YW3 only came out on the 16th those sales figures go from 11th-17th those figures are only 2 days worth of YW3 sales, hardly flop territory. Wait till there's least a weeks worth of sales.
Hahaha, it took far too long for this comment to appear. Pretty much every time without fail.
Considering Senran Kagura was a hyper-niche new IP that seemed to have zero breakout appeal that then proceeded to breakout, I think Marvelous is hoping for lightning to strike twice.
I wouldn't even say this had zero appeal. They took a gameplay formula which seemed to work (Kenka Bancho, even managing to snag the original devs) and a design that seemed to work (Takak's brand of fanservice) and mashed them together. Sure fire hit, right?
Well, no, because they seemed to botch everything about it. Reception to the demo was lukewarm due to sluggish combat. Game wasn't really fanservicey enough for the audience they were targeting, but seemed too heavy on with the stuff for your average audience.
And aside from that, it just seemed to have a general lack of budget pushed into it. The Kenka Bancho games were notably open-world, this wasn't. Despite being arena-based, it doesn't even really seem as graphically impressive as Valkyrie Drive.
I kinda feel that's the problem with all these niche new IP's. Spike Chunsoft are absolutely guilty of it too. Create a 'spiritual successor', often using a dev or person linked to the original brand, yet give it a shoestring budget and hope for the best. Examples - Exist Archive; Grand Kingdom; Uppers etc. It never seems to work and I'm honestly baffled why they keep trying.
(Except from a personal PoV, because I absolutely love that we're getting these types of games
