitter ale of console defeat. He has not yet had to watch as his console of choice linger in the doldrums as 3rd parties abandoned it in favour of other consoles. He hasn't yet had to sit through terminal release droughts or the inconvenience of having to walk past shelves and shelves of other consoles' offerings in order to get to the half a shelf dedicated to his console of choice. He's never had his console systematically trolled before. Most of all, unlike Sega fans, he hasn't had to watch his console die mid-generation.

Unfortunately for all Sony fanboys, it currently looks as though these things will happen this generation to some degree or other. With the anecdotal evidence coming out of the PAL territories and the actual numbers coming out of the US and Japan, the writing seems to be on the wall for the PS3. The worst news is losing Japan - lose Japan and you lose the Japanese devs.

These things are not certain - they won't be until next year, but the most likely scenario is that the PS3 will be the 'losing' console this generation. And as long as it looks that way, fanboys for whom the Playstation was their first console will slowly or not so slowly turn into the "Nintards" of the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox generation - fanboys who, in their effort to "damage control" and "keep hope alive" can no longer rely on stock-standard, common-sense notions used by the majority and must instead turn to irrational arguments and obnoxious posting styles.

Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.

holy f*ck.....:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

this is the scariest shit i've ever encountered on gaf.


Jokeropia said:
How much did Smash Bros. Melee sell in Japan? (#1 GC game.) How long until Wii Sports passes it?
2.2 million or so? JoshJSloan or someone will have more reliable numbers than my fuzzy memory.


i'm happy to see the final fantasy games on the psp will be selling well, hopefully SE will hurry up with crisis core. i genuinely believe crisis core will reach a million(or close)


DarkMehm said:
latest Famitsu figure: 1,349,418
wait, The GC's best selling game in Japan sold 1,4 million units? (Was SSBM even the best selling GC game?)

The DS really has us spoiled.


Are there any bored enough artists out there who want to make a webcomic version of Pureauthor's weekly fanfic? :D


Junior Member
vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Just a word to the Nintendo fans tearing apart a certain Sony fan:-

Don't be so mean to him. If he started gaming at the age of 6, his first ever system would have been the SNES/Genesis. If he started gaming at the age of 9 or 10, his first console would have been the Playstation (a far more likely scenario). His first console game would have cemented his fanboydom in much the same way playing Super Mario Bros at home for the first time did to so many Nintendo fans. It would have been natural for him to move on to the Playstation 2 when it was released as it is natural for him to support the Playstation 3 now.

The thing is, that as a Sony fanboy, he has not yet had to taste the bitter ale of console defeat. He has not yet had to watch as his console of choice linger in the doldrums as 3rd parties abandoned it in favour of other consoles. He hasn't yet had to sit through terminal release droughts or the inconvenience of having to walk past shelves and shelves of other consoles' offerings in order to get to the half a shelf dedicated to his console of choice. He's never had his console systematically trolled before. Most of all, unlike Sega fans, he hasn't had to watch his console die mid-generation.

Unfortunately for all Sony fanboys, it currently looks as though these things will happen this generation to some degree or other. With the anecdotal evidence coming out of the PAL territories and the actual numbers coming out of the US and Japan, the writing seems to be on the wall for the PS3. The worst news is losing Japan - lose Japan and you lose the Japanese devs.

These things are not certain - they won't be until next year, but the most likely scenario is that the PS3 will be the 'losing' console this generation. And as long as it looks that way, fanboys for whom the Playstation was their first console will slowly or not so slowly turn into the "Nintards" of the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox generation - fanboys who, in their effort to "damage control" and "keep hope alive" can no longer rely on stock-standard, common-sense notions used by the majority and must instead turn to irrational arguments and obnoxious posting styles.

Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.
wow....you spoke my mind my friend. you deserve an award for this exceptional piece of work.


Junior Member
Gekkonidae said:
Media Create threads have gotten pretty boring during the era of steady Nintendomination. I wasn't around back then, but was it like this when Sony owned Japan?
Stick around, we have another sony defender on the way. Someone always picks up the torch.
.dmc said:
There is no way that Sony ever planned on underperforming for four years just so they could 'relaunch' in 2010. It would hurt their profits for the next four years & do irreparable damage to their brand perception. They overshot the needs of consumers and overestimated the invulnerability of the playstation brand.

When they future proofed the technology they did so on the assumption that they'd be successful and would be able to drag out the profitability of this console generation, not as an emergency 'free kick' if they needed a boost in 2010.
That's an understatement. Their plan was to lose money in exchange for a large Blu-Ray/PS3 user-base, which will help them get a shitload of money in movie and game sales later on.

The user-base is not being found at the moment. This is not just a setback. This is a catastrophe. Doom & gloom? No, Sony has so many years of reputation built up that even taking out massive loans for even more massive operations wouldn't be hard.

But they will have to completely rework their strategy or they will keep losing money. I would say they only have 2 or 3 years max to somehow make Blu-Ray the standard, because by that time either digital distribution or holograph disks or some sort of solid-state media will have taken over or at least be well on its way to doing so.

Failing that, it's basically back to the drawing boards. Maybe focus on tackling iPod again, or something. Maybe focus on expanding the movie sections.

It does give me some sense of satisfaction to see them struggling though. It's no different that seeing some contrived, pre-packaged singer like Avril Levigne or whatever flop in sales. Sony's success is based on being "cool," on putting their thumb on the vein of pop-culture, on being the father that tries to bond with the youth through Apple Jacks. When it backfires on them, I can't help but feel like it's some small victory for anti-corporatism.


Battersea Power Station said:
That's an understatement. Their plan was to lose money in exchange for a large Blu-Ray/PS3 user-base, which will help them get a shitload of money in movie and game sales later on.

The user-base is not being found at the moment. This is not just a setback. This is a catastrophe. Doom & gloom? No, Sony has so many years of reputation built up that even taking out massive loans for even more massive operations wouldn't be hard.

But they will have to completely rework their strategy or they will keep losing money. I would say they only have 2 or 3 years max to somehow make Blu-Ray the standard, because by that time either digital distribution or holograph disks or some sort of solid-state media will have taken over or at least be well on its way to doing so.

Failing that, it's basically back to the drawing boards. Maybe focus on tackling iPod again, or something. Maybe focus on expanding the movie sections.

It does give me some sense of satisfaction to see them struggling though. It's no different that seeing some contrived, pre-packaged singer like Avril Levigne or whatever flop in sales. Sony's success is based on being "cool," on putting their thumb on the vein of pop-culture, on being the father that tries to bond with the youth through Apple Jacks. When it backfires on them, I can't help but feel like it's some small victory for anti-corporatism.
just shut up. sony's sucess is based on giving gamers some amazing games over the past ten years, thats what made them succesful, and thats why the ps3 isnt doing so well, it really is that simple


mabuza said:
just shut up. sony's sucess is based on giving gamers some amazing games over the past ten years, thats what made them succesful, and thats why the ps3 isnt doing so well, it really is that simple
Pfft. What made the PS2 a success was DVD playback and a year's head start. This gave them the user base that resulted in a multitude of games.
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