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MegaMan Anniversary Collection is 0wning me... Ahhh!!


Okay, something's just not right here. When I was little, I used to absolutely dominate these games, yet I boot them up these days and I get my ass handed to me on a silver platter with a side of humility.

Have modern games made me soft, or are my reflexes just going to shit in my old age? lol.


I think it's patience, or lack of. I know when I was younger I would play a level 200x straight until I beat it beyond recognition. These days I get killed a few times, get pissed, and turn it off.

Ranger X

Well dude, i've discovered something onto that being myself owned by this game:
Today's gaming focus less on pure reflexes and concentration and i noticed that in Megaman it's concentration you need.
My concentration is next to none and i use Megaman Anniversary Collection as a cure. lol

Bad today gaming!! They makes us pussy gamers!!
Mega Man games don't require skill, just persistence. You have to keep trying over and over, until you learn the patterns and figure out the right boss sequence.


You have to keep trying over and over, until you learn the patterns and figure out the right boss sequence.
Well plummeting to my doom almost 20 times in succession on Gutsman's stage - the very first freakin' chasm - was enough to make me very, very angry. lol.


TheDiave said:
Well plummeting to my doom almost 20 times in succession on Gutsman's stage - the very first freakin' chasm - was enough to make me very, very angry. lol.

Megaman 1 (and any stage in any game where half the level is dodging spike floors or abysses) is a bit excessive in the precision department, but they can be dne with practice. Try mapping the stage out in your head.


Wyzdom said:
Well dude, i've discovered something onto that being myself owned by this game:
Today's gaming focus less on pure reflexes and concentration and i noticed that in Megaman it's concentration you need.
My concentration is next to none and i use Megaman Anniversary Collection as a cure. lol

Bad today gaming!! They makes us pussy gamers!!
Ikaruga, Ninja Gaiden and Metal Slug 3 disagree with you.

Ranger X

You know i did spoke generally. I thought you could read that my friend.
Now YES there's some exceptions of courses.


I can't ever remember a time when the majority of games were hard because you had to keep your reflexes up. Way back when, "hard" usually meant either cheap tricks that forced you to learn levels so that you played to the programmer's specification, or just shitty AI/level balances in general.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Haven't run into too much trouble myself. Currently done with all 6 NES games, and am saved at the Wily Stages of MM7.

On the other hand, I can't play MM Zero for shit.


Brandon F said:
On the other hand, I can't play MM Zero for shit.

Me neither. I didn't like that fact that some sections of the game are almost unplayable unless you spend 3 hours levelling elves. Ugh.

Ranger X

Maybe but it doesn't remove the fact that today's games tend to me more forgiving common.
Megaman series, Castlevania series, Ninja Gaiden series --- you can't play it lously. It is definetely not forgiving.

And what does that hard really mean? --- not forgiving. There's no "skill" to play a video game man, it's pushing buttons. It's not hard, it depends on your level of concentration, coordination, reflexes.
Today, games becomes more mental. There's more puzzle, stories, emotions etc. We could say that there another kind of skill coming in (something like intelligence i would say).

I think old games relies more on reflexes and concentration. There are mostly not forgiving (call it hard if you want). Today it's less and less a simple question of reflexes and concentration. I understant this guy having the feeling he's becoming a pussy at games. It makes sense somewhere. (we'll never get out of that question 100% clear you know)


Tag of Excellence
belgurdo said:
Trolling grade=B
Humor grade=C-
Damn, you don't have to be so sensitive.

I thought it'd be obvious that I didn't mean it, it's too ridiculous to be taken seriously. MegaMan does indeed own my ass too, I'm in the same boat.

I'm pretty sure the post grading fad died out a while ago, if not then it needs to die now.


Brandon F said:
Haven't run into too much trouble myself. Currently done with all 6 NES games, and am saved at the Wily Stages of MM7.

On the other hand, I can't play MM Zero for shit.
belgurdo said:
Me neither. I didn't like that fact that some sections of the game are almost unplayable unless you spend 3 hours levelling elves. Ugh.
I'm having hella trouble with the Mega Man Collection, yet I am awesome with the Mega Man Zero titles. In fact, I just finished Zero 2 a few days back.

In both games I didn't use any elves until the very last level, at which point I went wild with all the "elf leveling" energy I had collected throughout my slaughtering ways, gaining the various effects - increased health, faster run, etc.

Zero 2 became substantially easier after I acquired my one and only sub tank. I know there were more in the game, hell, I was standing right next to one once with no idea how to clear away the obstacle keeping me from it.

Anyways, the games are beatable without elf usage, they just require memorization and skill.
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