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Media Create Sales: Week 17, 2011 (Apr 25 - May 1)


Olaeh said:
We'll get the lite sooner than later now too, I think.

It'd better be an XL. Don't plan on buying more than one, and it's going to be the XL. :mad:


Chris1964 said:
It's not gonna sell 50k for ever.

See NDS when it's supply problems were taken care of at Golden Week 2007. It stayed high until August, and then came down to "normal" levels. And that was after 15 months of shortages. And several multi-million selling titles.


Sales-Age Genius
Media Create press releases

-3DS initial purchasers overal satisfaction 70,9%, stereoscopic 66,5% (limited sample)

-DS main user base early 20s, PSP main user base late teens.




Chris1964 said:
Media Create press releases

-3DS initial purchasers overal satisfaction 70,9%, stereoscopic 66,5% (limited sample)

-DS main user base early 20s, PSP main user base late teens.



What does this mean in relation to the satisfaction?


Chris1964 said:
Media Create press releases

-3DS initial purchasers overal satisfaction 70,9%, stereoscopic 66,5% (limited sample)

-DS main user base early 20s, PSP main user base late teens.


Very interesting. I wonder how this compares to previous generations of Nintendo handhelds, if such data exists. I wonder too if the 3DS will end up shifting towards a younger average seeing as the great number of adult-oriented software that the DS has enjoyed is not yet to be seen, but rather more PSP-like games instead.
Chris1964 said:
Media Create press releases

-3DS initial purchasers overal satisfaction 70,9%, stereoscopic 66,5% (limited sample)

-DS main user base early 20s, PSP main user base late teens.



DS users are older than PSP users? Thats shocking.


noobie said:
Can anybody explains me this graph? is it sales or predicted sales and why 2 PSP & 2 DS

It's something to do with DS and PSP userbases split between male and female purchasers. Blue and red represent male and female, respectively, for the DS, while green is male and purple is female for the PSP.

I can't tell if the graph is tracking sales, and whether the sales are by the month or not.


Chris1964 said:

X: age
Y: number of owners (above for DS; below for PSP)

Each age is divided in the two sexes:

Red: DS female owners (9.08 million in total)
Blue: DS male owners (23.4 million in total)

Purple: PSP female owners (2.48 million in total)
Green: PSP male owners (14.81 million in total)

For instance, there are around 900k DS owners aged 50 or more, while only some 300k PSP owners in the same age range.


kswiston said:
So if the PSP manages 2 million more sales it should be able to pass the NES, SNES and PS1 for 4th place of all time. That's pretty impressive.
Which ultimately doesnt matter. People will still call the PSP a huge failure.


You can say that PSP didn't live up to the expectations but it isn't a huge failure anywhere.

Unless having a typical handheld tie ratio means everything to be called a huge failure outside of Japan.


jling84 said:
Being the most successful non-Nintendo handheld overseas ever is not a failure.

Pretty easy achievement.

PSP hardware LTD is nice, software sounds failure to me outside Japan.

Overall, considering pre-lauch expectation, PSP was below of that.
jling84 said:
Being the most successful non-Nintendo handheld overseas ever is not a failure.

Haters (or bitter Nintendo fanboys) gonna hate.
I'm too busy celebrating N64's "Most Successful Three-Pronged-Controller System" victory to hate.
No one should call psp a failure , yeah the software don't sell good outside Japan.
Still it's one of the best selling pieces of hardware and it made Sony money.
It not the success Sony wanted it to be because of the software sales in the west but it's no failure either.


FoneBone said:
It doesn't make it an unqualified success, either.

No where did I use the word "unqualified" or the word "success". Many people in these last couple of posts have outright used the word "failure".
Spiegel said:
Unless having a typical handheld tie ratio means everything to be called a huge failure outside of Japan.
What are DS, PSP and GBA tie ratios outside Japan? I have to admit, I don't really know.


Sales-Age Genius
Spiegel said:
Unless having a typical handheld tie ratio means everything to be called a huge failure outside of Japan.
There are NPD and GFK total software data and you won't like them.


test_account said:
What shall we call Xbox 360? Quite popular in US, but not so hot in Japan. Is it a failure or success? =)
A success, obviously, because it is greatly outperforming Microsoft's previous console and they gained market share. That's all that matters.

The same can't be said about the PSP compared to Sony's previous handheld. That's why it is a failure


Chris1964 said:
Which ultimately isn't far from reality outside Japan.

70 Million not far from a failure?

so how many units does it have to sell to become a success?

software maybe failed outside of japan but hardware sells are far from a failure
Road said:
A success, obviously, because it is greatly outperforming Microsoft's previous console and they gained market share. That's all that matters.

The same can't be said about the PSP compared to Sony's previous handheld. That's why it is a failure
Eh, Sony had a previous handheld?


3DS is really just NDS with 3D, so I'm not entirely surprised at its reception. Remove 3D and it's pretty close to PSP, which means the userbase starts to see little reason to buy one over the other, but PSP has the head start now because of the game library.


Road said:
A success, obviously, because it is greatly outperforming Microsoft's previous console and they gained market share. That's all that matters.

The same can't be said about the PSP compared to Sony's previous handheld. That's why it is a failure

what the hell?

how about the fact that Sony went from having 0% of the handheld market to where they are now.


Sales-Age Genius
Spiegel said:
That still doesn't make it a huge failure.

onQ123 said:
what the hell?

how about the fact that Sony went from having 0% of the handheld market to where they are now.
Don't stick to words. The point remains:

Where is Sony now with PSP? What's PSP's situation in US and EU?


onQ123 said:
what the hell?

how about the fact that Sony went from having 0% of the handheld market to where they are now.
"PSP is the Walkman of the 21st century." - Ken Kutaragi

Sony made it to beat all MP3 players, all Nintendo handhelds and yes even the iPod.
Xiaoki said:
Which ultimately doesnt matter. People will still call the PSP a huge failure.
Even in Japan, I think PSP is far from a big success. The only million-sellers are Monster Hunter titles. What's the next BIG release for the platform? Maybe now it can pull some million-sellers? We will see.

Chakan said:
3DS biggest Nintendo fail since virtual boy?
The Chakan I know is a huge Sony fan, hopefully you are not him, lol.


Chris1964 said:
Don't stick to words. The point remains:

Where is Sony now with PSP? What's PSP's situation in US and EU?

PSP is old and Sony stopped supporting it a long time ago.

Yes, it is in a very bad position outside of Japan but that has nothing to do with the number of hardware and software units that Sony has sold. And by that measure PSP is not a huge failure.


Road said:
A success, obviously, because it is greatly outperforming Microsoft's previous console and they gained market share. That's all that matters.

The same can't be said about the PSP compared to Sony's previous handheld. That's why it is a failure
dallow_bg said:
Failure of course, just like PSP.
Hehe :)

It is true that the PSP (or at least the software) hasnt been doing THAT great outside of Japan, but looking at the PSP as a whole, i wouldnt call it a failure. Even if it didnt meet Sony's expecatations to begin with, i would guess that the PSP has been profitable for Sony.


We certainly have to see how ngp/psp2 does in US/EU, and how sony handle it this time, it seems more ppl gets a psp to have a piece of technology then to exclusively play games (this is an assumption from software sales). A failure? in software sales maybe, but generally is not. And that people in the west doesn't buy games for it doesn't mean it doesn't have games to play, it does and they are many. We all know psp suffered from many flaws since the beginning and that could of made a permanent impact on its image or user perception about the system. Sony will have another chance with the psp 2 to make it better and we gotta see how that goes, I'm happy we have an alternative to ds/3ds since nintendo doesn't seem to be making a new gameboy anytime soon.
Will someone post some western ratios so we can actually gauge success/failure? Actually is software or tie ratio a better way to measure platform performance?

In terms of software, what's Japan's top 5/10 look like? I'm guessing PS1 or PS2 lead overall, and PSP trails Wii?
The PSP is successful as a piece of hardware, but pretty much a sinkhole for software outside of MH.

The 3DS is lacking killer app software right now. That situation will change, of course - you can't discount Mario Kart and Pokemon. OoT remake will be a give it a bump, but it won't move hardware in shedloads. It really needs some kind of software that'll push its main features into the consciousness of the general public if it wants to get to DS levels of sales.
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