Mike Pepe: From an American perspective... well, America is where most of our digital download development happens. We do have some WiiWare development back in Japan, but most of the XBLA, PSN, and also some WiiWare titles are being developed here in North America. Some games are probably better off as digital download than in retail. For instance, Bomberman -- Bomberman, in the U.S. at retail, probably maxed out at something like 100,000 units [sold] for one title. Then take Bomberman Live for the 360, which is well over half a million units right now. It kind of found its niche. The same goes for [Bomberman] Ultra. Ultra is doing very well on PSN, even though the audience on PS3 is much smaller than on 360. But then you take it to a platform; what platforms are good for downloads? Not Wii right now; Wii doesn't have the hard drive that 360 and PS3 do. So I think you're going to see some platforms have better results as digital downloads, such as 360 and PS3. We're going to see more games actually leave retail and go to digital download.
Whereas with Wii, you have a different platform, different specs, and then you also have a different customer. Wii has a very casual customer base, where they're not getting a lot [of users downloading]. I mean, we go to tons of shows where we're showing off 360, PS3, and WiiWare games, and people are like "wow, I'm going to go buy this in the store!" And we're like, "well, you can't go buy it at the store, but you can go home and download it." "Really? How do I do that?" "It's called WiiWare..." And you have to educate them that you can actually go buy this from your home and download it there. That's an example of someone who would just like to go and buy a physical product, and that's actually what Nintendo is catering to right now. Again, I think [with] some platforms, you're going to see more digital download than retail, and then others you'll see far more into retail than digital. I know that's kind of a political, standing-on-the-fence way [of putting it], but there are some types of games that are going to be much more suited for digital download.