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Mega Man Community Thread | It's not over yet! -Cancelled- WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOR!?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I am somewhat inclined to agree, but I personally draw the line at Heat Man's stage. Those platforms are pure evil. I like disappearing block jumping in general, but that insane gauntlet is the work of a sadist. I won't judge anyone who uses Item-2 there.

This was me...second grade until college when I decided to actually learn it. Don't use it ever anymore.

I also used to use Item 2 to get to the Dragon in Wily 1.
Not even Mega Man can get me to enjoy Smash. I'm gonna try the WiiU version, but this series for some reason just has never been for me, and while technically impressive, my OG 3DS seems unideal for playing this.

But hey, little guy looks good at least.


My brain must be going to shit. Bought Mega Man X on Virtual Console and ended up choosing Launch Octopus after beating Chill Penguin. Big mistake..

Man God

Non-Canon Member
My brain must be going to shit. Bought Mega Man X on Virtual Console and ended up choosing Launch Octopus after beating Chill Penguin. Big mistake..

I was playing X2 a few months ago and made a similar mistake had me locked out of facing one of the three bosses. Shameful shit on my part.


Neo Member
I was a big-time Mega Man player as a child. I graduated from High School when X6 came out. As I discovered my adult freedom, Capcom simultaneously turned its back on the level of cohesive storytelling I had come to expect from the previous games. I did not take this well.

The years went on and we got MM Zero, EXE, ZX, etc., and because I followed the storyline to that point and enjoyed it, I attempted to actually make sense of it all when it should have been clear Capcom no longer cared. I drew lines, I formed graphs; I struggled to explain why Zero's Buster looked so consistently different game-to-game.

Now, as a grown man, I have admitted to myself that there was no reason. The characters & world I loved was coldly abandoned to the harsh, chilling frontier of fan-speculation. I only wish now that I could have seen it sooner.


I was a big-time Mega Man player as a child. I graduated from High School when X6 came out. As I discovered my adult freedom, Capcom simultaneously turned its back on the level of cohesive storytelling I had come to expect from the previous games. I did not take this well.

The years went on and we got MM Zero, EXE, ZX, etc., and because I followed the storyline to that point and enjoyed it, I attempted to actually make sense of it all when it should have been clear Capcom no longer cared. I drew lines, I formed graphs; I struggled to explain why Zero's Buster looked so consistently different game-to-game.

Now, as a grown man, I have admitted to myself that there was no reason. The characters & world I loved was coldly abandoned to the harsh, chilling frontier of fan-speculation. I only wish now that I could have seen it sooner.

Go read the Megaman comics. If you got kids, that's a plus since they'll love it and you can get to see them bewildered everytime they see you laugh at a page and they don't get what's funny about it.
Oh, hey, they're actually making that MMX 'april fools' figure. And it looks HNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG.



So With XOver being terminated...Capcom's iOS ventures have not been going well, as that's the latest in a list of iOS games that Capcom's canceling IIRC.
I get that they want to get some of that Mobile money, being a Japanese company and all, but all things considered: Stick to 3DS, consoles and give us PC games. They've been doing much better for you so far :V
So With XOver being terminated...Capcom's iOS ventures have not been going well, as that's the latest in a list of iOS games that Capcom's canceling IIRC.
I get that they want to get some of that Mobile money, being a Japanese company and all, but all things considered: Stick to 3DS, consoles and give us PC games. They've been doing much better for you so far :V

Yep and thank goodness, maybe we'll see XOver and BoF6 saved and made into real games


Just out of curiosity, would you guys be excited if Capcom had announced a Classic Mega Man anime/cartoon series? If so, do you think the small ones would dig the Blue Bomber?


Just out of curiosity, would you guys be excited if Capcom had announced a Classic Mega Man anime/cartoon series? If so, do you think the small ones would dig the Blue Bomber?

I dunno about excited, but I'd definitely watch it. The first series for Battle Network was actually pretty good. I never finished watching Star Force, but it wasn't that bad. Only problem is that an anime's existence from a videogame is only there to promote a product. We'd have to get a game first. :/


Just out of curiosity, would you guys be excited if Capcom had announced a Classic Mega Man anime/cartoon series? If so, do you think the small ones would dig the Blue Bomber?

I've seen a lot of anecdotal reports from dads about how much their kids like the comic. They could probably push the brand in towards that demographic again if they wanted to, but Capcom doesn't exactly have the money to go around funding TV series these days.
An animated series wouldn't necessarily be as good unless Ian Flynn is writing it, and the guy has his hands full writing multiple comic series as it is. But I'd love to see it.

To be perfectly honest, what I really want is for Capcom to try the Maverick Hunter X experiment again, except as an episodic series, with more of a focus on grounded sci-fi, and a greater effort to flesh out the setting and provide a greater focus on the human element to the setting (humans are mentioned a lot, and yet we haven't seen a living human in the series since Dr. Cain, and Maverick Hunter X killed him off before he was even supposed to appear). I also would like to see a setting that feels more like a true evolution of present society and technology.

Also, I think a new series would probably force the questions of 'what happened between Classic and X series' into the forefront and actually answer them, because the question not actually being answered is becoming increasingly unbelievable, in my book. I mean, the laboratory of the father of robotics actually needing to be re-discovered by a bloody archaeologist of all people? Reploids not being developed by actual robotics experts? Dr. Light not entrusting his work to someone he can absolutely trust (such as Dr. Cossack)? That just breaks all suspension of disbelief for me.

And the actual link between Classic and X doesn't need to be bleak, either - just look at Batman Beyond for a similar presence but keeps established, older characters, changed by circumstances and the passage of time, and lessons that the current protagonist learns from. I can see Rock retiring after Wily finally dies, getting sick of fighting humanity's battles for them, with him and Roll having 'older' bodies that reflect their actual age and experience. Kalinka could perhaps have followed her father's footsteps, and gotten married with kids of her own. Also, there'd probably be a lot of other changes that could very well make the possibility of the Zero, ZX and Legends series occurring in that timeline near-impossible, but it's not like they couldn't reuse characters and concepts from those over the long term - for example, X might quit the Hunters and try to create a new nation, Neo Arcadia, as an experiment to put humans and reploids on equal footing and understanding, but the pressures of governance cause numerous issues, including conflicts with the Hunters when X starts making decisions that get dangerously close to the line.

Yeah, I have so many ideas for an X reboot in 3D. But it would be nothing like the Maverick Hunter FPS project.
Also, I think a new series would probably force the questions of 'what happened between Classic and X series' into the forefront and actually answer them,

Not really, it's very easily ignorable and it's not like X's setting needs anything from the Classic one other than Doctor Light being a brilliant scientist that created X and Wily creating Zero to compete with Light's creation.

Sure, as a fan it'd be neat if it were to happen, but it's one of those things that at this point I'm pretty sure they don't even want to cover.
Not really, it's very easily ignorable and it's not like X's setting needs anything from the Classic one other than Doctor Light being a brilliant scientist that created X and Wily creating Zero to compete with Light's creation.

Sure, as a fan it'd be neat if it were to happen, but it's one of those things that at this point I'm pretty sure they don't even want to cover.

While that ship has already sailed in the existing X series, if they were to reboot X again, doing the hundred-years timeskip again would simply break suspension of disbelief. In the age of the internet, the specifics of the past simply become an enormous elephant in the room. There's no way that even if Light's work was somehow 'lost', it wouldn't have been rediscovered within that thirty-year timeframe. And someone would've been checking up on the capsule even when Light passed on, anyway, whether it be Rock, Roll, Protoman, or the Cossacks.

Really, I just want more of a Batman Beyond-type setup for an X reboot in terms of connection to the Classic series. It really makes more sense, I think.


Neo Member
On the topic of Archie, has anyone gotten their copy of MM #42 yet? It was slated for a 10/15 street date but we don't even have a mere preview, well unless you count that one page where Shadow Man was revealed to be a Stardroid. I haven't seen anyone talk about it yet.


Just read the latest issue of Megaman, and that's a nice twist, did Megaman 5 GB state that the Starroids are connected to Ra Moon?
I really geeked out at this issue especially when
Duo's comrades show up and we see the robot he was fighting at the start of Megaman 8 be a traitor.

GeminiMan stole the show though loved his battle


Just read the latest issue of Megaman, and that's a nice twist, did Megaman 5 GB state that the Starroids are connected to Ra Moon?

Not in the slightest. Between those, Shadow Man, and the space cops, he's hooked together what used to be four completely independent, unrelated sets of space robots.


Well if V ever referenced Ra Moon then that would be an irl time paradox because SAR came out 4 years after V.

Yeah well DMC3 came out 4 years after 1 but its events take place BEFORE 1.
Not like Capcpom ever cared with continuity in the OG Megaman games that much anyways.


Yesterday I bought Mega Man X on Wii U, played two stages, and had a blast. Today I continued and finished it in one go. It's so great! It feels fantastic to play and you have full control over X and unlike the original series there are fewer instances where I feel helpless - in X I can almost always do something to prevent my death. I should get X2 and X3 someday soon and play through them.

This was actually the first time I properly played X. I think I've tried it once many years ago, but only briefly and not in a fitting environment. So to play it like this was awesome. I definitely understand the praise it gets and could see myself just replaying it due to how fun and smooth it is. Well, except the final boss' last form, which is kinda dull. But other than that I love the game.

It also made me want to replay Mega Man Zero Collection....
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