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Media Create Sales: Week 34, 2013 (Aug 19 - Aug 25)

So what are the chances for TW101 selling 100k ltd at this point? Nigh impossible? Is there any chance that the sales will crawl up as the system inevitably increases its install base over the next year?

If you're talking about 100K in regards to Japanese sales only:

Let's say that in the future TW101 sales manages a typical sales trend (1/3rd of the debut week).

So for 6,663 debut week on a 30,000 shipment (22.2% sell-through rate), that would mean approximately 2,221 every week, with a slow decline every subsequent week.

With no decline at all, it would take ~43 weeks at that rate for TW101 to reach 100,000. When you factor in depreciation and retailer apathy, unless the game gets a huge spike during the holidays or Nintendo really tries to push it hard, 100K is pretty much out of reach.

It's definitely possible----games that have debuted that low have hit 100K before---but it's exception, not the norm.


Call me crazy, but the Vita in Japan is an evergreen title or two away from being a real success story in Japan. I am not sure what that game will be or if it will ever get it, but it is primed for it for sure. The install base is nearly 1.3 million in Japan and they are an active buying group, that has proven time and time again to defy expectations. Maybe Freedom Wars could become that title. When is it's release date?

Crazy and Fixed.

The install base is barely above 1 Million and None of the games released have sold more than 200.000. Its just a bit more sucessful and thats saying nothing. Brace yourself for the PS4 sales numbers.


I am still for waiting on declaring the WII U dead , until the big hits for this year and Smash and Mario Kart have been released, there is a lot of hyperbole in this thread ( comparing last of us to Wonderful ? The Fuck).

I hope W101 sells better internationaly, but it wont be the end of the System if it Fails . It never was the saviour either, its just a really niche game.

Nintendo have so much riding on those titles, interesting times.


( ≖‿≖)


btw this is sad because the w101 is good and platinum games on Nintendo consoles often underperforms.
Are there any chances to see it on other platforms?

This image gets worse with each update. Who on earth thinks Megaman in Smash will save the Wii U?


Or moving it to 3DS. FE as a series was going to end if it kept up the bad sales streak
That's false. The number that Awakening had to match (250k) was basically the one that the DS remakes had achieved. It wasn't a number that the series hadn't seen in years.

They just didn't want a drop in sales going from those badly received remakes to their fully original game with higher production values.

and now we are to believe they would be happy with a game with much higher production values doing much less? The Wiiu is nothing like the 3DS and shouldn't even be compared. Hell the 1 million wiiu owners seem to be mostly doing nothing with it.

That's true from a software producer point of view, but, as long as they aren't planning to actually drop the Wii U, it makes no sense for Nintendo themselves to drop any support from it. They'll basically have no one else to support the system after this holiday.
Because logic would dictate that Nintendo has nothing beyond what is announced in development?

I know there are a large percentage of people just waiting with bated breath for Nintendo to fail, but use logic. Nintendo has stuff in development, some we know about, and some we don't. All companies have stuff in development we don't know about.

Most of their stuff announced is due out before the end of this year, which means that there must be stuff in development for next year and the year after. You assuming they "have nothing" is fanboy goosery of the highest order.

Edit: To be fair though, if any of these titles help Nintendo this year, we don't know yet. As it stands, it's a HUGE uphill battle for Nintendo.

I am using logic. Even with stuff in development, they won't be able to pull anything out of their hats in the next 2 years that would significantly turn the WiiU around. They'd need stuff out now, not next year or later. They completely botched the launch and are facing two of the strongest competitors ever.
They are ill prepared, out of strategic partnerships, their marketshare has become almost irrelevant in the home console space and they keep clinging to their old hits hoping that lightning will strike twice.

It's unrealistic to believe that Nintendo will suddenly become a different company and actually blame themselves for once for their failings, instead of just parading Iwata around apologizing and then changing nothing.
My God 101... My copy arrives tomorrow.
I actually thought this game would surprise someone, not selling a lot but at least selling SOMETHING. This is on you, Nintendo


Junior Member
I'm just grinning from ear to ear right now.

What a great week for vindication.

NintendoGAF will be no where to be found in this thread, rofl.

What a dumbass. If you are a fan of games why would you want something that actually looks kind of unique (whether it is for you or not) to bomb.

I don't like Minecraft but I would never be "grinning form ear to ear" if one of the versions ever bombed


btw this is sad because the w101 is good and platinum games on Nintendo consoles often underperforms.
Are there any chances to see it on other platforms?

This board is weird because I've never heard anyone say MM in Smash would save the WiiU. Wario was more talked about than MM in smash. It's also missing DQX and MH3U, which we even had a thread citing those two games and asking if there is any chance the WiiU won't dominate in Japan. Everything else has been called the WiiU savior though.
This image gets worse with each update. Who on earth thinks Megaman in Smash will save the Wii U?

No one. It's a strawman so that when someone says, "Well, Nintendo has a lot of historically strong titles lined up for the holiday, maybe that can help change the trajectory" you can whip it out and say, "Yeah, that's what you said about all the other things too!"

I mean, the E3 direct? A 45 minute video was supposed to reverse the sales trend? Mario and ZombiU, titles released prior to Wii U needing any saving?


This board is weird because I've never heard anyone say MM in Smash would save the WiiU. Wario was more talked about than MM in smash. It's also missing DQX and MH3U, which we even had a thread citing those two games and asking if there is any chance the WiiU won't dominate in Japan. Everything else has been called the WiiU savior though.

I didn't make the board I just updated it. it's a joke take it easy.


Aside from being the Platinum game and on rather tanking platform (WiiU), this is how hard to sell new IP in Japan now. Or is it the world wide trend? SMH...


i'm completely baffled as to how wii u sales managed to drop so hard this week.

w101 is like a black hole bomba or some shit. takes the wii u down with it.
Hate to say it but this game had flop written all over it. Looks like nothing else substantial is coming in the following months for the Will U. The system is gonna get demolished this holiday season.


Or moving it to 3DS. FE as a series was going to end if it kept up the bad sales streak and now we are to believe they would be happy with a game with much higher production values doing much less? The Wiiu is nothing like the 3DS and shouldn't even be compared. Hell the 1 million wiiu owners seem to be mostly doing nothing with it.

I know it wouldn't help the Wii U any, but I personally think Nintendo should really consider moving FE x SMT to the 3DS, or having a multiplatform release. I mean, SMT4 and FE:A were games that hit sales revivals for the 3DS audience, so we at least know for certain that a sizable audience exists there. No one is even buying the Wii U now, and I doubt people are going to buy it for this later on down the road, especially since it's getting more and more apparent that Nintendo is not or simply cannot do enough to revive the Wii U.

Moving it would be one less potentially quality title that the Wii U needs, but I don't think the risk of the game ultra-bombing + squandering a good series relationship with Atlus that they already tried to promote with the $30 credit thing is worth it, like at all.


I know everyone will be blaming Nintendo for the lack of advertising/awareness, but the crux of the matter is that W101 lacks universal appeal. The visual style is polarizing (I think we confirmed in a different thread that it's equally disliked by the Japanese and Western crowds) and the actual gameplay looks far too confusing on the surface.

I really think that it will struggle to surpass 50K worldwide. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it even charts in NA or Europe.
Because logic would dictate that Nintendo has nothing beyond what is announced in development?

I know there are a large percentage of people just waiting with bated breath for Nintendo to fail, but use logic. Nintendo has stuff in development, some we know about, and some we don't. All companies have stuff in development we don't know about.

Most of their stuff announced is due out before the end of this year, which means that there must be stuff in development for next year and the year after. You assuming they "have nothing" is fanboy goosery of the highest order.

You can keep telling that yourself. Like people that believed that whole launch window farce. Some people will never learn apparently? I suggest its rather the fanboys that still defend Nintendos shit decisions currently and still believe in some secret redemption just because Iwata asks them to please understand. If you are a fan and followed Nintendo closely, youd know that they have no ace in the sleeve. After E3 2012 it was clear to me that they fucked up HD development and launch window was a lie. Now look, its even worse. Much worse. And if they had much more to present before the next holidays, it wouldve been at E3. Get real.

This console is clearly plagued by years of mismanagement,they are even overwhelmed by the goddamn Pikmin development.


i'm completely baffled as to how wii u sales managed to drop so hard this week.

w101 is like a black hole bomba or some shit. takes the wii u down with it.

Vita has 2 titles on that list and it also went down. Meaning?

Every single platform went down. Result of pos-holiday. it is not Wii U exclusive.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
i'm completely baffled as to how wii u sales managed to drop so hard this week.

w101 is like a black hole bomba or some shit. takes the wii u down with it.

Wii U dropped (as well as all the other consoles) due to this being the post-Obon week.


Probably shat in their pants because Platinum killed them on their own console with their effort

I mean.....

The meltdowns in this thread are beyond absolutely pathetic.

Dumb comments like this, suggesting that Bayonetta 2 be cancelled, regurgitating the same tired line of every single Nintendo executive needing to be fired or whatever, suggesting that Nintendo "have nothing to show" ...as if they aren't actually making any new games or anything.

The game is off to a poor start. It's not the end of the world, guys. The game looks amazing and is a day one pickup for me. That's all that matters.

Sure would be awesome if I could pickup a copy early so I can have Kamiya-San autograph it at the Nintendo panel at Pax Prime (dat poor Nintendo marketing!!).


Junior Member
Hate to say it but this game had flop written all over it. Looks like nothing else substantial is coming in the following months for the Will U. The system is gonna get demolished this holiday season.

Did I miss something or did Mario 3D World and Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze and Wind Waker HD get delayed?

The latter of the bunch might not be all that significant, but it's bigger than anything the PS4 has in regards to Japan.


Moving it would be one less potentially quality title that the Wii U needs, but I don't think the risk of the game ultra-bombing + squandering a good series relationship with Atlus that they already tried to promote with the $30 credit thing is worth it, like at all.

They could just port the game with lesser visuals if/after it bombs. It's an rpg/sprg, so the hardware shouldn't mean much for the game design itself, and, aside from the visual downgrade, the game could remain mostly the same, whatever it is.


Junior Member
I know everyone will be blaming Nintendo for the lack of advertising/awareness, but the crux of the matter is that W101 lacks universal appeal. The visual style is polarizing (I think we confirmed in a different thread that it's equally disliked by the Japanese and Western crowds) and the actual gameplay looks far too confusing on the surface.

I really think that it will struggle to surpass 50K worldwide. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it even charts in NA or Europe.

And rightly so. NCL needs to put a stop to this crap arse " two weeks before launch" style of marketing. If they don't, then all other IPs in the pipeline will suffer from the same faith.
Damn! Ouch! Wii U owners in Japan and all around the world, buy that game already! What in blazes are you doing with your console? Only drawing ridiculously detailed pictures on Miiverse all day long?

So much for "game starved". People seem to have started ignoring new and long awaited (?) games by now, that drip feeding wasted Wii U as a gaming platform. Niche titles like Wonderful 101 stand no chance on it when it comes to sales numbers. That is sad. Wii U could be a great fun gaming machine and W101 is a brilliant game.


I am totally baffled by this. It seemed 101 was the perfect recipe to be a success in Japan with its zany over-the-top style. I guess not. :I
And rightly so. NCL needs to put a stop to this crap arse " two weeks before launch" style of marketing. If they don't, then all other IPs in the pipeline will suffer from the same faith.

I really doubt any kind of marketing can sell a game like this. There's a reason Platnium has a track record of low sales, there games, while good, attract a small userbase. Why keep throwing money at them?
I feel bad for Platinum. Wow.

And Wii U sales taking a nosedive the very week a long anticipated and rare 3rd party exclusive gets released? Fuckin hell man....


And rightly so. NCL needs to put a stop to this crap arse " two weeks before launch" style of marketing. If they don't, then all other IPs in the pipeline will suffer from the same faith.

No, not rightly so at all. I think Nintendo had no choice but to spend a minimum amount of money on advertising when
a) The actual budget for the game ballooned past what they initially expected
b) When sales projections came back and they realized there was no way to make any money back on it
W101 is an awesome game. It´s a shame to see it there. Well, at least they were trying. I enjoyed it and many other people will do as well.
Moving it would be one less potentially quality title that the Wii U needs, but I don't think the risk of the game ultra-bombing + squandering a good series relationship with Atlus that they already tried to promote with the $30 credit thing is worth it, like at all.

Who is developing this game ? Atlus or Fire Emblem guys ?

Because situation at Index might drastically change after someone buys them.


What? Didn't Nintendo pay Platinum for this?

Platinum created a pitch for Nintendo, Nintendo accepted and Platinum changed the characters

What I was trying to imply is that TW101 is far and beyond the best game on Wii U right now; that Platinum's effort/game is better than anything that Nintendo has shown until the end of E3 2012
Let's say they do this. Right now. Today. Do you think the WiiU will be in any position to be "saved" by the time said game is completed? Assuming it enters pre-production right this very moment.

Their software lineup has to be more or less set through at least early 2016; anything remotely ambitious that's greenlit now is probably a good three years or more out.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Who is developing this game ? Atlus or Fire Emblem guys ?

Because situation at Index might drastically change after someone buys them.

Unless it's Sony the one who buys Atlus, I can't see any other buyer against the idea of supporting Nintendo platform(s), especially since Atlus titles sell well on Nintendo hardware (3DS, at least).


Junior Member
I really doubt any kind of marketing can sell a game like this. There's a reason Platnium has a track record of low sales, there games, while good, attract a small userbase. Why keep throwing money at them?

No, not rightly so at all. I think Nintendo had no choice but to spend a minimum amount of money on advertising when
a) The actual budget for the game ballooned past what they initially expected
b) When sales projections came back and they realized there was no way to make any money back on it

Well, I still stand by what I said. Spending plenty of time to properly promote the IP would have been better. Just giving it a few weeks isn't good enough and it's not just Wonderful 101.


Seems like people have 0 confidence in the system. It has virtually no point. It's not getting any new games outside of Nintendo stuff, so if anyone was going to own a Wii U in Japan, my guess it's only the super hardcore Nintendo gamers. Everyone else is served properly with games and announcements of upcoming games. What has the Wii U got? Basically nothing. After TGS last year, it should have been clear that the Wii U was all but doomed in Japan. Not saying it's gonna pick up, but at this point it's gonna take a miracle of massive proportions to get people actually care about buying games for it. At least Gamecube owners actually wanted to play stuff.

Agreed. I have never, ever seen a console that has done so horrible all around (especially worldwide) since like, Sega Saturn, 32x, 3DO, Atari Jaguar, Sega CD, & Virtual Boy. Not even the PS3 has done very terrible during it's launch to 2009.

It's gonna be a long generation for Nintendo.
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