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Media Create Sales 7/30 - 8/5

Stumpokapow said:
At $7.50 an hour and 20 hours a week, you're obviously not paying rent with your job money. You mentioned it's a restaurant and you didn't mention your tips, so you're almost certainly either in a non-tip position (busboy) or working in a non-tip restaurant (fast food).

If you're in university, you could make substantially more at a substantially better job if you get a student marking or TA job. If you're not in university, you really should consider upping your hours a good deal (40 hours a week would be full time) if the money means that much to you; and if not, consider applying to be a waiter at a restaurant that gives tips if you are old enough.

I think 40 hours a week would be too much to me. I have busy days already and enjoy the free time I get. I perfectly enjoy part-time right now (I was supposed to have 5 days a week at 4:30 hours, but I personally requested two days to only be 3:30 hours so I could go to a morning arrangement every week), I don't enjoy losing $575 a year.

The idea of tips and working at a restaurant with them is awesome though. I will end more money as I get older, but right now with part-time, church, school and any left over time for sleeping, studying or relaxing... I'm cool. I need nothing, you could call me blessed :D .
Innotech said:
honestly, you need a higher paying job or something that occupies more of your time so you stop obsessing over goddamned numbers.

I'm studying to be a Computer Engineer, but I'm not very good at building stuff with my hands... I can be good at it but it just doesn't interest me. I like programming. Now ACCOUNTING would be a good idea. Or just finances in general.

But it doesn't matter what job I get, if I'm going to lose $575 dollars a year, it's reason to change something up. $575.00 is a LOT of money to lose just because someone can't wait an extra 3-7 minutes each day to clock out don't you think?


don't ask me for codes
moku said:
Well, this thread has been interesting. We have had the normal sales related discussion(Oddly the fewest replies seem to actually be about the weeks sales) but with that, we have had three discussions about three different posters. Some more in depth then others(Lance) and the others just a few replies(Segata, PD)

MC threads have become a mish-mash of everything from Personalities, discussion of individual posters, and in depth conversations on why we all care, and even some stock tip advice.

That's why we love MC threads.


Petition to have an Official Lance Stern thread so we can get this shit out of MC. All those in favour..
DeadyFernGarden said:
I think that was lances way of succinctly telling me that interviewing him would be a task I am incapable of.

I was interviewed once on GameFAQs with my own topic and everything. If you think I'm bad now - when I'm trying to stay on-topic and apologizing and trying to be nice and discussing stuff etc. but accidently causing chaos - you wouldn't be able to take me back in 2001-2003 on Xbox General Message Boards. I'm like a sedated snail compared to what I was (Thank God).

But I made that big story about my paycheck because right now nothing is being relevantly said about the MC sales of this week and thought I'd answer the question on why we like sales so much. I've said my part I think.


.dmc said:
Petition to have an Official Lance Stern thread so we can get this shit out of MC. All those in favour..
Or we can just let Dragona finally clean house. :p

I'd much prefer Tabris or Chemical Mouse...


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
XiaNaphryz said:
Or we can just let Dragona finally clean house. :p

I'd much prefer Tabris or Chemical Mouse...

You know not of what you speak!


What the fucking fuck?! Is this a media create thread or a "I need more money because i only make 7 cents and hour in a sweatshop" thread.

LanceStern said:
I don't think I was here long enough, because I don't remember Chemical Mouse, or much of Tabris.
You were banned while Chemical Mouse's short lifespan occured.

Oh, and Lance? I think I see the red dot on your forehead again.


PhoenixDark said:
MC threads always make me chuckle. In less than 24hrs this thread has grown to 7 pages, and will most likely grow to 14+ before the cycle is repeated next week. Yet what the fuck are we talking about? Surely no one could be denying the DS's utter domination, hardware and software wise? Alas someone IS denying it. While Lance is the laughingstock of this thread, make no mistake that the Sales Age-brigade is the laughingstock of GAF.

Are any of you benefiting from Nintendo's financial success? Surely the gamer in you (assuming there is one) isn't being fed by such gems as Face Training. So why the passion in arguing the world is fucking round? Jesus christ

Games are software. Software is math. Math is life.

Incidentally, statistics are not math, but they're good for a chuckle now and then.
LanceStern said:
But it doesn't matter what job I get, if I'm going to lose $575 dollars a year, it's reason to change something up. $575.00 is a LOT of money to lose just because someone can't wait an extra 3-7 minutes each day to clock out don't you think?
To play devil's advocate, though, that's waiting an extra 13-30 hours in a year, too, which someone else might find valuable.


*drowns in jizz*
LanceStern said:
I initially cared about sales because it was a way to check and see how Nintendo and my favorite games were doing. As I've grown older and came here to GAF, I realized I care about sales becaue I'm oddly in love with numbers. I have a small story to share:

I go to work every day *part-time*, three days are four and a half hours. Two days are three and a half hours. After cleaning the restaurant and closing down, I usually clock out around 2:23/2:25PM, so I get my entire 4:30 shift.

One day my crew leader was rushing us to close early so they could leave early, so we closed at around 2:15 or so. I was standing at the clockout-clock waiting until 2:25, when my crew leader came and stood there and asked,

"What are you doing?"
I reply, "I'm waiting for the clock to say 2:25 so I get my entire 4:30 shift".
She responded with, "But..." but then said nothing else and just had a displeased look on her face.
I say, "Well I guess I can clock out now and I'd still get my 4:30 shift", so I clock out and go to approve my shift, and turns out I only got tracked for 4:15!!!

Needless to say I was a little angry, and with my obsession of numbers, I quickly calculated that making minimum wage ($7.50 an hour here), that I lost roughly $1.90 that day because of my rushing boss who doesn't care to lose $2.

So I shrugged it off, but was still a little angry.

The next week at work, there was nothing to do, so I got out a sheet of paper and calculated that if everyday I listened to my crew leader and RUSHED through cleaning/closing the store, I would lose 15 minutes off of my shift everyday. I work everyday, so I'm losing (15 min x 5 days) 75 minutes a week, one whole hour and 15 minutes worth of pay every week.

At $7.50 and losing 2 and a half hours every paycheck... each payday I'm losing $18.75!!!

Some inconsiderate forumers may mock, "Well Lance you must be pretty poor if that's going to bother you. It's just $20, get a better job".

For one, $20 is a lot to lose each paycheck no matter who you are. It's gas, it's food, it's personal necessities. But I calculated it some more that if I lost roughly $1.90 each day the entire year (that's $19 each paycheck).. 304 days (Taking off 61 days for two months that I don't work) means I've lost over 575 DOLLARS!! Just by losing $19 each paycheck, which is just $1.90 each day, which is just clocking out 7minutes too early (it counts 4:30 at 2:23PM) from work because my crew leader doesn't care about losing $2.

Well I care about losing $575 a year ma'am. Thank you very much. So I vowed never again to clsoe early, so I clean/close slower to get my entire 4:30 shift (or 3:30 shift wednesdays and fridays)

And that's just one example of what numebrs are to me... which is why I like sales me thinks

Holy fucking Christ. That must be the most pointless post I've read in my life. I'm trying to imagine a sane individual sitting down and typing that whole story with no punchline.. and I just can't.
Slurpy said:
Holy fucking Christ. That must be the most pointless post I've read in my life. I'm trying to imagine a sane individual sitting down and typing that whole story with no punchline.. and I just can't.
I've already mentioned I don't think he is. Sane, that is.


listen to the mad man
justchris said:
Incidentally, statistics are not math, but they're good for a chuckle now and then.

hahaha "Statistics are not math". What does this mean? Calculus isn't math! Algebra isn't math! Geometry isn't math! Real Analysis isn't math! Computer Science isn't math!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Deku said:

Yeah..I really don't mind him- I think his heart's in the right place...but hearing about his personal life kinda creeps me out. :lol


Stumpokapow said:
hahaha "Statistics are not math". What does this mean? Calculus isn't math! Algebra isn't math! Geometry isn't math! Real Analysis isn't math! Computer Science isn't math!

Math is very discrete and exact, there's very little room for error, and even the error is measurable. Statistics have quite a bit more leeway in their interpretation. On the other hand, that's what makes them fun.
He just got banned.

Maybe it will do him some good. Or drive him further into insanity.

Back to subject, MNG5's numbers aren't that bad. Given the situation of the PS3, the fact that it sold pretty well for its second week is somewhat promising. Of course, this situation reminds me all too much of the GC where people had to keep waiting for this game or that price drop to cause a sales explosion that never happened. Or if it did happen, it went back to normal within a week or two.
While we're awaiting the nos.
I thought I'd share this (I made during my last bannage):

Famitsu Top30 software sales added up for each week by system back to 1996. You can see which company's consoles have sold the most SW according to Famitsu and how big the VG industry has been in Japan in terms of SW sales over the past eleven years up thru the week ending 7/15/07.

2006 was the first year Nintendo sold more SW on their consoles than Sony and by nearly 16 million!

Note: These are only titles that have made Famitsu's Top 30 list.


Incidentally, using the number titiklabingapat provided:

Game Name:		Sys:	1st Week:	2nd Week:	3rd Week:	LTD:
Minna no Golf 1		PSX  	117,383  	72,430  	57,403  	1,777,895
Minna no Golf 2 	         PSX 	273,260 	231,528 	         951,931
Minna no Golf 3		PS2 	272,758 	105,189 	74,057 	921,906
Minna no Golf 4		PS2 	475,269 	162,671 	95,988 	1,083,079
Minna no Golf PSP	         PSP 	66,079 	31,505 	33,404 	399,257
Minna no Golf 5		PS3 	176,000  [i]43,000[/i]

That means, in their second week each game dropped to the following percentage of it's first week sales (understanding that MNG5 numbers are estimates from Sinobi of Famitsu numbers).

Game Name:                            Percentage of 1st week sold 2nd week:
Minna no Golf 1                         61.7%
Minna no Golf 2                         84.7%
Minna no Golf 3                         38.6%
Minna no Golf 4                         34.2%
Minna no Golf PSP                       47.7%
Minna no Golf 5                         24.4%

So even accepting lower sales for having a smaller userbase, MNG5 still had the biggest drop percentage-wise in sales of any version. That can probably also be attributed to the fact that it's a casual game on an incredibly expensive console though.


listen to the mad man
justchris said:
Math is very discrete and exact, there's very little room for error, and even the error is measurable. Statistics have quite a bit more leeway in their interpretation. On the other hand, that's what makes them fun.

hahaha you're nuts (I mean this playfully, not insultingly).

Math is NOT discrete and the vast majority of branches of math deal with continuous rather than discrete values. Statistics can also deal with discrete values and is not limited to continuous ones.

Math is generally broken up into Pure and Applied Mathematics. Pure Mathematics includes analysis (real and complex--the calculus of infintesimals), abstract algebra (ring theory, field theory, vectors), geometry (projective, inversive, topology), and number theory. Applied Mathematics includes differentials, probability, approximation theory, linear algebra, numerical analysis, operations research, biological modeling, computational mathematics, statistics, and other fields.

Pretty much the only group of people who consider Statistics to not be Maths are stuck-up Statisticians who have an inferiority complex and are trying to compensate by seeming more unique. Statistics is rigorously provable based on probability theory (and thus measure theory, and thus real analysis, and thus pure mathematics).

Your idea that mathematics must be exact and is not subject to error is laughable. Almost all higher levels of analysis deal with bounding, which is a measure of error. Even in freshman calculus you learn the use of iterative integration; or in Calc 2/3 you'll learn series expansion which has a measure of error. While the formulation of statistical or probabilistic residuals/errors may be unique to statistics, it's all based on theory which is firmly basic pure mathematics and as such it's math.

IMO There's no good definition of Mathematics which excludes Statistics or Computational Mathematics or modeling.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Its 9:20. Where are the hardware #s??


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Culex said:
Usual time is 9:30, but the past couple weeks, they've been coming out closer to midnight.

Media-Create should have to pay a penalty for late reporting.


Stumpokapow said:
IMO There's no good definition of Mathematics which excludes Statistics or Computational Mathematics or modeling.

I can see what you mean, but I've always felt statistics and modeling and such should really be considered a separate field that just happens to be based on the same fundamental principles. Much like Chemistry and Physics, the basic theory behind the interactions are the same, but if you ignore everything greater than the molecular level, we refer to it as Chemistry (instead of just calling it Molecular Physics, Atomic Physics and so on).

It's a purely philosophical issue however, since what I think doesn't affect how it actually works either way.


listen to the mad man
justchris said:
I can see what you mean, but I've always felt statistics and modeling and such should really be considered a separate field that just happens to be based on the same fundamental principles. Much like Chemistry and Physics, the basic theory behind the interactions are the same, but if you ignore everything greater than the molecular level, we refer to it as Chemistry (instead of just calling it Molecular Physics, Atomic Physics and so on).

It's a purely philosophical issue however, since what I think doesn't affect how it actually works either way.

Yeah, it's definitely a taxonomical issue since there's no real objective criteria to rule something as a subdiscipline or a separate discipline. I do most of my work these days in the social sciences and there's a stupid amount of debate about whether or not archaeology is a part of anthropology, whether or not sociology and social anthropology are truly separate disciplines, whether or not interdisciplinary subjects like women's studies / ethnic studies / conflict studies are disciplines or subdisciplines, whether or not political philosophy is part of philosophy or polisci, etc.
DSL 135,729
Wii 61,498
PSP 33,886
PS3 24,289
PS2 12,784
Xbox360 2,691
GBM 413
DS 75
GC 68

edit: argh! so close & beaten by a Jr...
31./36. [NDS] Yoshi's Island DS (Nintendo)
32./07. [360] The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Spike)
33./39. [NDS] Common Knowledge Training (Nintendo)
34./00. [NDS] Otoda Master (Hudson)
35./35. [NDS] Mushi King Super Collection (Sega)
36./42. [NDS] Kirarin Revolution: Mezase Idol Queen! (Konami)
37./15. [PS2] Pachi-Para 14: Wind, Clouds, and the Super Sea in Okinawa (Irem)
38./44. [NDS] Prof. Layton and the Curious Village (Level 5)
39./41. [NDS] Momotarou Dentetsu DS: Tokyo & Japan (Hudson)
40./45. [NDS] Detailed Japanese History B Total Training (Bandai-Namco)
41./24. [PS2] Daito Giken Official Pachislo Simulator: Shake II (Paon)
42./00. [NDS] Tetris DS (Nintendo)
43./00. [PSP] Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins: Kai (Capcom)
44./47. [NDS] Qualification Exam DS (Sega)
45./49. [NDS] Kekkaishi: Tale of the Raven Forest (Bandai-Namco)
46./19. [PS2] King of Fighters: Maximum Impact Regulation A (SNK Playmore)
47./40. [NDS] Mega Man ZX Advent (Capcom)
48./00. [NDS] Big Brain Academy (Nintendo)
49./00. [NDS] Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (Nintendo)
50./00. [NDS] TOEIC Test Training DS (IE Institute)

NDS - 33
WII - 7
PS2 - 5
PSP - 3
PS3 - 1
360 - 1


Hardware - This Week | Last Week |       YTD |        LTD
1. NDS   -   135,804 |   150,584 | 4,693,678 | 18,699,357
2. WII   -    61,498 |    77,169 | 2,365,438 |  3,285,081
3. PSP   -    33,886 |    35,068 | 1,255,519 |  5,787,648
4. PS3   -    24,289 |    28,829 |   584,420 |  1,041,978
5. PS2   -    12,784 |    11,757 |   488,870 | 20,643,729
6. 360   -     2,691 |     3,872 |   133,122 |    397,824
7. GBA   -       641 |       532 |    43,471 | 15,341,550
8. NGC   -        68 |       102 |     9,000 |  4,178,468
GBA = 0 GBA + 228 SP + 413 Micro
NDS = 75 DS + 135,729 Lite



43./00. [PSP] Goku Makaimura Kai (Capcom)
49./00. [NDS] Mario vs Donkey Kong 2 Mini Mini Daikoushin! (Nintendo)

Or are you trying to use English titles?
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