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Media Create Sales 4/16 - 4/22


Im thinking that BBA might not do as well as people would think for its first week. Although I think it might have legs that will get it to respectable levels.
Creamsugar said:
Naruto Shippuuden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX 2,000- 84,000

Naruto Shippuuden: Narutimate Accel 9,000- 100,000
Interesting. So either the Wii Naruto didn't do too bad or the series has lost it's appeal. Granted, I don't really any knowledge about that series. What were the expectations for both titles?

mr.beers said:
I want to be banned from watching Top Gear bc thats all I do now
I love top gear

GO SUPER PAPER MARIO, that reminds me I need to beat this game im at world 7 and then I bought EXCITE TRUCK!!!! and forgot about SPM.
The power of EXCITE!


BBA should be a downloadable game, so you can play it instantly from the Wii menu. swapping disks for a game that you are supposed to play for 10-15 minutes a day will kill the appeal over time.


Filter said:
BBA should be a downloadable game, so you can play it instantly from the Wii menu. swapping disks for a game that you are supposed to play for 10-15 minutes a day will kill the appeal over time.

Most who buy it probably don't switch games that often.


Bebpo said:
Fate Stay Night did AMAZINGLY well for a freaking text novel. When the heck was the last time a text adventure sold almost 150k opening week?
I guess people are so desperate in Japan not to buy a next-gen console that they'll eat up whatever scraps the PS2 still has left to churn out. :lol

Sorry, that was pretty terrible...

icecream said:
It's no brainer really, Typemoon fans are in a class of their own, just look at Melty Blood sales, plus it's actually an accessible visual novel compared to other ones with heavy emphasis on otaku stereotypes.
Well, that makes sense, too... does that mean these types of games usually plummet off the charts after the first week or something? I gotta say, the "visual novel" genre isn't something I keep up with, though certain RPGs I've played in the past 5 years definitely skirt the lines of that genre every now and then.


Public Health Threat
02./00. [PS2] Fate/Stay Night [Realta Nua] (Kadokawa Shoten) - 134,887 / NEW
Just as planned.

Busaiku said:
And VA/some other stuff, I think.
New scenes, new music, independent OPs for each storyline, and VAs.

Bebpo said:
Fate Stay Night did AMAZINGLY well for a freaking text novel. When the heck was the last time a text adventure sold almost 150k opening week?
To Heart 2?

It's no brainer really, Typemoon fans are in a class of their own, just look at Melty Blood sales, plus it's actually an accessible visual novel compared to other ones with heavy emphasis on otaku stereotypes.


Chumly said:
For all the people who may think that SPM is low isnt that like the same amount Paper mario the thousand year door opened up with in Japan? Im interested to see how it does the next two weeks now. I believe that eventually it will pass Paper Mario TTYD sales in Japan fairly easily.
yes and Paper mario 1,2 were pretty much the last games for N64 and GC.. while SPM is one of the early games on the wii.. so the sales are pretty good actually..


Phife Dawg said:
Interesting. So either the Wii Naruto didn't do too bad or the series has lost it's appeal. Granted, I don't really any knowledge about that series. What were the expectations for both titles?

The power of EXCITE!

It may be that Naruto lost it's appeal. The GC games were the only ones that really exceeded my expectations for that console saleswise in Japan........ oh yeah and Animal Crossing and Sonic Adv 2 Battle


Filter said:
you think? what is the tie-ratio for the Wii in Japan?

Wiisports was at 55% last week. So hardware should be the same unless Nintendo shipped more Wiis.

BBA should be an interesting release. Maybe it will join wii sports and wii play.


Filter said:
BBA should be a downloadable game, so you can play it instantly from the Wii menu. swapping disks for a game that you are supposed to play for 10-15 minutes a day will kill the appeal over time.
I thought this about Wii Sports. I'd play Bowling every day (between Excite Truck etc sessions) if I didn't have to change discs.

But in both cases, it probabaly helps the casual market 'value' the game more if it's on a disc.
I Did It, Mama! For Boys (Star-Fish)
I Did It, Mama! For Girls (Star-Fish)
Mar_ said:
:lol :lol :lol
Nice sales for Super Paper Mario. I expect it to sell a little better than Zelda, so probably 450k-550k. Mind you Zelda, is slowly (very, very slowly) reaching 500k. I at least expect it to do better than the previous 2 Paper Mario games.

Atlus has certainly done nicely.

I expect Wii Play to slip out of the top 10 very soon, Wii Sports should stay in there for a bit longer.

Sad to see Layton get knocked out but realistically it's done great so far.
The question is whether the Wii version of BBA will be nearly as popular as the DS one. Just because it did great on handhelds doesn't mean its popularity will automatically transfer to console.


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
KevinRo said:
I am curious to see how Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (Square-Enix) does next week since spinoffs don't sell that well.
Dragon Quest Monster: Joker was a spinoff wasn't it?


bgassassin said:
And overall, Wii Sports is about 70% and Play at 55%.

Wii Sports is currently at a 64.9% attach rate to hardware, and going by current trends Wii Sports sales would indicate Wii Hardware of about 81,133 this week. With sales of SPM, though, and the potential number of people buying it alongside the console as opposed to Wii Sports, it could be quite a bit higher, possibly even passing 100,000.

What is worth looking at, though, is PS3 sales. Will they actually dip below 10,000 this week?


There are two immediate possibilities for trends that it could be following, the first an inverse-exponential decrease since the gundabump, which is forecasting a slight increase to 12,361. The other is a linear decrease that seems to have been going on for the last 4 weeks, putting the figure at a much worse 9,121. I'm inclined to predict between the two at about 10,500, leaving the first sub-10k week for just after Golden Week.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Alkaliine said:
The question is whether the Wii version of BBA will be nearly as popular as the DS one. Just because it did great on handhelds doesn't mean its popularity will automatically transfer to console.
Right. What it has for it though is Mii integration & online multiplayer competition. Could be quite popular because of that.
Thraktor said:
With sales of SPM, though, and the potential number of people buying it alongside the console as opposed to Wii Sports, it could be quite a bit higher, possibly even passing 100,000.
I was just thinking that before I read your post. A sizeable number of hardcore Nintendo fans could be out in full force this week competing with the casuals and non-gamers with the release of SPM. If the Wii sells more than 85k this week, that's a pretty good indication that the Wii is indeed selling beyond the traditional gamer and Nintendo fan demographic.


Thraktor said:
Wii Sports is currently at a 64.9% attach rate to hardware, and going by current trends Wii Sports sales would indicate Wii Hardware of about 81,133 this week. With sales of SPM, though, and the potential number of people buying it alongside the console as opposed to Wii Sports, it could be quite a bit higher, possibly even passing 100,000.

What is worth looking at, though, is PS3 sales. Will they actually dip below 10,000 this week?


There are two immediate possibilities for trends that it could be following, the first an inverse-exponential decrease since the gundabump, which is forecasting a slight increase to 12,361. The other is a linear decrease that seems to have been going on for the last 4 weeks, putting the figure at a much worse 9,121. I'm inclined to predict between the two at about 10,500, leaving the first sub-10k week for just after Golden Week.

Jesus that's a grim graph, I didn't realise sales were sliding on an almost perfectly straight line like that.
I'm sorry but I have to post my stupid gif again.


Thraktor said:
Wii Sports is currently at a 64.9% attach rate to hardware, and going by current trends Wii Sports sales would indicate Wii Hardware of about 81,133 this week. With sales of SPM, though, and the potential number of people buying it alongside the console as opposed to Wii Sports, it could be quite a bit higher, possibly even passing 100,000.

What is worth looking at, though, is PS3 sales. Will they actually dip below 10,000 this week?

I actually predict PS3 will be only slightly lower than last week. Probably somewhere between 11,500 and 11,750. I won't be incredibly shocked if they are less than 10k though.


Junior Member
Cheesemeister said:
Whenever the next software chart is posted after Golden Week, I'm totally going to give a shout-out to Mr. McWhertor at the top of the post. :lol
If you really think he yoinks it, just put 1337 in one of the numbers next week. Or definitely when Golden week sales are released.

For any game that does 13-,--- or any game that has a 13 in it, or 31 (you could do it backwards). That way, we still know the deal and we know if he even looking at the source or just copy/paste from GAF. You would be a legend. Do it. Do it. Just once.

I was gonna say put a weird title, like 'Weird PS2 game w/Japanese name:SPlorgenborg' but that might be obvious. Or, you could randomly change a PS2 game to a DS game. Just one, see if he picks it up. But I would guess, he doesn't look at all the numbers, probably would notice if you changed a big PS2 title to PS3 or Xbox, so, just slip a '1337' or '7331' in just one game. Then we'll have some proof.

Or, you might not care as much.
Thats some huge discrepancy between Famitsu and MC on Nodame Cantabile...150k shipment still very risky, I don't know what was Bandai thinking.
They followed Namco sales expectations department or something...

Nibelung Valesti said:
Poor sales for Atelier Lise... no US localizzation? :(
Actually its good, I've never seen any of the Atelier Iris games do over 30k or so first week. Dunno about earlier entries but I guess its locked to come to US (and thus being the first game NIS America releases on Nintendo hardware).


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
DefectiveReject said:
BBA has online multi-player?
Not exactly, though you can download mii ghosts from your friends to try and beat their record. The inclusion of this competition element is a great way to make the game much more appealing than the DS version.


marc^o^ said:
Not exactly, though you can download mii ghosts from your friends to try and beat their record. The inclusion of this competition element is a great way to make the game much more appealing than the DS version.

Why not just have a leaderboard of people on your friends list to try to beat? Having to download each of your friend's ghosts seems like a bit of a hassle. Then again, this is the same company that requires you to key in 12-digit long friends codes for every single one of your games, so it doesn't surprise me much.


Xisiqomelir said:
Well, I'm basing this on the fact that http://eg.nttpub.co.jp/ranking.html lists new title sales as "WTD/WTD", not "WTD/NEW", and that the English title translations all look like Cheese's.

I don't think that evidence would fly even in Phoenix Wright.
There are a couple of differences in the translations, too.
They are basing it off of the same source material, so it follows that they should come up with very similar translations. They could be using Cheesemeister's format, but that "evidence" is pretty weak.

For full disclosure, my Famitsu translations are a mix of 1) Media-Create translations (whoever did it that week; I started before Cheesemeister took over the weekly duties), 2) GameFAQs titles, 3) What I'm used to seeing it mentioned as on the boards, and 4) occassional translation via verplant's site; with the restriction that I use the same name week-to-week for consistency.
Now, those of you who enter MC threads on a regular basis may have seen our beloved admin Dragona post this last week:

Dragon Akehi said:
Alright kiddos a few things:

1) No more Moku train shit. FFXIII in its current form is never going to see Wii. Wii might get an FFXIII branded game, but they are not going to just scrap the current one.


2) While many find it amusing, PureAuthor needs to take his story to another thread. Media Create threads are meant for the sales. Not fanfics.

3) Seriously. Moku train stuff is about to get people lengthy bans. Remember MGS4 to 360 crap? Same thing here: until Square officially announces it, it's going to get smacked down.

'Moku train' aside, the obvious conclusion is that I won't be posting the 'The Sales-Age Saga' on NeoGAF's Media-Create sales topics any longer.

But what about the fanbase I've built up over the weeks? I'm certain both of you would be absolutely crushed were you never to see more instalments of my story!

Thus, I'm moving the story offsite. Several ground rules concerning it, okay, guys?

Rule the First: I'm already pretty certain about which site is going to end up hosting 'The Sales-Age Saga'. Once it's finalized and everything (and this should be done within 24 hours of this post), I'll drop you guys the link to the story.

Rule the Second: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT make your comments on 'The Sales-Age Saga' (you know what, this is getting annoying to type. Henceforth it shall be known as SAS) in this thread. The site it'll be on has a review section. Please leave all remarks, comments, suggestions etc there.

Rule the Third: There is no Rule the Third. Many things in this world do not possess a Third Rule, and this is no exception.

Rule the Fourth: Her Glorious Eminence Dragona the First has, in her great wisdom and boundless grace, allowed me to link to my story in MC threads. However, I don't want to push it, after all, she is correct in saying that this technically isn't the place for fanfiction, even if it's fanfiction with a base is sales. I'll link to it a couple weeks. Thereafter, I'll only make posts and updates concerning SAS whenever something significant crops up, such as me not being able to update for the week or something.

Rule the Fifth: The Fifth Rule is the Rule of Thumb; if the story isn't up within 24 hours of Media Create Hardware Numbers going up, it's probably not going to be updated for the week.

Rule the Sixth: Get that crayon out of your nose.

Rule the Seventh: I'm probably not going to update for this particular week because not only do I have a lack of free time, I'm also going to be moving and reformatting the story on the new site. If I do manage to put up another chapter, you'll be duly informed.


Rule the Ninth: Concerning the 'cameo' I promised several threads ago, GreenGlowingGoo won that particular contest. If you're up for that cameo, PM me with details, please.

Rule the Tenth: Enjoy my story. Yes, that's a rule.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Thraktor said:
Why not just have a leaderboard of people on your friends list to try to beat? Having to download each of your friend's ghosts seems like a bit of a hassle. Then again, this is the same company that requires you to key in 12-digit long friends codes for every single one of your games, so it doesn't surprise me much.
That could be the way they handled it, I'm not sure abour the ghost thing. We should know soon.
I didn't know about that online component either. Thanks marc for making me feel even more comfortable with my prediction. :)

Alkaliine said:
The question is whether the Wii version of BBA will be nearly as popular as the DS one. Just because it did great on handhelds doesn't mean its popularity will automatically transfer to console.

I believe it will be as popular, but it won't have the same numbers as the DS version since there will more than likely be more DS handhelds in a home than Wiis.

Thraktor said:
Wii Sports is currently at a 64.9% attach rate to hardware, and going by current trends Wii Sports sales would indicate Wii Hardware of about 81,133 this week. With sales of SPM, though, and the potential number of people buying it alongside the console as opposed to Wii Sports, it could be quite a bit higher, possibly even passing 100,000.

That was my fault for using this week's Wii Sports LTD with last week's Wii LTD. I agree with you about the possible numbers. Nintendo will sell pretty much as many as they release. It would seem though based on the amount sold the last few weeks, there would be no more than 76k sold this time.


So with the fan-fic moving out elsewhere, these MC threads are going to be pretty empty unless we get more stupid argument posters involved. :(


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
Filter said:
BBA should be a downloadable game, so you can play it instantly from the Wii menu. swapping disks for a game that you are supposed to play for 10-15 minutes a day will kill the appeal over time.

You're somewhat right. Haven't thought of this.

Thinks like that are gona make the difference in the Wii. Channels concept its great, ****ing great!

I can't wait to see how Nintendo promoted this game, if they relate the game to the Brain DS games or what. It's going to be very educative.

titiklabingapat said:
I wanna dedicate this post to Creamsugar and all the wonderful work he's/she's done. One of the most underrated poster total.

Yeah men. Thanks Sugar for bringing us the info from Sinobi's blog.


Filter said:
BBA should be a downloadable game, so you can play it instantly from the Wii menu. swapping disks for a game that you are supposed to play for 10-15 minutes a day will kill the appeal over time.

This is especially bothersome when trying to do Wii (Sports) Fitness on a daily basis.

It would be awsome if that was somehow possible (normal games were 'persistent' on the Wii channel menu a la VC games). I'll often play VC games just because I'm too lazy to go swap discs.

I suppose this is probably coming for Wii2.


titiklabingapat said:
I wanna dedicate this post to Creamsugar and all the wonderful work he's/she's done. One of the most underrated poster total.

...Thanks for that touching post...
farnham said:
yes and Paper mario 1,2 were pretty much the last games for N64 and GC.. while SPM is one of the early games on the wii.. so the sales are pretty good actually..

Paper Mario GC first week: 137.750 (Famitsu)
Paper Mario 64 first week : 118.322 (Famitsu)

i agree with you, SPM had a very good first week, honestly
Enough talk of Wii Sports attach rates, the Wii'll sell what they ship.

The intersting story this week is whether the PS3 slips under 10k. So I want to hear everyone's bets: PS3 over/under 10k.
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