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Media Create Sales: Sep 7-13, 2009


reilo said:
Actually, what the PS3 is doing is what they did with the PS1 and PS2 to sustain their success. Those suggesting that Nintendo could benefit from a price-drop and a smaller console are right. You know, kinda like Nintendo has been doing with the DS? Crazy, I know.
Uhh, what are you talking about? None of the discussion I was involved in was about smaller consoles.

BTW, that part of my post you quoted. Read the bottom of the rest of it... actually just read the whole thread instead of skimming through it and jumping in with things unrelated to what the discussion was about.


listen to the mad man
jeremy1456 said:
Nintendo has so many studios and we don't know what most are doing.

They've got...

Core Teams:
EAD1 - Wii Fit Plus, Mario Kart Wii
EAD2 - Wii Sports Resort, Animal Crossing Wii
EAD3 - Zelda Wii, Zelda: Spirit Tracks
EAD4 - NSMB Wii, New Play Control series for internal games.
EAD Tokyo - SMG2, Flipnote Studio

SPD1 - Metroid Other M
SPD2 - Most recently Planet Puzzle League Express, Dr. Mario DSiWare, other misc puzzle games
SPD3 - External liason people. ExciteBots, Punch-Out!!
SPD4 - Wii channels *snooze* Possibly Kensax as well?

IntSys (1-2 teams) - ???. Most recently worked on Dragon Quest Wars, WarioWare Snapped, WarioWare DIY, Card Hero DSiWare

1st Party External Teams:
NST - ???, most recently Mario vs DK DSiWare, Crosswords DS, Project HAMMER.
MonolithSoft - Monado, 3rd party stuff
Retro - ???, most recently doing absolutely nothing for two years and Metroid Prime Trilogy
Project Sora - ???, just got started up

2nd Party Teams:
AlphaDream - ???, most recently Mario and Luigi 3
Ambrella - ???, most recently Pokemon Rumble/Scramble

Brownie Brown - working on 3rd party stuff
Creatures - ???
Camelot - Golden Sun DS
GameFreak - Heart Gold / Soul Silver
Genius - ???, most recently snooze Euro DS book collection, Dragon Quest Swords
HAL - Kirby Wii (lolololol), 3d Picross
Noise - 3rd party stuff
skip - Art Style, Chibi-Robo

3rd Party Teams who work with Nintendo:
Monster - ExciteBots
Next Level - Punch-Out!!
Paon - ???, most recently 3rd party stuff and Glory of Heracles
Fuse Games - did Metroid Prime Pinball, most recently some Euro-only healthy living DS game for Nintendo. Were working on a Kirby pinball game, probably canceled.
Mitchell - Does puzzle games, Magnetica, Suujin Taisen
Vitei - Does puzzle games, most recently Rock 'n' Roll Climber
Chunsoft - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, most recently the WiiWare installments
TOSE - Starfy. Was developing a game for Nintendo called "Wander Donkey", probably canceled.

Treasure - Sin and Punishment 2
Arika - Endless Ocean 2
Artoon - Span Smasher
Sandlot - Dynamic Smash
Grezzo - Line Attack Heroes
GAIA - Cosmic Walker

I have no idea which team did the DSiWare Game and Watch games, who is doing the DSiWare Domokun games, etc.


Stumpokapow said:
Retro - ???, most recently doing absolutely nothing for two years and Metroid Prime Trilogy

They were working on a Sheik game that was cancelled.
NST was working on Wii Crush which was also cancelled.
In addition, you could also add White Harvest LLC. They are/were working on Pilotwings though we don't know whether Nintendo will publish that one. I also don't want to know what has happened to the new Q-Games DS game, originally to be revealed in 2007...


LiquidMetal14 said:
Yes but what about the games?
What about them? As we've gone through, the only system that sells more games than Wii is the unbeatable DS.
Dragona Akehi said:
Well, let's hope so. But the Wii userbase hasn't exactly been receptive to anything other than Nintendo published games, it seems.
They've been as receptive as one would expect based on the games they've received. PS3 has gotten several major installments in franchises that were million sellers on PS2, while the only title on a comparable level that Wii has gotten is MH3. (Which also happens to be the #1 console third party game of the generation. Yes, FFXII will outsell it, but DQX will outsell FFXII.)


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
freddy said:
Uhh, what are you talking about? None of the discussion I was involved in was about smaller consoles.

BTW, that part of my post you quoted. Read the bottom of the rest of it... actually just read the whole thread instead of skimming through it and jumping in with things unrelated to what the discussion was about.
Look I'm tired of arguing back and forth with people who think that the Wii should do what the PS3 has been doing to be successful.
Your first half of the post is quite clearly vague and contradicts your latter part. It sounded like that you thought that the strategy of releasing a smaller console with a price-drop would not be a sure fire way for Nintendo to increase lagging sales. If that wasn't your intent then I apologize.


Chris1964 said:
If you want to do something, at least do it right:

Famitsu 2008 top 500
PS3 third parties: 3.722.789
WII third parties: 2.608.883

Famitsu 2009 top 30s (first 37 weeks)
PS3 third parties: 2.252.981
WII third parties: 1.957.062

There was only one big 3rd party title for Wii (Monster Hunter 3) and numerous for PS3, but third party sales were almost similar. If FF XIII wasn’t coming out this year third party sales would be very close. One more myth about WII and awful third party sales compared to PS3 goes down.

I think those are pretty pathetic numbers for the Wii given the install base for both systems.


Stumpokapow said:
IntSys (1-2 teams) - ???. Most recently worked on Dragon Quest Wars, WarioWare Snapped, WarioWare DIY, Card Hero DSiWare

IntSys has three Teams i believe ?
They released 3 Wii games (Fire Emblem, WarioWare, Paper Mario) in the period of 6 months and after that 3 ds games (Advance Wars, Card Hero, Fire Emblem) in the period of 9 months.


Neo Member
vicissitudes said:
The current discussion of 3rd parties on Wii versus PS3? The 2009 software numbers are useless because most of Wii's software comes from 1st party.

Here, I dug up Famitsu top 100 sellers of 2008, with only Wii/PS3 third party titles:

11. [PS3] Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Konami) 686,254
31. [PS3] Devil May Cry 4 (Capcom) 310,012
32. [PS3] Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (Konami) 297,896
37. [PS3] Ryu ga Gotoku Kenzan! (Sega) 270,438
41. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii (Bandai Namco) 251,083
44. [WII] Deca Sports (Hudson) 241,701
57. [WII] Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Bandai Namco) 212,408
59. [PS3] Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 (Bandai Namco) 206,438
66. [PS3] Grand Theft Auto IV (Capcom) 195,779
78. [PS3] Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit (Bandai Namco) 163,010
93. [PS3] Valkyria Chronicles (Sega) 141,589

Total PS3: 2,271,416
Total Wii: 705,192

Now whether you interpret this as poor 3rd party Wii support, or as 3rd party games not selling well on the Wii, well that's up to you. Either way it doesn't look good for Nintendo.

The average sold per title stunned me.

PS3: 8 titles, average of 283927
Wii: 3 titles, average of 235064

I'm surprised.


listen to the mad man
percephone said:
The average sold per title stunned me.

PS3: 8 titles, average of 283927
Wii: 3 titles, average of 235064

I'm surprised.

Comparing the top 100 of both systems is fairly useful, but comparing the average sales of third party titles in the top 100 in a given year is a lot less useful.

My recommendation would be to compare overall medians (using Garaph.info data) or end-of-year top 500 means/medians.
freddy said:
So the PS3 outran the one legged man for half a year? Whoohoo!!

Let's not forget that the PS3 has outrun a guy with no legs who's blind in one eye 95% of the time, except when Nolegs McGee got a second wind and briefly got in front of it a few times!

Look I'm tired of arguing back and forth with people who think that the Wii should do what the PS3 has been doing to be successful.

Just to clarify my own position, I don't think the Wii should be doing anything the PS3 is doing! (Well, except a pricedrop.) And when I suggest that they should do things that MS is doing it's only in a very broad "they should do this the way Nintendo would do it, for games that fit their own expanded-market strategy" way.

gerg said:
Ah, the weekly "how Nintendo has fucked up" discussion.

In my defense, a) I didn't do it this time and b) I would be happy to have "the official thread of Nintendo sucking" so we could keep it all to one place. :lol

grandjedi6 said:
Nintendo's in a perpetual state of development hell it seems.

I don't get it. Why are they having so much trouble with this? If Nintendo's internal teams were actually delivering on software that, too, would represent a pretty huge improvement from their current situation.

bmf said:
Wollan's lied.

Someone noticed the error, and now his tag is accurate again.


reilo said:
Your first half of the post is quite clearly vague and contradicts your latter part. It sounded like that you thought that the strategy of releasing a smaller console with a price-drop would not be a sure fire way for Nintendo to increase lagging sales. If that wasn't your intent then I apologize.
The first half was vague because I assumed people reading had or would read the earlier posts in the discussion. I think the Wii has been long overdue for a price drop as has the PS3 but I don't think it needs to be any smaller. My argument was all about what type of games are needed to reinvigorate sales

charlequin said:
Let's not forget that the PS3 has outrun a guy with no legs who's blind in one eye 95% of the time, except when Nolegs McGee got a second wind and briefly got in front of it a few times!
Ha! I knew I borrowed the one legged man reference from someone on here. :lol

charlequin said:
Just to clarify my own position, I don't think the Wii should be doing anything the PS3 is doing! (Well, except a pricedrop.) And when I suggest that they should do things that MS is doing it's only in a very broad "they should do this the way Nintendo would do it, for games that fit their own expanded-market strategy" way.
Yea, I think there a quite a few things that Nintendo could learn from Sony and especially Microsoft when it comes to fostering developer relationships, online infrastructure and communication/involvement with their loyal but fretting fan base. Marketing is much more than just advertising.
Discussing 3rd party sales just seem so silly to me. I guess maybe this is how 3rd parties look at things (i have no idea). It just seems stupid to ignore the most succesful developer in the history of gaming.

I think we have had this discussion many times before.

One thing i wonder is if the wii's first party sales were 3 billion and it's 3rd party sales were 100 million (ignoring the quality and quantity of the 3rd party software as apparently this is irrelevant) would first party sales still be irrelevant?

At what point can you just keep ignoring nintendos incredible success? Or is it just that 3rd parties know that nintendo produces far better games than they could ever dream of making and simply don't try and compete?


AdventureRacing said:
Discussing 3rd party sales just seem so silly to me. I guess maybe this is how 3rd parties look at things (i have no idea). It just seems stupid to ignore the most succesful developer in the history of gaming.

I think we have had this discussion many times before.

One thing i wonder is if the wii's first party sales were 3 billion and it's 3rd party sales were 100 million (ignoring the quality and quantity of the 3rd party software as apparently this is irrelevant) would first party sales still be irrelevant?

At what point can you just keep ignoring nintendos incredible success? Or is it just that 3rd parties know that nintendo produces far better games than they could ever dream of making and simply don't try and compete?
I always get a good laugh whenever people try to do a serious analysis of sales data but manage to exclude the largest publisher in the world.

It's one thing to throw it in the mix as a side-topic just to see what the numbers are. It's quite another to actually try to seriously analyze data where you've selectively decided to remove the most successful company and their products from the discussion.

It's like trying to analyze the movie industry, but arbitrarily pretending that any film associated with Time Warner doesn't exist. Or trying to examine the carbonated beverage market, but leave Coca-Cola out of the analysis. It's ultimately a pretty fruitless exercise.

For those companies that have severe inferiority complexes when it comes to competing with Nintendo, there isn't even all that much benefit to trying to avoid Nintendo's systems so that you can avoid having to compete with Nintendo software. There was some truth to that strategy last gen (if you actually believed that your product could not compete against Nintendo), but not any longer.

Last gen, the GBA audience was largely a younger audience, so there was a large number of PS2 owners who didn't own a GBA. And an even larger of number of PS2 owners who didn't own a Gamecube. So there was a very sizable audience on the PS2 who did not own a Nintendo system - and therefore a very sizable audience who you could sell your product to without having to worry about Nintendo at all.

That's not true this gen. How many people in Japan own a PS3 and/or 360 who do not own a DS and/or Wii? Not very many. It's a pretty small audience. The DS and Wii have been so successful this gen, that even when you target a game to the PS3 or 360, you are still competing with Nintendo, because a large percentage of those customers also own a DS and/ or Wii, which means they are also spending some of their gaming dollars on Nintendo products.

So the idea that a 3rd-party can avoid competing with Nintendo by simply avoiding their platforms is a pretty meaningless concept this generation.


freddy said:
So the PS3 outran the one legged man for half a year? Whoohoo!!
Look I'm tired of arguing back and forth with people who think that the Wii should do what the PS3 has been doing to be successful. It's a pretty lame argument and I'll leave you to it.

The publishers are putting games on the DS because it sells the most games and turns the most profit. It's a portable. The Japanese prefer portable gaming at this stage and to be honest so do I. There's not much other reason as to why ALL the consoles have been underperforming.

If these manufacturers want their home consoles to be more successful than they are currently they have to do something different than what they've been doing the last year or so. The Wii was doing it for a while and I've already outlined the reasons why I think it did that. If they continue the way they are with the same games they've been releasing they will continue to fight for the scraps. The PS3 price cut is a step in the right direction. The Wii should follow.
The Wii should not do what the PS3 is doing because the PS3 isn't doing it any better. Getting 3 games instead of 1 is not the "right way". I never argued that.

The Wii was a one legged man because it had no games of any kind, 1st or 3rd party. If it had 3rd party support, the best way, the way the PS2 had, it would certainly be hovering higher than it is now, when Nintendo is not properly supporting it or when the expanded audiences titles have failed (Wii Music and WSR to the extent it didn't seem to have attracted many people that didn't own a Wii). That's where I stand on the 3rd party discussion.

DS is not the ultimate reason because the 3rd party support is scattered around all systems and not only on it. It's selling a lot but it's not hogging all the developers attention like the PS2 did. So much so, compared to the their last generation's counterparts in market position, the PS3 (GC), 360 (Xbox), DS (GBA) and PSP (any non-Nintendo handheld before it) are all outperforming.


Is Vesperia PS3 the first 360 -> PS3 port that seems to have actually garnered worthwhile sales? I remember Eternal Sonata and Lost Planet not making much of a splash.

Maybe Namco'll port Tales of Graces to PS3 too. :lol


Road said:
DS is not the ultimate reason because the 3rd party support is scattered around all systems and not only on it. It's selling a lot but it's not hogging all the developers attention like the PS2 did.
Again, getting back to my previous post on excluding Nintendo from the discussion. The one thing the PS2 did not have was support from Nintendo. The DS does have Nintendo on board.

You diminish the DS and elevate the PS2 by looking at 3rd-party support, but by discounting 1st-party support. Nintendo is a much bigger publisher than Sony (many times over). So the DS can have 3rd-party support that is scattered around other systems a bit more than the PS2, but still come out on equal footing because of the huge difference that Nintendo software makes - software which was completely absent from the PS2 lineup.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
cvxfreak said:
Is Vesperia PS3 the first 360 -> PS3 port that seems to have actually garnered worthwhile sales? I remember Eternal Sonata and Lost Planet not making much of a splash.

Maybe Namco'll port Tales of Graces to PS3 too. :lol

If they do release Graces on the PS3, it can't just be a straight port that is upscaled to 720p with AA.

Oh wait, this is namco we are talking about.


Dalthien said:
Again, getting back to my previous post on excluding Nintendo from the discussion. The one thing the PS2 did not have was support from Nintendo. The DS does have Nintendo on board.

You diminish the DS and elevate the PS2 by looking at 3rd-party support, but by discounting 1st-party support. Nintendo is a much bigger publisher than Sony (many times over). So the DS can have a 3rd-party support that is scattered around a bit more than the PS2, but still come out on equal footing because of the huge difference that Nintendo software makes - which was completely absent from the PS2 lineup.
It may have seemed that way, but I was not discounting 1st party at all. In fact, I said 3rd party would be the help the Wii need now that Nintendo is failing with it.

I agree with your 2nd paragraph. However, I diminish the DS only as the main excuse to the Wii no getting 3rd party support. If anything, the DS hurts more the Wii by making so much money to the point Nintendo doesn't feel like working harder for the home console; or because it still gets better support by Nintendo itself.

If home console lives are harder in Japan now, Nintendo should support the Wii even more than what it did with the DS.


cvxfreak said:
Is Vesperia PS3 the first 360 -> PS3 port that seems to have actually garnered worthwhile sales? I remember Eternal Sonata and Lost Planet not making much of a splash.

Maybe Namco'll port Tales of Graces to PS3 too. :lol

whats the number for those 1st day? Is 140k real or?


Road said:
If anything, the DS hurts more the Wii by making so much money to the point Nintendo doesn't feel like working harder for the home console; or because it still gets better support by Nintendo itself.
I agree with your overall conclusion in this point, but for different reasons. I definitely agree that the DS has helped to stunt the Wii's success, but not because it made Nintendo lazy. I just think the DS has achieved such unprecedented success in Japan that it makes it very difficult for any secondary system to sell anywhere close to the PS2 on a sustained basis. I mean, the DS may very well wind up close to doubling the sales of the PS2 in the same time frame. That sort of unprecedented success just doesn't leave many gaming dollars on the table for a 2nd system to put up big numbers (on a sustained basis) at the same time. We've seen two 2nd systems (Wii, PSP) have nice temporary runs that eventually gave way to mediocrity again. My assertion is that a big part of that return to mediocrity is just due to the DS pulling so many dollars out of the market, that it becomes very difficult for another system to carve out its own pile of ongoing giant revenues. Not impossible - as we've seen with the PSP and Wii on a temporary basis - but very difficult - especially over the long-term.

I think the most likely scenario for any system elevating itself into a PS2-type of success on a long-term basis involves the DS falling off into mediocrity first.


InsaneZero said:
1) There's already a thread on this, right here.

2) Media Create threads are about Japanese sales figures. So far, nothing points to the Wii dropping in price in Japan.

if west is getting drop, japan will be getting one too, especially since thats where the sales dropped the most.

20% will definetly raise the sales - when customer is buying and comparing the two, thats a lot bigger difference.


Segata Sanshiro said:
No reason to doubt that number, really.

i caught up now... impressive, seems like it hit expectations with 60% sell though. Probably riding the Slim wave right now.
Dalthien said:
So the idea that a 3rd-party can avoid competing with Nintendo by simply avoiding their platforms is a pretty meaningless concept this generation.

Just to clarify my own position once more, I totally agree with this. :lol The idea that someone is only "in competition" with Nintendo's software when they actually publish on Nintendo's platform is quite myopic, about as much as the idea that (say) NFL 2k1 wasn't "competing" with Madden because it was on the Dreamcast.

How many people in Japan own a PS3 and/or 360 who do not own a DS and/or Wii? Not very many.

Well, obviously. Not very many people own a PS3 and/or 360 period. :lol


So just an update on the PSP gauntlet I threw down at the beginning of the year. Here's the Top 10 for PSP YTD from my database (Famitsu numbers).

1. PSP Monster Hunter Portable 2 G (BEST) - 772,717 / 971,834 (20090906)
2. PSP Shin Sangoku Musou: Multi Raid - 383,600 / NEW (20090705)
3. PSP Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 - 317,543 / NEW (20090705)
4. PSP World Soccer Winning Eleven 12: PES 2009 - 233,727 / NEW (20090628)
5. PSP Dissidia: Final Fantasy - 229,853 / 890,115 (20090705)
6. PSP Tales of Versus - 213,038 / NEW (20090906)
7. PSP The Idolm@ster SP: Perfect Sun/Missing Moon/Wandering Star - 187,039 / NEW (20090628)
8. PSP Sengoku Basara: Battle Heroes - 176,258 / NEW (20090628)
9. PSP Kidou Senshi Gundam: Senjou no Kizuna Portable - 163,763 / NEW (20090628)
10. PSP Hatsune Miku: Project Diva - 135,764 / NEW (20090726)
I don't understand why all you are talking about PS3 third party exclusives vs Wii third party exclusives, when the important part is third party games that is launched for Wii/PS3.

The fact that SH Shattering Memories appears also in PS2, or that Bayonetta appears also in 360 is not relevant for that discussion about the support or number of units sold of third parties in these consoles (in order to check what console is more successful for third parties).


Master of the Google Search
charlequin said:
I don't get it. Why are they having so much trouble with this? If Nintendo's internal teams were actually delivering on software that, too, would represent a pretty huge improvement from their current situation.
I don't know, and knowing how secretive Nintendo can be we may never find out. Personally though I blame Iwata. Think about it, the first team of Nintendo's to start having development trouble was HAL laboratory. And who was the former president of HAL? Iwata. Clearly this infection, developmenthellitis if you will, has spread uncheck through Nintendo's teams and Iwata has done nothing but enable it. We just better pray that the infection hasn't managed to infect TOSE via Starfy, or the entire industry will be doomed.


Master of the Google Search
donny2112 said:
What were their development troubles?
I'm mostly refering to the neverwillactuallybereleased Kirby Gamecube/Wii game. Though HAL seems to have been some form of trouble since Kirby Air Ride


grandjedi6 said:
I'm mostly refering to the neverwillactuallybereleased Kirby Gamecube/Wii game. Though HAL seems to have been some form of trouble since Kirby Air Ride

Sakurai left, and I don't think they ever actually liked Kirby. NES? Late. SNES? Late. N64? Late. GameCube? :lol Wii? :lol :lol


donny2112 said:
grandjedi6 said:
I'm mostly refering to the neverwillactuallybereleased Kirby Gamecube/Wii game. Though HAL seems to have been some form of trouble since Kirby Air Ride
Sakurai left, and I don't think they ever actually liked Kirby. NES? Late. SNES? Late. N64? Late. GameCube? :lol Wii? :lol :lol

I dunno, I think Kirby's a pretty crap series overall -- the only one I could stand is one that HAL put out during their supposed "troubled" period, and that one is one of the best 2D platformers ever. They should just drop the aborted GCN/Wii game and do a follow-up to that.


DR2K said:
I think those are pretty pathetic numbers for the Wii given the install base for both systems.

Im sure the third parties care more about the percentage of the userbase that bought their game rather than the number of units their games are actually selling.

Because money doesnt keep their lights on, the attach rates do.

I hope next gen the attach rate bs dies. Shit came out of nowhere this gen and is never used in any meaningful context at all.


Puncture said:
I hope next gen the attach rate bs dies. Shit came out of nowhere this gen and is never used in any meaningful context at all.
Attach rates are absolutely useless except for the console manufacturer. It gives an easy way to get a quick 'n' rough estimate on how much money the console manufacturer is pulling in on licensing fees. Even then, it still doesn't mean much, because the console manufacturer gets different rates for full-price games vs. budget games. And then there are the special licensing deals (in lieu of moneyhats, or sometimes in addition to moneyhats) that console manufacturers cut with publishers for exclusivity windows, etc.

For publishers, attach rates are basically worthless, because whether a console has an attach rate of 8.0 or 5.5 -- it doesn't make a lick of difference as to whether or not any particular game will sell 10 million copies or 2 thousand copies.

Not to mention that it becomes much more difficult to maintain a high attach ratio with big hardware sales than it does with small hardware sales.

I kind of wish the focus on attach rates would die as well. Far too many people (and journalists) refer to attach rates out of context. I would definitely prefer just getting the total software sold number in absolute terms.


Fafracer forever
Hcoregamer00 said:
If they do release Graces on the PS3, it can't just be a straight port that is upscaled to 720p with AA.
Well it's not like Vesperia looks much better then that to begin with... (And it certainly moves/animates like a PS2 game).


Master of the Google Search
donny2112 said:
Sakurai left, and I don't think they ever actually liked Kirby. NES? Late. SNES? Late. N64? Late. GameCube? :lol Wii? :lol :lol
For someone who doesn't like Kirby they sure make nothing but

ethelred said:
I dunno, I think Kirby's a pretty crap series overall -- the only one I could stand is one that HAL put out during their supposed "troubled" period, and that one is one of the best 2D platformers ever. They should just drop the aborted GCN/Wii game and do a follow-up to that.
They really should. The announcement of Squeak Squad or whatever, instead of Canvas Curse 2 is still such an annoying and disappointing thing.


Dragona Akehi said:
If Graces does better than Vesperia PS3 first day, I'll give you a tag of your choosing.

Well, let's hope so. But the Wii userbase hasn't exactly been receptive to anything other than Nintendo published games, it seems.

Can I also participate in this "Tag bet" ?
Clarification : Are you comparing first day vs. first day, or is it ok to compare ToV PS3 first day with ToG Wii first week/ LTD ? If it is also applicable for first week / LTD, the win possibilities is much bigger.

I noticed that ToS: DoTNW 1st week # is 151.138 (Famitsu), and the LTD is 212.408.
TOS GC is 183.527 First week and 322.779 LTD (Famitsu #)

I believe that most of those TOS gamers will also purchase ToG (and I really hope that any of them that sold their Wii after finishing the game will also buy Wii again for ToG).


Puncture said:
Im sure the third parties care more about the percentage of the userbase that bought their game rather than the number of units their games are actually selling.

Because money doesnt keep their lights on, the attach rates do.

I hope next gen the attach rate bs dies. Shit came out of nowhere this gen and is never used in any meaningful context at all.

Is it bs to expect the highest selling console to have the highest selling software along with it?

User-base is a major factor to take into consideration before developing all games. *hint* It has to do with moneyz*hint* Given how many people own the system and how much 3rd party sells in comparison, it'll definitely scare developers away, which means less games for Wii owners. Let me put it this way, you'll die before it dies.
pseudocaesar said:
1-1.5m for FFXIII? Really? I would expect at least 2 million.

How high will PS3's install base be when FFXIII releases? Right now it's only 3,482,076 so i wouldn't necessarily say 2 million is guaranteed. Though 1 million is just way low balling it.
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